View Full Version : Grenada - Did you know????

09-14-2004, 11:05 PM
I am a member of our local Rotary Club and we just held a meeting of the board at my home.

Many of our members have dear and close friends in Grenada and have traveled there many times. A couple (not in our club) have planned their wedding in January, 2005 to be held in Grenada.

Here is what was reported.

90% of the buildings/homes in Grenada have been destroyed.

Their nutmeg crop has been completely destroyed. Grenada is the second largest producer of nutmeg in the world.

Their prime source of income is nutmeg and tourism.

Electricity has been out since the hurricane and will not be restored for at least six months. (so much for the wedding).

Supplies are at a desperate premium including basics such as fresh water.

WE have an emergency fund and we voted to send them cash immediately. Our next effort will be to raise additional cash and organize supplies to be shipped to them immediately. The problem is that there are not many shipments made to Grenada and EVERYTHING must be imported.

We read so much in the news and forget about the smaller islands and the extreme damage that they have received due to the hurricanes.

I will try to find some links to show you as well.

09-14-2004, 11:08 PM

09-15-2004, 12:26 AM
What a way of bringing us back down to earth. Thanks for the link Gini. Bless you and the Rotary Club for being there for them. My good friend and coworker has family in Jamaica and she reported today that they are all safe.

09-15-2004, 12:35 AM
Slick, one of our members is married to a Jamaican man and he has also reported that his family is safe. However, they live high on the mountain.