View Full Version : Ophelia Pictures (and short uppie-date)

09-13-2004, 06:41 PM
Here's is our gorgeous foster:

In my arms: ( :) )

Being sweet....
**You can see how dirty she really is in this picture. Her paws are so gross! :( But, she's going to be groomed on Wednesday. :) **

This is what she does when I greet her under the bed:

We really seem to have a connection. I wonder if she know's I saved her from her untimely death? I connect with all my cats, but this one seems to have bonded to me, on her own. Its wierd.

She ate a few slices of turkey this afternoon, but has decided against the food she ate a bit of last night. :( I think when she gets groomed, I'll have to have my vet check her out. She seems much more relaxed and loves her special room. But the not eating is bothering me.

Anyway, there she is. :) :) :) Isn't she beautiful??

09-13-2004, 06:53 PM
:eek: She's gorgeous! I LOVE her eyes! She looks like a really sweet girl.

Sure you don't want to keep her? Or send her over here? :p

09-13-2004, 06:53 PM
She's GORGEOUS! Those eyes and is that a nose freckle? She looks SO sweet!

Laura's Babies
09-13-2004, 06:53 PM
Beautiful? That is to small a word for her. She is BREATHTAKING!
I AM IN LOVE!!! She is awesome! Look at those beautiful EYES!! Gosh, you are SO lucky to have her, she is AWESOME!! AWESOME!! AWESOME!!

09-13-2004, 06:55 PM
She is beautiful! I love those two-colored eyes. She seems to have chosen a rather expensive cat toy - - silk pillow tassel! :D

How on Earth could they have given her up? Glad you saved her!

09-13-2004, 08:05 PM
Oh she is absolutely beautiful. What a darling.

Thank you so much for saving this precious girl.

I'm sure in due time, she will start coming out of her shell. Poor thing is probably so confused and scared right now.

I hope and pray that she starts to eat a lot more very soon.

09-13-2004, 08:51 PM
Thanks for the wonderful comments, I'll be sure and pass them on to her. :)

It was soooo sweet. The first time I visited with her today, she didn't want me to leave. This is such an improvement from just a few days ago. She even went as far as walking me to the door when I had to leave her for a few moments. This is HUGE considering she didn't leave the safety of her litterbox the first two or three days. She stays under the bed or behind the pillows atop the bed when she's alone in the day time. Last night, CiCi went to tuck her in and she was sitting in the windowsill, checking out the world below.

We're going to be looking for a home for her, but not until we make sure she's healthy. I'd LOVE to take her, but David refuses and I don't think she likes other animals.

09-13-2004, 09:04 PM
I think Ophelia realizes now, that you are the one that saved her.:D

09-13-2004, 10:25 PM
She's gorgeous!! I love those beautiful eyes.

I'm so glad to hear she is coming out of her shell.

09-13-2004, 11:38 PM
Kelly, she's gorgeous and I'm so glad that you were able to save her.:)

09-13-2004, 11:46 PM
she is so pretty Kelly!!!
I hope you find the perfect home for her!

09-14-2004, 06:42 AM
You've found Misao's twin sister! She's absolutely gorgeous but, of course, I'm biased.

Thank you for co-fostering her and giving her half a chance.

09-14-2004, 08:39 AM
Hooray,for Ophelia,that she has,such a Pleasant Furr Ever Home,New Cat Friends,and a Great Guardian!

09-14-2004, 11:11 AM
She is beautiful!:D

K & L
09-14-2004, 11:30 AM
She looks like she'll make someone a wonderful pet. You can just see it in her eyes! Good luck in finding her the purrfect home!

smokey the elder
09-14-2004, 11:38 AM
What a pretty cat! I love her two different colored eyes.

Sara luvs her Tinky
09-14-2004, 12:20 PM

She is just so pretty! It looks like she really trusts you! What a special girl!!!

*KISSES* for Ophelia!!:)

09-15-2004, 12:31 AM
Uhhh....Ophelia is a BOY!!! What is it with me and not knowing what sex my cats are??? :rolleyes:

Before I saved her, her name was "Susanna". That's a girls name...

Hmmm....any ideas? I like strong, yet elegant names.

(Morris, Agustus, Maurice, etc....)

He sleeping in our walk-in closet (I got David to cave just for one night) as I have to take him to the vet tomorrow. ;)

Guess what!? I offered him some wet Innova and he ate it! Almost the whole amount I gave him!!! :D

09-15-2004, 12:37 AM
psstt Don't forget to take Ophelia off your siggy pic!
Maurice would be good. You could call him Maury.

09-15-2004, 01:16 AM
Oh Kelly, he is absolutely gorgeous ... and what a sweet, sweet face!!! I can tell he is already very comfortable with you ... but that's no surprise!! Praying for a nice groom and good check-up!


09-15-2004, 01:36 AM
Stac....I already have a Maurice, my parakeet. :)

David suggested Jonah. :) He wanted to call him Romeo because he's so loving. But I nixed that one.

Apparently, he likes it here. He's eaten all his wet food and is munching on dry food. He hasn't eaten barely a few tiny bits of turkey, chicken and a nibble or so of wet food since 9/4! I guess he feels safe and sound here? YAY!!

Simple pleasures....I know. ;)

09-15-2004, 03:12 PM
OK....send that cat here right NOW!!!!!!!!!!

09-15-2004, 04:18 PM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
OK....send that cat here right NOW!!!!!!!!!!
I think he'd be an excellent candidate for your empty spot in your siggy. ;)

Guess what??? David fell for him already! He told me before I even asked, that Jonah can stay with us until he finds a home!!! :)

YAY!! I feel so much better about him. He obviously feels content here as he's eating now. Yay!!

He's at the vet right now, I'll go back in at 4:30 and will take him home after work with me. He's getting his vaccines and tested for FIV/FELV. Cross your fingers all goes well.


09-15-2004, 04:30 PM
I missed this thread, and see that Ophelia has already undergone a sex change! LOL! What a beautiful boy he is...and I gather from the posts here, he was slated for euthanasia? How old is the handsome guy? He looks like a plush version of my dreamy eyed Joey who has bi-colored eyes too. Any signs of deafness on the blue side? Not that it would be easy to tell. :rolleyes: Give the gorgeous guy a kiss for me! :D

09-15-2004, 04:34 PM
I seen your sig and was like who is Jonah? Then I seen that when I visited this thread again to see that Ophelia was really a boy.

I still think he is beautiful!

09-15-2004, 04:36 PM
Jonah (although his chart says he's a neutered male named Susanna :rolleyes:) , was brought into my work on Sept 4 to be euthanized. When I saw how young he was, I asked his owner why he was being put down. He took me outside and said "SHE, sprays in our house and we're sick of paying to replace everything." (They must have thought he was a girl!)

When I looked at the chart, I saw that all the other animals in their household had only been in for vaccines and all seemed to be euthanized for stupid reasons, at about the same age Jonah is. (The last cat was vicious at age 4...hmmmm...wonder why!!!)

I asked the vet that was there if I could take Jonah and find him a home. The vet said I could, just as long as I called and got permission from the owner.

I did...played the game of "oh yes, I understand, its hard to deal with that sort of thing" through clinched teeth just so she's say yes. She was all concerned some rescue group would call her and give her a hard time! Idiot...this was expressed AFTER she said she tried 'so hard' to find HER a home.

Any, to make this shorter now, he's much happier at my apartment. He wasn't eating on his own until I was encouraging him on Sunday afternoon.

As far as deafness, I just assumed he was on that side because of his eyecolor. The vet said it'd be hard to tell with him being 4 already. I guess they adapt pretty quickly. :)

I'll post pictures of a newly groomed and examined little boy tonight! :)

Killearn Kitties
09-16-2004, 02:31 PM
I'm so glad to hear that he is eating! Great news.

09-16-2004, 02:43 PM
He-he-he, my brother said immediatelly - that is a male cat, right?

I would have thought so too, but the name Ophelia ... :D

He's gorgeous!

09-16-2004, 03:02 PM
Poor guy. Glad he's in good hands now, and I sure pity any other cats that fall into the grips of this family. It was probably time to 'replace' him/her with a new kitten anyway right? :mad: He looks like such a nice cat. ;)

09-16-2004, 03:59 PM
She is so beautiful, I love her eyes they sparkle.

09-16-2004, 08:01 PM
Yeah, jan, you'd think maybe the vet at some point might say, "Uh, you don't seem to have good luck with cats, I'm not going to euthanize anymore for you unless they are at deaths door". Why don't you not adopt anymore cats for awhile, give it a rest and think about if you really are prepared to be pet owners."

09-16-2004, 08:15 PM
Poor Jonah, I'm sorry to hear he lived with such a poor excuse for human beings.:( He certainly seems happy now though and he's just beautiful! I hope he finds a wonderful forever home with caring and loving people. Bless you for caring and rescueing him. :)