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View Full Version : Do you feel like you're a Toys R' Us Kid?

09-13-2004, 07:14 PM
When I got home from work, all I wanted to do was sit & relax on the back deck & drink a cold beverage.
I did do that but, I also did some yard work & played with the dogs.
All of a sudden I went into the shed to grab something & THERE I SAW a bottle of bubbles that hadn't been touched!
So of course I decide it would be neat to see if the dogs would chase them. It was so cool watching Waffles running after them trying to bite them all. Wicket....he's more of a couch potato, all he did was sit back & watch her do all the work!:p heehee
I kept blowing bubbles till I was almost blue in the face!
I know Matthew doesn't want to grow up....every time we're near a Toys R' Us he says to me: "Hey, want to go in & look at the cool new stuff they got in?" hahaha.....he'll never grow up, 29 going on 9!!!:D
So.....it made me think, do any of you feel the same way???

09-13-2004, 07:34 PM
I haven't grown up and I'm 40! I like feeling young. Who wants to be old inside and out? I get a kick out of things like that, too.

09-13-2004, 07:47 PM
Originally posted by dukedogsmom
I haven't grown up and I'm 40!

I can be a witness to that! :p :D

09-13-2004, 08:45 PM
A very wise person told me once...you may have to grow older, but...YOU NEVER HAVE TO MATURE! YEA!

And..well.. I'm well over 40, but I still know what you mean, Tina. It's all in your frame of mind.