View Full Version : Hello All!

09-14-2004, 04:26 PM
I'm sorry I haven't been in here much lately. Work is crazy and I can't get on this site at home. I have dial-up and my PC is really old. Time for a new one I think.
Chuck is doing really good except his allergies are acting up and he is scratching his ears a lot and sneezing. Poor kitty! DOn't worry he is getting a lot of attention from meowmie and sissy and even his fur sissy Nina (our dog).
I am glad to see that everyone is doing well. Prayers for those in the path of hurricane Ivan.


09-14-2004, 04:51 PM
Nice to hear from you! Take good care of those yucky allergies! I know Miss Nicki is going nuts with them right now... lick lick lick.. and if you touch her she almost jumps out of her skin (poor pup.)

Good luck on the hunt for a enw computer.

09-14-2004, 06:47 PM
Hi Autumn ... thanks for checking in with us! I'm glad to hear that you and yours are doing good!

Take Care,

Laura's Babies
09-14-2004, 07:12 PM
Thanks for the prayers for those of us in Ivans clutches. I know all about dial up and slow computers.. The best cure is a new computer but then in a year, you are in the same place you are in now.:confused: I have dial up myself and the threads with tons of pictures I can not alway look at when I want to for lack of time. I just wait till I have time, click on it and go do something while it is loading...

Allergies? YUCK! Aaaaa CHOO. I know those too...