View Full Version : Our Max is BACK!

09-16-2001, 12:42 PM
Although I have been around and about, I haven't had the time to let you all know that - as the subject heading says - Max is BACK! His injury has become a memory!

Since the beginning of September, he has steadily improved and by sometime in the last week we felt comfortable saying that he is 110%! :D :D :D :D

Although WE are still a bit careful not to overdue it with him, HE is up to his normal antics and he wants to play all the time (especially with straws) and when he's not playing he's noshing on his favorite treats. The bad part for his human's is that play time (& treat time for that matter) in his mind is 24 hours a day --including weekends -- we're tired, but we'll take it! We are VERY grateful!

Max sends a big Meow*hiss (he has "catittude" after all...) to all his friends here who wished him well and prayed for his recovery . . .your support was instrumental in helping us through that difficult 2 months!

4 feline house
09-16-2001, 03:11 PM

09-16-2001, 04:20 PM
I'm so glad! Hugs all the way around!

09-17-2001, 06:35 AM
I'm so pleased that Max is back to his old self. ;) ;) ;)

09-17-2001, 11:00 AM
Cool, I am glad Max is all better! Now he gets to make up for lost time...

09-17-2001, 12:21 PM
Hooray for Max! :D I was so happy to see the title of this post!! Lots of hugs and kisses! :)

09-17-2001, 01:29 PM
I love good news! Please give Max lots of hugs and kisses from me too!

09-17-2001, 04:31 PM
Yay Max! So glad you're healthy, happy, and having fun. Stump and Emmett send lots of love and headbutts!

09-18-2001, 07:17 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy:
<STRONG>Cool, I am glad Max is all better! Now he gets to make up for lost time...</STRONG>

Thanks everyone!!

Believe me and the bags under my eyes . . .he's making up for lost time TENFOLD!


09-18-2001, 07:18 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy:
<STRONG>Cool, I am glad Max is all better! Now he gets to make up for lost time...</STRONG>

Thanks everyone!!

Believe me and the bags under my eyes . . .he's making up for lost time TENFOLD!


09-19-2001, 04:06 AM
That's such goood news to hear. Max, you go guy!

09-20-2001, 04:24 PM
I'm so glad Max is better! I know you were worried. He's making up for lost time! :D