View Full Version : Al!!!

09-14-2004, 04:38 AM
Al, there is so much specialty in you it would be enough for 5 Cats of the Day:D

I loved the idea of you being Orson Welles;)

Only thing I can't understand is why you didn't clobber that guy yourself who was after you with a brick!

My Filou is a hugger and shoulder sitter like you- but he has less than 8 pounds and I'm trying to imagine how that works with 20:eek:

Let me add that you are an extremely handsome guy (more than Orson Welles if you ask me:D ). You little milk moustache is so cute (although I am not sure whether "cute" is the right word for a purrsonality like you.

What shall we wish for your special day? Do you think you can fit in some extra treats between your meals? And some more sonore purring? I think for you every day is special:D

09-14-2004, 06:22 AM
Al, I don't know when I have read a funnier account about our Cat of the Day. I enjoyed hearing all about your busy days, including those "grueling naps" and "window fights" with the other cats. :D I think you are an excellent judge of character too. That guy with the brick was certainly no good for your former human and you helped to open her eyes I am sure. :eek: It has been a pleasure meeting you today Al, and I hope you have having a lot of fun on your very special day as Today's Cat! ;)

09-14-2004, 06:54 AM
Honey boy, I must live with your twin brother!

My Andrew is just like you in many ways. He jumps into my arms for hugs and drooling. Yesterday he drooled so much he left a puddle on my kitchen floor! If he doesn't get "drooled" on a regular basis he gets a build up and tends to overflow! He weighs 17 pounds and cries for food ALL DAY LONG when he is awake and snores as well. Do you know him? Andrew Jackson Shevitz of Atlanta? White nose?

Anyway, your owner wrote the MOST wonderful story about you. The best I have read yet! I love you big boy and keep up the good work!

Kisses from Andy, Little Bit (http://catoftheday.com/archive/2003/January/04.html) and Katie Belle's mom, Nancy. :-)

09-14-2004, 07:06 AM
That is, BY FAR, the cutest COTD story I have ever read. Al's Owner, you should be (or perhaps you are) a professional comedy writer. Al is adorable, ADORABLE!!! He gets my vote for Cat of the Year. :)

carol davison
09-14-2004, 07:08 AM
Everybody needs a relationship like the two of you have. It sounds like you fit each others needs to a tee. I hope you have a long lasting relationship filled with all the love that was so evident in your wonderful story. And please give Al a big hug for me!


09-14-2004, 07:38 AM
OH AL!! What a guy you are! You remind me soooo much of my most very special RB cat Sunny. Also a shoulder cat, hugger, drooler (I used to keep a towel over my shoulder like a babies dribble rag) and purr machine extrordinaire. Also about 20 lbs. What a story and what a big hunka hunka love you are. We luuuuuuv you Al (can you tell :rolleyes: )

09-14-2004, 08:20 AM
Awesome Al,you are a Cat,after my Own Heart! This is Moose,and like you,a Big Guy! Its great that you insist,on hugs,and love your Guardian,but do all The Cat Things,that we are supoosed ,to do! A Special Big Cat MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMRRRRRRR RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRROOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! From All Of Us,Moose,and JJJ3 especially to Awesome AL,COTD!

09-14-2004, 08:46 AM
Al, the purrrrrfectly eloquent description of your life was a total delight to read this morning - there are smiles around the world as a result of your loving purrrson's "Introduction to Al!"

And what a cat you are!! WOW! I have to agree, this is one of the best write ups COTD has ever had! And the best part is the love which comes with each word...the bond you two share.

I agree with your purrrson, Al, "For my part, I would just like some kind of drug or device that would let a cat live forever. If anyone has a way to do that, please let me know!" A tribute to an absolutely wonderful boy - congrats on this your day, Al, and paw applause to your purrson for sharing you in such a delightful manner.

Noserubs, snuggles and purrs...Bari and the Cat Happy Pride

09-14-2004, 09:39 AM
Originally posted by jazzzytina
That is, BY FAR, the cutest COTD story I have ever read. Al's Owner, you should be (or perhaps you are) a professional comedy writer. Al is adorable, ADORABLE!!! He gets my vote for Cat of the Year. :)

I agree! Thank you for sharing Big Al with us. Another wonderful orange boy for us all to love! :D

09-14-2004, 10:29 AM
Hey, Al, you live right here in Los Angeles like me.

Let's get together sometime, because between the two of us we could turn this town upside down.

Al, you are a guy after my own heart. I sure hope that you did something "good" to that guy with the brick, before he started chasing you. It sounds like he need a good spraying!

Yeah, naps are tough aren't they? It's is hard to find enough time in the day to fit them all in.

Buddy, you are one great guy and I am proud to be an Orange hunk just like you. I live with a couple of cutie Orange girls too.
Come on over to my house, Ma always has plenty of food and when I say MEOW! she JUMPS!

Regards, Rascal

smokey the elder
09-14-2004, 10:29 AM
What a handsome cat, and a great story, too! I love the "Enemy Cat" window wars and the "grueling naps." Sounds like my cats!

09-14-2004, 10:59 AM
What a special and handsome man you are Al!! Very debonaire - and cheeky!! :) :D :)

09-14-2004, 11:57 AM
Hi Al,

What a great story of your life with you human friend.:)
Congratulations handsome boy on being chosen for special honors as our CAT OF THE DAY. {{{HUGS}}} :D

09-14-2004, 12:09 PM
I don't know when I've enjoyed a Cat of the Day story more! You need to tell your human to join Pet Talk so we can hear more of your adventures!

What a hunk of cat handsomeness you are! Your former owner should know to listen to you. Cats always know! If my cats don't like someone, they are out!

Congratulations, sweet funny boy, on being our very special Cat of the Day today. Yep! That deserves a treat! or two!! ;) :D

09-14-2004, 12:35 PM
Al's person ought to write a book about Al - got a pretty good start right here. I hope to read that book someday. I was glad that Al's former lady kicked the clod out. The account was great, and I take exception to only one thing: Al had no former owner. Al was never owned by anybody and never will be. But what a good buddy he has!

All cats should be so fortunate.

09-14-2004, 12:58 PM
I just love Al! There is nothing like a tough boy. ;) My girl Nela congratulates you on not taking any stuff from bad people or intrusive doggies. She's all of 7lbs and has chased and swatted a German Shepard and almost knocked our doberman on the nose until the momma stopped. (:mad: dobies can be sooo pesky to little girls). Al relly rox and deserves special treats for making so many people smile today!

09-14-2004, 01:12 PM
Originally posted by momoffuzzyfaces
I don't know when I've enjoyed a Cat of the Day story more! You need to tell your human to join Pet Talk so we can hear more of your adventures! ;) :D I agree! Although I got tired hearing about Al's "BUSY" days -- all that napping! :D What a cutie - love the half-milk moustache and, of course, the fact that you're ORANGE makes me just swoon! Enjoy your special day as our COTD and may you get many extra treats, hugs and naps today!

09-14-2004, 01:40 PM
I do hope Al's vending machine/human reads these comments from Al's fan club! If you are, please join us at PetTalk. We would love to hear more!

Dan Holder
09-14-2004, 02:46 PM
Naughty? He's not naughty, he just has a large personality. What a great kitty, and isn't it a special thing to come home and see him watching for his human's arrival? Good luck, Al.

sasha the cat
09-14-2004, 03:02 PM
Mew to you AL. You are one very handsome boy. Purr-purrrrr. My KatMa already is deeply in love with you. You are a hugging charmer like our late beloved Tiggy (AKA 'the best cat in the univrse']. Tiggy loved hugs too and would wrap his soft paws around my KatMa's neck. Tiggy also would give a kiss to whomever asked.

You are a wonderful Cat! KatMa is right: Cats are the best buddsters ever.

Enjoy your day in the spotlight. You deserve the honour. Purr-purrrr. KatMa and I, mew, Sasha the Queen Cat wish you a long, healthy life filled with the constant love and admiration of your purr~son.

A note to those still "dating". Purr, listen to me -- if the gal or guy does not like and respect the pets of their date -- ditch them. Hiss, hiss.

My KatMa strongly feels pet lovers who date should establish on date # 1 that pet(s) will live with them fur~ever. If the beau or chickadee can't abide that, boot them out pronto!

AL, you are a five-star pussycat. Mew, purrr, kittykisses...

09-14-2004, 03:25 PM
What a CUTE BIO for an adorable cat!! You are sooo sweet Al, a twenty pound mischievous, yet lovable, fur-angel!! Your HUGS and purrs sounds so PURRecious!! I wish I could hug you too! I agree, I really wish we had a medicine that would keep cats alive FURever!! It was so wonderful to meet such a sweet and fun boy as you today, Al!! I hope you're having a GREAT COTD!! Congratulations, Sweetie!! :cool: ;) :)

09-14-2004, 03:31 PM
Al, YOU, dear boy are the consummate cat!:D I laughed out loud reading your talented human's account of a "day in the life...":D:D:D Boy, can't we all relate, on one level or another:D

In my case, this line struck an especially resonant cord....

Once, before I left on vacation, he pooped in my suitcase."

Once, my husband, rushing to leave the house to catch a filight, put on his shoes, only to find that our beloved RB kitty Fritz had peeded in them:D

And you know, Al, my Mr. B is a big boy too, who also suffers from asthma and diabetes! But like you, it hasn't keep him from enjoying life to the fullest!

I have to agree with my Pet Talk friends! Al, you and your human simply must put pen and paw to paper and commit to the literary annals, the adventures of fabulous Al for all the world to enjoy!:)

Congratulations to you Al! You're one very memorable and most deserving Cat of the Day! And may the treats flow freely today....as every day; and hugs too, or course!:D

Gail Wolfe
09-14-2004, 05:32 PM
Al, funniest story I ever heard. :D :D :D Keep up the good work! ;)

Congrats on being COTD from Flippy Tail and The Tummy Rub Kid!

09-14-2004, 07:08 PM
OK, fess up, Al...is your person a well known screenwriter or something??? Wouldn't that be exciting {;-)

I cannot add much more to what has already been said...I agree, yours is the best "cat tail" I have seen on this site yet!

Pets and purrs from MARTHA and Julie ("MEE-OW!) the Calico Princess

09-14-2004, 08:44 PM
That was great!! Is there an Al fanclub? Please?

09-14-2004, 09:43 PM
What a wonderful, handsome boy you are Al. Cats.....you are the epitome of what a cat should be. Congratulations on being the Cat of the Day. I'm voting that you should be Cat of the Universe as well.

09-14-2004, 09:55 PM
What a gorgeous hunk of orange cat you are, Al. And what a macho you are, beating up the dogs and keeping your home safe. Of course you have a soft side too, when you love on your mom. This has got to be the most entertaining story ever on CatTalk. Al, I hope you are around for many, many more years with your family who loves you so much.

09-14-2004, 11:35 PM
Al, you sure are a very handsome orangie.:) I really enjoyed reading your bio and agree that it's the funniest one I've read so far. Congrats on being COTD!!!:D

P.S. Hopefully your owner will see all of these replies and respond. I think you already have a fan club here.;)

Don Juan's mom
09-15-2004, 02:24 AM
hi al mom says her aunt (chester's mom) would be just crazy about you she's had two other orangies who are at the rainbow bridge (woodstock and tigre) hope you got your former human's boyfriend good mine used to have a boyfriend who was mean to me just once but that was enough we have our very own house now if your human stiffs you on treats just go in the kitchen while she's getting her food and meow until she gets you a treat mom says i'm a big boy but i'm barely half of you watch out for the enemy cat and those birds (they are really terrorists) and take good care of your human bye now yr friend don juan

oh yeah mom says youre probably just like tigre he was a mean sob who beat up every cat in his neighborhood and most of the dogs he tried to take on a german shepherd when he was 17 thats when he went to the rb

09-15-2004, 09:42 AM
I think we all are on a mission to find Al's human and get him/her to join Pet Talk! What a prolific, funny writer! Who's with me? Raise your hand! :)

09-15-2004, 09:44 AM
Paws raised in the mid-Atlantic :D

09-15-2004, 02:16 PM

My Sophie wanted me to tell you that she finds you strikingly handsome and full of personality. She sends headbumpies.
