View Full Version : About the battery energizer advert..please respond ..

09-15-2004, 03:40 PM
I could not find the thread that was started, but by now most of you like me will have had a reply apologising for offending anyone, infact the advert was filmed in New Zealand and the humane society were present to make sure no harm came to the cat, however they have not decided to pull the ad, so I am going to email them again, after all our concern was not that the cat came to any harm, we probably all knew it did not, still good to know that piece of information though, but that young children might mimic it, so back to emailing them again, please do the same thanks.

09-15-2004, 03:42 PM
I think the original thread is in Cat General :)

09-15-2004, 03:50 PM
Could someone please link me? I disn't see the original thread. Thanks.

09-15-2004, 03:59 PM
I am useless at finding old threads, but I can tell you someone posted about the new battery energiser add, which depicts a mother coping with daily life stresses, one showing a young child almost putting a cat in a clothes dryer., hero mother comes to the rescue.
If you could all complain and email

[email protected] then we stand a good chance of getting this advert pulled or as I suggested to them to delete that part of the advert, as a good compromise, I also told them all companies have a responsibility to the public to ensure their adverts are not irresponsible, in this case it is, the real danger here is young children are very impressionable and could mimic this behaviour.

I have not seen the advert, but it must be on the TV because shamely it was filmed here.(even if like me you have not seen it, get emailing.. i will be looking out for it now)

Please get together on this one and email like mad, don't let me and our kitties down , we don't need this kind of thoughtless advertising, there is enough cruelty and dangers for our animals out there without media making it worse.

Cinder & Smoke
09-15-2004, 05:11 PM
Here's a *click* Link to the Original Thread >>>

"No laughing matter..urge Energizer to pull new ad" (http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=58677)


09-15-2004, 05:14 PM
Myself and lots of others have already emailed them. All we got back was a lousy form letter. If I can find the response, I'll put it up here. They don't care. I'm not buying their batteries again.

09-15-2004, 05:55 PM
In response to concerns regarding one of Energizer's new spots in which a
mother intervenes on behalf of the family cat to keep him out of harms way:

"Our new spots depict how every day people overcome life's daily

challenges to keep going. In the case of the mother of four young

children, she moves through the house with baby in arms to break up a

food fight, end an art project on the wall, disrupt a gymnastics

display on the couch and rescue the family cat. It is all in a day's

work for a busy mom. Through it all she keeps her cool and keeps


We apologize if we have offended anyone with this spot. We

wanted to show how much of a hero moms can be.

These commercials were filmed in New Zealand and the Humane

Society of New Zealand was invited to be present during the filling.

At no time was the cat mistreated and all proper care was maintained

at all times.

And my email to them...

I am writing in regards to the commercial depicting a cat being put into a
clothes dryer. This can have serious consequences to the lives of cats
should an impressionable child use the 'idea' to do this to a living
animal. It has happened in the past that cats accidently get into
appliances, and the end result is almost always a horrible death. Please
pull this commercial, or I'll be buying batteries from another competing
manufacturer. Thank you for addressing this..Jan

09-15-2004, 06:29 PM
That is the exact response I got. I wrote back with:

Thank you for your response. I have no doubt that this particular cat was not mistreated in anyway. my point is that children (and sick adults) will see this commercial and potentially copy the actions. Countless animals could be hurt in the process. Energizer batteries will be OFF my shopping list until this commercial is OFF the air.

Jen Luckenbach

All we can do is keep trying.

09-15-2004, 11:20 PM
Yes everyone that is the one I got as well, I am also concerned that New Zealand let this commercial be filmed, I notice they are in no hurry to respond back this time to my letter, Yes we shall have to not buy these batteries anymore, if enough people keep saying this and doing it, maybe it will work.

09-15-2004, 11:58 PM
I know I'm most likely pushing buttons here, but have you even seen the ad? I did and really didn't think it was that bad for all this. My family and I laughed at it, as my sister-in-law tells us that my husband did that with their cat when he was a kid. After that our next responce was to look at the neice and say "Don't you even think about doing any of that" and we know she wont, because she has been taught right from wrong.

You got a add showing and mom stoping her children from doing "WRONG" things. It's very clear in the ad that these things are wrong to do, even a child can get that message. I guess I could see a problem if the child made it to the dryer with the cat. The ad is as clear as day, you don't have food fights, you don't color on the walls, you don't jump on the couch and you don't put cats in the dryer. So you could always trun it around and see it as a lesson to children as what not to do. It's all in how you see things, half full or half empty. Why is it so much easier to see the worce in things instead of the good side.

I'm not saying that children might not see these things and copy them, but at what point do we draw a line. You see a small child in a ad trying to give a dog a bath, do we raise a stink because a child might try that at home and drown or drown the puppy? You have just say no ads on tv, showing children smoking pot. Sure it has the right message, but do we try to stop them because a child "might" see the kid smoking and decide to try it, because it looked "cool" not understanding the message behind it. Heck, I've know a children that tried to fly off the TV stand because of a children cartoon they saw. They thought they could fly too. When I owned my day care, I had a child that was afraid to go to the bathroom, because of the ad where a nasty cartoon looking germ came out from under the lid. We had to take him outside to pee on a tree, because he held it so long he started to hurt. There are 100's of ads that could be truned around if you try hard enough to find the bad, just stop trying, re-look at things and see if you can find some good in it first.

There are so many real big problems in the world when it comes to aniamls and children, to make a mountain out of a ant hill, is the point where you say, enough is enough, we can't police the worlds children, somethings are going to have to be left up to the parent to do. As my husband says, get a real proplem and devote your time to that, not a "MAYBE" problem.

OK now everyone can raise heck with me, but I'm just stating my views on things and how I see the world. Honestly it's just an ad of a Mom "STOPING" her children from doing something bad. Even the H.S. didn't see anything wrong with it.

BTW: I know the company that made the ad and the reason it was made in New Zealand is because it's cheaper there then in the states. most ad's are. Oh, and one of the persons on that account has 2 cats.

09-16-2004, 12:20 AM
Originally posted by Fox-Gal
I know I'm most likely pushing buttons here, but have you even seen the ad? I did and really didn't think it was that bad for all this. My family and I laughed at it, as my sister-in-law tells us that my husband did that with their cat when he was a kid.

I have seen the ad as well. While it isn't as bad as others I have seen in the past, I believe it could still do some damage. I find it disturbing that your SIL laughed and casually brought up the fact that your husband did that when he was a kid. I definately would not be laughing at that.

Yes, the commercial is showing the mom stopping the kid from doing it, BUT do you know how many kids there are that set out to do exactly what their parents don't want them to do? Its "cool" to be a rebel and do stupid things. We'd be a lot better off if the idea wasn't put into their head at all. It would be far less tragic if a kid just decided to color on the wall or jump on the couch instead.

It may not be a cause worth fighting for to you, but you have a different way of thinking. It doesn't hurt for people to voice their opinions, especially for animals, who have no voice of their own. There is no fight too small in the subject of animal treatment. Every small battle won is a huge victory and another step towards ending the horrific abuse of animals that happens way too frequently.

09-16-2004, 08:42 AM
It should also be used to show that you shouldn't have so many kids that you can't keep up with what they're all doing. I find no humor in this commercial whatsoever. I won't support Energizer in the future, either. I guess they don't care and think enough people will continue to buy their batteries.

09-16-2004, 11:37 AM
Originally posted by aly
I have seen the ad as well. While it isn't as bad as others I have seen in the past, I believe it could still do some damage. I find it disturbing that your SIL laughed and casually brought up the fact that your husband did that when he was a kid. I definately would not be laughing at that.

Maybe, I didn't make it clear, we laughed at the ad not what my husband did as a kid. We laugh at the fact that his mom beat his butt for doing it and the story behind it. Not that the cat was put in the dryer, we are not sick people. BTW: the cat was fine, my husband was not though for doing it, from what I was told.

Also that was my point the ad's not as bad as others, as you said, so shouldn't the others be a bigger issue. Aim towards the bigger more costly harm first. Just seem to make more sense to me. Saving one "maybe" over 100's most likely just seem a little more important, to me at least.

I don't remember the name of the movie, but there was a children's movie, awhile back ago, that put dog's and cat's in harms way, but in the end the dogs/cat's where save and no one thought a thing about it. Why? because they where saved? just as this cat was. Maybe that's what gets to me, I have seen many other things on TV, movies, etc. that could do more harm and no one fighting those battles. I wonder if we put the words don't do this at home on the ad, if that would make a difference or if Mom was dressed as Supermam or Batman and saved the day, if that would make a diference.

I was more upset over the hurricane ad then this one, there was just something wrong about that one.

My main wonder when I started this was had she seen the ad, before starting this. I belive that you need to see something before you act and was just wondering if that's the case here. If she has seen it and thats her views, then go for it, if you feel that strongly about it. It's just I don't. To each there own, makes no one best or worce for their views, just different. I always have been differnet. :)

09-16-2004, 05:03 PM
Fox-gal first I must tell you I was NOT the person who started this thread, I have continued it here because I could not find the original and I wanted to tell everyone the response I got, I will be honest I have not seen the advert yet, so I am going on what the person who started the thread said ,was it QSA?,

yes perhaps I should see it first, but I am not aware it has been screened here in NZ yet, and if this is the case, my objective is to make sure it is not screened at all, I have complete faith in my American animal lovers who say this is in-appropriate.

I have to say I strongly and respectfully disagree with you, its not making a mountain hill out of an ant hill, and whereas there maybe far worse adverts to tackle, there is nothing wrong with starting at the bottom and working our way up, its complacency like this, that lets these kind of things just go on and on.

In a world with so much violence, cruelty and suffering to both humans and animals, any stance against the potential harm to any animal or human is a good choice IMO, and we with voices have to speak up for those who cannot,if there was a minute chance a young child could come to harm,by some thoughtless advertising, as a mother I would be the first in line to complain, I see no difference between the two, as I am a furbaby mother too.

It may not be considered a worthwhile task in your opinion, but to me and others here it is, if this advert can at least have the cat part deleted I would be more than happy, and I donot see why the company could not compromise here.

Irresponsible advertising needs to be addressed, and if complaining and refusing to buy the product, stops that , then I am all for it.

Yes its good that mum came to the rescue in every case, and your point is that yes we could say to our young children, now see that is a very bad thing to do, but unfortunatley in the real world not every parent is as diligent or caring towards animals, it is still a risk factor IMO, whether it be big or small.

Fox-gal you may prefer to take on bigger and what you see as more important issues, but for now I and many others here would like to challenge this, and I must add I notice that I have not received a quick reply this time to my letter,infact I doubt they will bother at all, but I am not going away.

I am a little disappointed in your attitude Fox-gal, but you are entitled to your opinion, the whole point of the thread is for people who DO consider this important to respond by sending off an email, the more the merrier, I certainly don't want a debate to start as to whether we should be bothered by it or not, otherwise I would have headed the thread as such, however I respect your feelings on the issue, just disagree with them,but regardless of how minimal some people may think this is we shall soldier on, it may be small fish to fry, but I am committed to seeing if indeed we can make a change for the better to this particular advert. Thanks.

P.S I wish to add I have taken the matter a little further by emailing our Television show FAIR GO, they get some marvellous things done, that no-one else can do, and at the moment it is their vote for your favourite advert and worst, so I thought this is a good time to approach them, will let you know when I hear back from them, and Fox-gal I really dragged myself out of bed to do this, I am ill with Bronchitis at the moment, and it is that important to me.:)

09-16-2004, 09:40 PM
Has the commercial been changed/recalled? I just saw it for the first time. The mom stops a food fight, stops a girl from jumping on the couch, then goes to the dryer. She opens the door and pulls out a basket of (broken) eggs. Then she goes into the kitchen and an orange cat is running in front of her, but it was not in the dryer. Perhaps energizer listened? Does anyone know?

09-16-2004, 09:45 PM
Also, on the site


the "mom" add shows the basket of eggs.

09-16-2004, 09:48 PM
Originally posted by Nomilynn
Has the commercial been changed/recalled? I just saw it for the first time. The mom stops a food fight, stops a girl from jumping on the couch, then goes to the dryer. She opens the door and pulls out a basket of (broken) eggs. Then she goes into the kitchen and an orange cat is running in front of her, but it was not in the dryer. Perhaps energizer listened? Does anyone know?

:confused: :confused: :confused:

That's the one I saw to Naomi.

Personally it looks more like an ad for birth control to me. :rolleyes: But that's a whole other subject!

09-17-2004, 01:32 AM
I think they did change it because it definately used to be a cat!

09-17-2004, 08:00 PM
WOW!! if they did that was mighty fast, and I would be thrilled, but surely they would send one of us an email saying so, seems a bit too good to be true, but let us hope you are right and it has been changed, we can all raise our arms in VICTORY if this is the case.:)

09-17-2004, 08:25 PM
If it's true..I think Thank You letters/emails are due! ;)

09-17-2004, 08:27 PM
I emailed them.

09-17-2004, 10:48 PM
i went to the original url yesterday and thought it looked like eggs but my eyes are bad so assumed it was a basket of kittens and sent them an email chastising them! Are they eggs? It's too small and fast for me to see! Do you think the Humane Society said "NO more?" given the feed back? I would think they were privey to feed back since they were included in original filming? Well yee ha either way! Or is this a trick- there's one version for us and a different (with cat) on television?

09-17-2004, 10:57 PM
Originally posted by leslie
Or is this a trick- there's one version for us and a different (with cat) on television?

No, I saw it on TV.

09-17-2004, 11:36 PM
Originally posted by micki76
No, I saw it on TV.

me too.

Ally Cat's Mommy
09-18-2004, 04:33 AM
I have forwarded the links to these threads, plus an explanation, to Barbara at Snopes.com, and requested that she look into it for us. IF Energizer DID change the ad, I would certainly want to know, so that I can send them a "Thank You" and make sure I buy their products in future.

(Barbara also looked into the "Swiffer" rumour and published the results here (http://www.snopes.com/critters/crusader/swiffer.asp) , so hopefully Snopes can clear this up for us too!!

09-18-2004, 08:51 PM
Great stuff, I would really like to know myself,for certain, as I would also like to send a thank you email, and notify the Television show I emailed.

09-18-2004, 11:34 PM
Yes, inquiring minds want to know! thanks for going to snopes and let us know!

09-22-2004, 08:37 AM
YES they did change the ad! i am so happy it is now eggs! the first version he is putting a full grown cat in the dryer ...there is no mistaking it!

09-22-2004, 09:35 AM
I just seen the commerical on VH1 and it has not been changed. It still showed the cat almost being put in the dryer.:(

09-22-2004, 09:38 AM
I think it has changed on some networks but not others. I have seen the old version (with cat) many times on TNT and USA, but I have not new the version yet (with eggs).

Looks like a half-*ssed job of fixing the problem to me.

09-22-2004, 05:37 PM
Hmm confusing:confused: :confused: to say the least, not much use if they are still showing the old one, let us hope its just a time thing, and soon all networks will be showing the new acceptable version.

09-22-2004, 06:05 PM
It must have just changed on some networks. I can't remember which one I was watching but it showed the eggs in dryer. So who knows? Hopefully it will change on all of the networks.

09-22-2004, 09:58 PM
Fingers and paws crossed here, I think I will send another email, and see if I can find out for sure, this not knowing is getting to me lol.:)