View Full Version : Some way to keep him

09-15-2004, 08:40 PM

Lol, Kodie ADOREs,and i mean LOVES when new people are in the house.he wont leave them alone for like 2 hours!!:eek: he gives them love bites,and licks them,jumps on them,etc! well im havin my birthday party next friday,and im having like 7 girls sleep over,and he is just going to be nuts with 7 girls over!
How would you recommend i keep him undercontrol?? i thought just keeping him on a leash until he calms down.

09-15-2004, 09:18 PM
I agree that you should keep him on a leash until he calms down. He's just a pup himself. Perhaps you should take him for a really long walk, or spend a few hours throwing tennis balls for him to chase so that he's really tired when the girls arrive. Do you have siblings? If the girls are due to arrive at a certain time, say 7 o'clock, could you bribe a family-member to take him for a walk while they all arrive? That would at least relieve some of the "oh-my-goodness-company-coming!" excitement! And remember - a tired pup is a good pup!

09-16-2004, 08:01 AM
thanks!!:) i do have a sibling but he's in college.probably one of my parents could take him.

thanks so much!:D