View Full Version : Is this pretty normal behavior?

09-15-2004, 08:43 PM
Gracie is chasing Harley around like crazy. She acts like she is playing with him. But she is growling at him? It is a low growl at first I didn't even know she was growling at him.

I kept hearing a low rumbling sound I thought it was coming from outside. Yeah I know what a cat sounds like when they growl. But I've never heard her growl like that. It wasn't really a mean growl like with her ears all back and hissing.

I guess they just need time get use to each other. She is being pretty hateful towards him. She is smacking him around some too.

09-15-2004, 08:48 PM
Its normal. Most often, when you introduce a new cat into a home its best idea to separate the new addition into a separate room for the first week or so. You could perhaps keep the new kitten in your daughter's room. this helps him get used to the new home, and your existing cat get used to the idea of a roomate. Then once you have spent time apart, you can slowly introduce each other at supervised intervals.

We did this to Pouncer and Allen and in two weeks time, Allen had taken to grooming Pouncer and thought Pouncer was his kitten.

Good luck and have fun with the new baby! :)

09-15-2004, 10:39 PM
I agree with Catnapper - it's best to seperate them and let Gracie get used to his smell first. It might only take a few days or you may need to give it a week. Going slowly is always best.

You could also give him a towel or blanket to sleep on and then take it out to Gracie to let her smell it and put her smell on it then return it to him. Little things like that will help them get used to each other without all the hissing and growling, hopefully.

09-16-2004, 08:51 AM
A lot,of the time,it is the incumbent Cat,exercising thier authority,over the New Comer! imagine how you would feel,if you woke up,one day,and a New Person,was in YOUR SPACE!

09-16-2004, 09:32 AM
Well I don't have much choice. We don't have very many other places to put a litter box. My husband wouldn't be to happy me doing that anyways. We live in a fairly small house.:(

They both seem to be doing fine this morning. Gracie is just basically chasing Harley around now.:) I believe they will be fine.:)

09-16-2004, 09:45 AM
Make sure you give Gracie lots of extra attention too, that should help.