View Full Version : deaf kitten

10-12-2001, 06:29 AM
Hello all! Does anyone have any experience in dealing with a deaf kitten? We have recently adopted an approx. 10 week old orange and white tabby who seems to have a hearing problem. Nothing phases him. As a point of reference, he was found at the sportsman's club where my husband goes to target shoot. The kitten sat right at his feet while he was shooting and didn't jump at all when the gun was fired. No response at all to any kind of
noise around him. Not that this is slowing him down at all, his knickname is the little monster.... :confused:

10-12-2001, 10:52 AM
My first cat, Sydney was deaf. He was all white with one blue eye and one green eye.
We started noticing when he was still a small kitten that he didn't react to loud noises. When he was asleep, you could snap your fingers or make any kind of noise that he would not wake up. His ears wouldn't even twitch.
I definitely agree with Spencer that your cat should be neutered and kept strictly indoors. Sydney was also normal in every way and he lived a happy, healthy life. Being deaf doesn't present any problems to an indoor cat. Sometimes you will even forget that he's deaf-it really will make no difference.
Just please keep him indoors. :)

10-13-2001, 05:29 PM
yes absolutely keep him indoors! keep us posted on how you and he are doing- I would really like to know how it goes.

10-13-2001, 11:04 PM
Hurray for adopting handicapped pets! (Even if they don't act handicapped! ;) ) Best wishes to you and your new kitty!