View Full Version : Money Problems..RANT

09-14-2004, 09:23 PM
i am so frustrated and anxious about my life so far! my whole paycheck for a month goes to my car insurance deal i made with my parents. i wanna make more money so i can have some!!! but i cant find a job anywhere! i also have no money for gas, i literally have to pay in change!!! i was thinking of getting a gas card, but i dont think i would have the money to pay it off at the end of the month. i feel bad because my boyfriend wants to help and give me some extra money, but i dont want him to waste his money on me. i'm gonna be poor forever and i dont wanna take him down too. he says he doesnt care because he loves me, i know its true; but its still hard to get him involved.

maybe its just because its my birthday tomorrow, is why im depressed. but i cant have a party with my friends, because i have no money or anywhere to have it.

**sorry everyone who thinks this is stupid. im sorry that my problems are pretty dramatic for a 17 year old (to be.)**

09-14-2004, 09:37 PM
Why be sorry? I think that we've all been there at times sweety!!!!
Honestly, I'm 29 & wonder the same thing myself half the time. Why isn't there enough money to go around for everyone to live comfortably & be happy all at the same time?!
Maybe you can accept some money for now just to get caught up & then do something nice in return for the people that have helped you out!
Happy Birthday in advance!!!!!
Maybe some of your friends can take you out for your birthday!
Or your parents, boyfriend, someone I'm sure could help you foot the bill to make your birthday great!
I hope you do have a great day!

09-14-2004, 09:58 PM
Originally posted by teenster3
Maybe you can accept some money for now just to get caught up

I do, i just hate for him to have less money because of me.

Happy Birthday in advance!!!!!
Thank You!!!

Maybe some of your friends can take you out for your birthday!
that would be really nice, a great stress reliever!

also i dont have money for my best friend Kristen's birthday present (on sunday). or Mandi (in october) shes having a birthday/halloween party, but i dont have money for a present or a costume. so i dont think ill be able to go. :(

:: oh well:: <its only my birthday>:(

09-14-2004, 10:23 PM
Birthdays can be special without a gift!!! It certainly sounds like you are working hard and I'm sure, in time, you will have some extra cash to spend.

Happy Birthday to you, a little early! I hope you will have a special day!!! :)

09-15-2004, 06:50 AM
i'm 47, and there are still months that money is tight. i have a roof over my head,a flush toilet, food for the critters, food for me, clothes, and a car that runs. i got $5 till payday. i got more then 95% of the world, so i'm reminding myself to be greatful. relax a bit, enjoy this day and remember, you also have youth and a wonderful life with critters who love you, and a boyfriend who cares for you.

09-15-2004, 07:01 AM
I liked the post by joycenalex. I agree. Happy Birthday to you. Hopefully your family,friends, or boyfriend will take you out. I know how it is for having no money to spend. I never do. Thats why I'm always on the computer lol!! Like joycenalex said just be happy that you have food and shelter. So good luck!

09-15-2004, 08:54 AM
You know the birthday gifts that have meant the most to me over the years have been the ones that were made by the person. My birthday was last week and it was a pretty low-key affair (I don't know many people in the area). But I received a gift in the mail yesterday from an old friend of mine and it means the world to me. She made me something that was very personal and involved something we are both passionate about (knitting).

Is there anyway you could give something to your friends that you have made? Or maybe a "gift certificate" for a personalized manicure from you. I'll bet they would be thrilled with that, it wouldn't cost you much (or even anything), and you would get to spend some one-on-one time with your girlfriends.

P.S. Don't worry about the money, I have discovered that it doesn't matter how old you are, you always feel there is more month than money :rolleyes:

09-15-2004, 09:36 AM

Look at it this way: you're driving! My son is 18 and still has no license because we won't let him drive unless he has the money to pay insurance. We don't have it. My 16 year old daughter also isn't driving for the same reason.

For your friend's birthday, make her something personal... like a photoalbum/scrapbook of the two of you. You can even make the book itself out of items you already have in the house and bind it yourself. She'll love it because its personal and from the heart. Or make her something she couls wear like jewlry,etc. My kids have learned to be creative on their gifts and they are always a hit.

And best of all, since its your birthday, you're bound to get lots and lots of birthday money!

09-15-2004, 09:55 AM
Emily: More month than money, I know how that goes!

Trust me, its normal to feel frustrated when you don't have any money to go have fun with. But as people said, I have a roof, food for me and the critters *which reminds me, I gotta order snake food...joy lol* and a wonderful family that actually makes just being at home a fun prospect :D Hang in there, things always get better with faith (sounds corny but its true!)