View Full Version : Does Your Will Include your Dogs?

09-13-2004, 10:53 PM
After the death of an acquaintence yesterday, Brian and I began to talk about the fact that with all we have right now, we should really make up a will. We discussed how we wished for our remains to be handled, the fact that we should obtain a life insurance policy now, etc. etc.

We also were thinking about what would happen if both of us died at the same time, who would take care of our dogs. I mean, everybody would want Guinness, but it would take a special person to appreciate Bailey. Meaning that they would have to put up with people being against her because she's part pit bull, she needs someone to understand that she's not dumb, she's actually extremely smart and that her intelligence causes her to get into mischief sometimes. She's intelligent and brave and can be strong willed sometimes. Also Bailey and Guinness have bonded so much, I would not want them seperated.

I talked to my best friend tonite and she said she will take them. She said when we get the will together, she would be willing to sign whatever to say that if Brian and I both died at the same time, she would take care of them for the rest of their natural lives.

So, for anybody who has done this same thing (included their dogs in their will), what sort of provisions do you have in place? I told my husband that I would make sure that a certain amount would be set aside for the care of the dogs and money for her in case she needed to move to pet friendly housing (she currently would have to break the lease on her apartment to take our dogs). I'm not sure how much insurance money we should set aside for this. Also, do you have any backups? My husband thinks we should have 3 people in line to take the dogs just in case.

Any advice anyone could give me would be greatly appreciated.

Hope everyone's having a good evening!:)

09-14-2004, 07:34 AM
first off,,, beautiful babies you have!!!
Secondly,, good for you for thinking of your furry babies,, too many of us dont even think of it....
My hubby and I have a verbal agreement with my father that he is to take our Lucy should anything happen to us both and that our oldest son (who is almost 29) is unable to care for her. We dont have it written in our wills,, (Which we need to update!!!!!)

Having back up god moms and dads is a good plan in case your first choice doesnt work out.

09-14-2004, 07:35 AM
WHOOPS!!! My oldest son is not 29,,, I meant to type 19!!!!!

09-14-2004, 10:50 AM
Thanks for replying Lorraine...we just want to make sure we are going to do right by these dogs if something happens to us.

09-14-2004, 12:14 PM
If one of us dies, it's not an issue as the other would keep all the animals. Should be both die together, the house is currently willed to my father-in-law with instructions that he is to care for all the animals in their current home until the end of their lives and in the style they are currently accustomed to. A portion of our life insurance money is designated in our wills to provide for the animals.

Samantha Puppy
09-14-2004, 12:23 PM
I don't have a will yet, but we're going to have one drawn up in the near future. It will include Samantha. Should I die before Josh, it is up to him to either keep her or give custody to my parents or brother. Those are the only people I will authorize to care for her, as they will care for her in the manner in which she is accustomed.

09-14-2004, 01:20 PM
:eek: I've never thought about this, as Im 17, but it is kind of scary, as I don't know ANYONE in my family who would care for Jasper as good as I'd like, except for my mom.