View Full Version : Ack--Still biting when playing!!

09-15-2004, 10:22 AM
Okay, Jasper STILL bites on my hands, sweaters...ANYTHING, when I play with him.

Biting on people has been a HUGE issue with him since the day we got him(at 8 weeks old).

Alot of people told me to give him something else to chew, doesn't work, he wants to chew on us. Others have said shake a can of coins, didn't work. Others have said to say a stern "No" and stop playing, didn't work, he would chase me and bite.

Alot of people also said he would grow out of this, but he is now over a year old!

This is getting very annoying, and I have tried SO much! Sometimes he nips really hard, and its way different than a playing nibble.

BUT, My grandpa, upstairs, always makes him bite at his hands for some VERY unknown reason, he grabs his jowels and taps his mouth and seems to WANT him to play that way, while the rest of us are tired of trying to make him STOP.

I could REALLY use some advice!!


09-15-2004, 10:29 AM
Just walk away and completly ignore Jasper when he starts biting, and reward for nice play and calm behaviour. :)

Have you spoken with your Grandfather and explained that Jasper is not allowed to bite? And maybe suggest that your Grandfather plays a tug game with Jasper instead of the biting games.

Oh also some bitter apples (Spray) may help, you can spray a bit on your hands and the bitter taste should deter him from biting.

Goodluck and keep us posted.

09-15-2004, 11:17 AM
Thanks :)

I don't think my grandfather would listen :rolleyes:, I guess Im just going to bring a toy upstairs everytime I bring Jasper up to see him.

My grandpa really likes Jasper, and if Im busy one day, and don't bring Jasper up, if I go up to get something or to tell them something, he will say "How is Jasper? I haven't seem him yet today!!" That's my hint ;)

Also I don't think the apple spray will work, vinegar doesn't even work :eek:, he eats everything LOL

09-15-2004, 12:06 PM
hi DogLover! I think as long as your grandfather is making biting a fun game, you don't have much hope of resolving the issue, no matter what training techniques you try. Maybe try teaching Jasper a better game that he can play with your grandfather, like fetch, then when you take him to visit your grandfather, encourage him to play that instead.


09-15-2004, 06:59 PM
If walking away doesn't work then try a time out. Tell him no quietly, take him by the collar and put him in his crate, or a small room like the bathroom until he calms down.

I think dogs are smart enought to figure out what kinds of games they can play with different people, so if everyone is doing the same thing with him except for your grandpa Jasper will learn that biting everyone else is not okay and biting your grandpa is.

On other thing you could try is the award a prize method. When he bites you, you cheerfully award him with a prize, such as cutting his nails, or a long down stay, or a trip to the outdoors, or whatever he may not enjoy too much.

Hope you find something that works. Good luck.

09-15-2004, 07:05 PM
Thanks for the great suggestions!

I will definatly try those!

Aspen and Misty
09-15-2004, 07:15 PM
My RB dog used to have this problem. What we did was put him on a leach and jump around and thrash our arms alot and he would bite us and we would tell him "No" and make him sit. We did this and it worked. I think you should try this.


09-16-2004, 08:24 AM
Thanks :)

I have another question, when playing fetch, when Jasper runs back with the toy, I try to take it from his mouth, and being a boxer, he'll put his paws up and push me and stuff like that, and it's usually very difficult to play fetch with him.

When he was a puppy, we had the fetch thing down, he would bring it back, but not now!

I have been trying alot of things to make him let go, but I always end up having to pry the toys out of his mouth!!

More help, please?

09-16-2004, 08:38 AM
Ah Jasper you are a typical Boxer clown ar'nt you. :D

As for the fetching problems have you tried to trade him for something better, Eg A realy tasty treat (Something he is alowed to eat though), or another toy say a ropie? And try teaching the give command if he does not already know it.

One day i will get to live life with a Boxer, and i cannot wait. :D

09-16-2004, 08:45 AM
Originally posted by cloverfdx
Ah Jasper you are a typical Boxer clown ar'nt you. :D

As for the fetching problems have you tried to trade him for something better, Eg A realy tasty treat (Something he is alowed to eat though), or another toy say a ropie? And try teaching the give command if he does not already know it.

One day i will get to live life with a Boxer, and i cannot wait. :D

Thanks, I will try that today when we go outside ;)

I can't wait for you to live life with a Boxer either, everyday is a new experience :rolleyes: :p :D

09-16-2004, 09:12 AM
I can't wait for you to live life with a Boxer either, everyday is a new experience
LOL, dont worry there will be plenty of storys (Although it wont be for quite a while yet). :D

09-16-2004, 10:31 AM
RB Max was a horrible bitter & being part Rotti & part Pitty left him with very powerful jaws. He had no idea that he was hurting us, in his mind he was playing.

We tried all the above (except that leash thing) & none of it worked.

So what I did was that every time he bit me, I pinned him down & bit him right back, just hard enough to make him uncomfortable & not enjoy it.

Once he bit my mom very very hard & she whipped him onto the floor & bit him hard & told himto go lay down. That was the last time he ever bit her. So when he Bit me really hard, I did what my mom did & it worked for me too.

Max learned very very fast that bitting really hurts & its not fun.

U gotta think like a mommy dog.A mommy dog will bit her pups to tell them to correct their bad actions. So whats beter then to do what mommy dogs do?

I don't see mommy dogs slapping their puppies, but bitting & scruff man handling works SUPER well.

My ex-friends Rotti was the same way, I told her to bite him, She did & Rocky was only bitten twice & never bit us again.