View Full Version : Vivienne!!!!

09-14-2004, 05:43 AM
Oh my goodness, what a precious sight you are to see this morning!!!! Vivienne you have a very special relationship with your human, it is obvious. I can see why too!!!

I love your precious picture and love the fact that you get to travel with the band. What a great mascot you are for them!

I know that I am the first of many Pet Talkers who will fall in love with you today, Vivienne. I hope it is an extra special day for you, sweetheart, filled with everything good that a precious Lab girl like you could ever want. Congratulations on being the Dog of the Day!!!! :D

09-14-2004, 05:54 AM
what a pretty sweet lil face,,,, congrats on being our DOTD!

09-14-2004, 08:55 AM
What a darling little face you have Vivienne!!! Too irresistable to be sure, and Im sure you're alot of fun to be around. Sounds like you are the queen for sure, you rule and perhaps drool:D at times. Enjoy little girl!!!

09-14-2004, 08:59 AM
Oh little Vivienne (maybe not quite so little now?), you have stolen my heart.

How lucky the band is to have your sweet self there on those road trips!

Hugs and kisses to you sweet Labby girl. Maybe the band will do a special song for you today. ;-)

09-14-2004, 10:57 AM
Precious Vivienne, you beautiful Labbie babe:D My heart skipped a beat when I laid eyes on that sweet, sweet face! I'll bet you're quite the hit with the concert crowd! Nothing like a doggie mascot to bring 'em in:D I think it's awesome that your proud and adoring guardian has such a loyal and loving best friend by her/his side, to ease the stress of those lonely days on the road! And what a great adventure for you too! Vivienne, (if I may take a little license with that Roger Miller classic) you truly are the "Queen of the Road" and most importantly, the queen of your human's heart:) Congratulations to you beautiful Vivienne, our most precious Dog of the Day! I hope today you and your human and all of your adoring fans, have a wonderful day celebrating YOUR day on center stage:) Hugs and kisses and happy tail wags to you Miss V from Sandra, Cody the Husky and Star the Lab:)

09-14-2004, 10:59 AM
What a gorgeous girl you are Vivienne! Such a pretty coat and lovely eyes!! :) :D :)

09-14-2004, 12:02 PM
Hello Vivienne,

What a sweetie pie you are baby girl.:) I can see that you'd
make anyone a great friend & travel companion. Happy congrats
on being chosen for special honors today as our very own
DOG OF THE DAY.:D XXXOOO pretty one.:)

09-14-2004, 02:34 PM

You are a very beautiful little girl. I would love to have you.
I am so glad you make you owner very happy. The love of an animal is so wonderful. You will never find a friend that is as loyal,loving, understanding. and be there when you need them.
Hope you and your family will have a very long and wonderful life together.:) :) :)

09-14-2004, 05:22 PM
Vivacious Vivienne! What a wonderful traveling partner and companion you are! Wow you must get to see all kinds of sites on the road don't you? And winning hearts and fans of your own along the way I'm sure :D. What a very special girl you are, I'm sure the apple of your guardian's eye.

Congratulations sweetheart, for winning the much deserved honors of Dog of the Day!

09-14-2004, 05:39 PM
Oh Vivienne! What a cutie you are. Such a loyal little girl too. What a wonderful travel companion to have. You are such a cutie and I have to tell you that I absolutely love you name!

Congrats Vivienne! Enjoy your day!

Robin :)

09-14-2004, 07:44 PM
Vivienne, what a doll you are. You sure made our DOTD page pretty today. I'm glad that your mom can take you everywhere with her. She needs girl power with all those guys around. You sure are a cutie. I hope she joins here so we can watch you grow up. Thanks for being our special DOTD.

09-14-2004, 10:45 PM
OMG! You precious Labbie Girl, sitting in your human's guitar case! "Queen of the Road" for sure! (Thanks, Sandra, for your literary genius! :D ;) )Beautiful Vivienne, I'll bet you're in your social element travelling around the country, meeting new people, taking scenic walks and well, just being a sensational, friendly, loyal, gracious and lovely companion. I'm so tempted to break into song.."There Ain't Nuthin Like A Lab!". Bless you, Vivienne and Congrats on being our awesome DOTD!