View Full Version : Any Republic of Ireland Pet Talkers?

09-13-2004, 08:00 PM
I will be visiting in the Republic of Ireland starting Sunday 19 Sept for a little over two weeks. Are there any active Pet Talkers there that would be interested in coordinating a meeting?

09-13-2004, 08:31 PM
I'm so envious about you going to Ireland! All of my friends have gone before me! LOL I sure hope to visit someday. Actually, where are you going to be visiting in Ireland? If you happen into County Galway, let me know. I'd be interested in knowing if there are still any O' Shaughnessy's there! :D LOL You might have to take a peek in the phonebook;) hehehehehe

I sure hope you have a wonderful time and enjoy the beautiful landscape! Have a safe journey and be sure to take lots of pics of course! :D


09-13-2004, 11:23 PM
We will be visiting the city of Galway and some of the surrounding area as we travel between counties Kerry and Sligo.

I'm bouncing between wildly excited and semi-panic stricken. I've woken myself twice now shrieking, "Drive to the LEFT, the LEFT!!!" (I'm the designated driver this trip, and somewhat shook at the responsibility ... especially when I hear about signposts in English being defaced so only the Gaelic is visible.) Anyway, Cassy and Livvy are sternly disapproving of my middle of the night yelping. Apparently this is behavior reserved for cats!

{{{hugs back at ya}}}

09-14-2004, 11:30 AM
:( I'm in London from September 26th to 29th but unfortunately it's all business and I cannot jump over:(

I'd love to go to Ireland and hope you have fun.

I don't think the traffic will be too bad but driving on the left side is something that takes all of my concentration:(

09-14-2004, 02:54 PM

So sorry that we can't meet up, but I definately understand. Have a blast in London!