View Full Version : Poppy's vet visit.

09-15-2004, 07:47 PM
When Poppy went to the vet for the first time at 7 weeks old, he was 1.2 lbs. Then the second week when he wasn't eating he went down to 1 lb. and now after two weeks, he weighs 1.5 lbs.:) at 10 weeks old. The vet said his eyes will take about another week or two to be completely clear of the crusties. I just have to continue cleaning them with warm water. His URI has cleared up. YAY. After the vet finished examining Poppy, he walked up to me, looked up at my face and came out with the most pitiful mew I have ever heard. I picked him up and told him, "It's okay sweetie, mommy's here." The vet said to me, "That's why he has improved so much, because of the TLC he got from you." Made me feel good. He also had his first set of vaccinations. Now, this part I don't understand, I asked him if Poppy could be tested for Feline Aids/Leukemia and he said that he would rather wait until he is a little older(like 3 months old) to get better results and that his veins are so small right now that it would be hard to take a blood sample. I don't now what to do since my guys have not been vaccinated for these diseases. They've just had regular vaccinations since they are inside only cats. He said Poppy having these diseases is probably about a 5% chance, but if I'M worried and want to be on the safe side, I should keep him isolated from the other cats. AAARRRGGGGG.
Need advice from you guys who have been there. What would you do??? Keep him isolated or chance an intro to my guys.

09-15-2004, 08:02 PM


09-15-2004, 08:13 PM
Glad things went well with Poppy's visit! He sure is a cutie. ;) I can count on both hands all the FeLV positives I've picked up over many years, and probably over a thousand cats. But to be on the safe side, I'd keep him isolated until he's tested. FIV isn't even an issue IMO...even if he were to test + for that, chances are great that he'd test negative a few months later. Now more pictures please? :D

09-15-2004, 08:25 PM
I would keep him isolated. BUT, in my personal opinion (and my opinion only) I see no harm is short visits so the cats can start to get used to him. They aren't going to catch FeLV in a few short visits. One of the things you would want to prevent would be drinking from the same bowl, But your cats won't be all cozy and rubbing up to him at first anyway. But if you are going to worry, than just keep him 100% separated and he will be find. That month will pass quickly.

09-15-2004, 09:36 PM
Okay, thanks guys for your opinions, as I value each and everyone of them. I will keep him isolated just to be on the safe side.

MCM; My hubby hasn't relented at all, he just has no choice in the matter, but i'm sure he will take to Poppy just like he did when I brought Chipper home. :D

09-15-2004, 10:34 PM
I'm so glad he is doing so much better - and that he is YOURS!!!:D He got a wonderful meowmie!!!

I agree with the others to be on the safe side and wait. I'm a majorly paranoid person, especially when it comes to furbabies.

09-15-2004, 10:46 PM
Great news for Poppy!!! I agree that it is kind of early to do the testing ... as far as accurate results. Also, it is really close and extensive contact that spreads these diseases ... so IF one of your cats is a carrier, short visits, and no sharing of bowls, etc... should be sufficient. However, I can totally understand and appreciate the concept of being extremely cautious ..... just call it as you see it! I know ... some help, huh?:rolleyes: ;)

Edit: ... Oh yeah... they DID test tiny Tabitha, and she SCREAMED when they put that big old needle in her tiny arm vein!!! :( :( I regretted it for her, but at least she got a "negative" ... of course, from what I have read, it could be positive later on! :rolleyes:

09-15-2004, 11:12 PM
Thanks Jazzcat and Kim.

Poor baby Tabitha. I think we need to see more pictures of that sweetheart.

Don't worry, Poppy has his own water and food bowls that are used just for him.:D

Jan, I forgot to mention that I don't have anymore pictures of Poppy other than the ones I have already posted.:( Sorry.
I know, I know, bad, BAD meowmie. I will get another roll of film tomorrow and use the whole roll on just Poppy okay.
Then maybe over the weekend I will look into getting a Digital.:)

09-16-2004, 08:45 AM
Thats a touh decision.But safety,has to come first,as in the case ofThe late Karinas Kitens,who ahve to go,to homes,where there are no other Cats! We are praying for Poppy,to be well!