View Full Version : immune boosters

12-11-2000, 01:29 AM
Has anyone had any experience with using dietary supplements to boost their cat's immune system? I've been told it's dangerous to add anything to a cat's diet since the better commercial cat food is already fortified with vitamins, etc., and there may be as many dangers as advantages . . . any ideas?

12-11-2000, 06:11 AM
You could try getting in touch with an animal herbalist/naturopath. I know in Australia and the UK it is relatively easy to find such a practitioner who would be able to tell you what you need to know.

...what is wrong with your cat's immune system?

12-11-2000, 08:52 PM
The reason I ask is that he seems to have recurring symptoms of an upper respiratory infection. He was already battling an infection when we got him from the SPCA as a kitten, in July, and he's had the occasional bout of sniffles and conjunctivitis since then (once he was given antibiotics and a few times cortisone cream for the eye, too).

The latest vet seems to think it could be something more serious like feline leaukemia, but every other vet I've seen thinks it's just the usual repsiratory stuff. I tried to explain to the vet that he was very stressed out recently when his dog disappeared for a day while getting fixed (he was very disturbed by this . . . seriously!) and this is probably what triggerred the symptoms, but I think it fell on deaf ears.

Anyway, I was was thinking maybe there was something one could give cats to make their immune systems stronger so that they could ward these things off before they become a problem.

Thanks for the advice.

12-12-2000, 07:54 PM
You should be careful of giving your cat supplements to boost its immune system, an over-active immune system can cause similar symptoms to an under-active one. It sounds as if your kitty needs a conclusive test to establish what, if anything, he has. At least then you could concentrate on the appropriate dietary supplements.

...good luck.

4 feline house
12-15-2000, 06:01 AM
It's been too long since I was a vet assistant, so I forget which one it specifically is, but one of the upper respiratory diseases that cats are vaccinated for causes a recurring, chronic URI. It sounds like your kitty may have that, especially since he was sick when you adopted him. If he was already infected before he was vaccinated, the shot will not do any good. My mom found an old kitty in her driveway one day who had an unshakable URI, and the vet told her she probably had never been vaccinated, because she had that disease (I think it's calici, but don't quote me). It's not fatal, and that old girl lived to be quite old-probably late teens at least - until she died of kidney failure. And even tho she had some days where she didn't seem to feel really well, she was certainly happy.