View Full Version : Noah has fleas!

09-11-2001, 02:55 PM
Well...today has been such a terrible for our country! I hope that no one on PetTalk has been affected by all this, I have everyone in my prayers.

I wanted to come here to cheer up, animals have that effect on me....

Anyway, we took Noah to the vet for his 3rd round of kitten shots and found out he has fleas!! He is a indoor kitty! Isn't that strange?

09-12-2001, 12:41 AM
Poor Noah!

Make sure he doesn't give 'em to Faith!

09-12-2001, 01:03 AM
Noah's predicament sounds familiar. I tried for months to get rid of the final fleas on my kitten. But if even one is left, they will come back. Its very frustrating and plain ol' embarassing to have fleas on your pets and/or in the house.

Remember to check any of Noah's favorite snuggle places, like a pillow or toy or basket. I had the best luck with taking my pets to the vets for baths and flea prevention - and using a "flea bomb" while we were gone. Not everyone likes to use chemicals - but following the package directions worked for me.

Even if you decide not to spray or bomb, use a flea comb regularly. You'll find those sneaky individuals before they multiply. And, your kitten will probably love the attention. Good luck from flea-free me! :D

09-12-2001, 10:52 AM
Thanks Anti-Pam! I will stop by Petsmart and get a flea comb and some flea shampoo.

Zippy-I know! We have to keep them away from each other. Not too hard as the Faith would rather not have Noah around at all! We have been waking up to find Noah INSIDE Faith's cage!! What is he doing in there? Silly kitten! :rolleyes:

09-12-2001, 08:07 PM
Let us know when Noah begins to hop! :D

Former User
09-17-2001, 06:49 AM
Hey, how's Noah doing now?

09-17-2001, 10:48 AM
Noah is doing much better now!! We gave him his "Advantage" last Saturday and he got another bath this Saturday...he is soooo soft and fluffy!!! :D

All fleas are gone and he hasn't scratched in a week!! Yippee!!

Poor baby!!

Former User
09-18-2001, 04:18 AM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy:
<STRONG>Noah is doing much better now!! We gave him his "Advantage" last Saturday and he got another bath this Saturday...he is soooo soft and fluffy!!! :D

All fleas are gone and he hasn't scratched in a week!! Yippee!!

Poor baby!!</STRONG>

Good to hear! Way to go Noah!!!

:) :) :)

09-19-2001, 11:55 AM
Frankie has had fleas for months!!! they won't go away :eek: I'm learning to be a dog groomer, so i've been giving him flea baths and using the flea comb constantly and i always find fleas! they never seem to go away. We have a cat that goes outside sometimes named Oliver and we also have another indoor cat named Jazzy. Oliver must be bringing them in but he doesn't have alot of fleas, Jazzy doesn't have any fleas, and Frankie has lots and lots of fleas. Does anyone have any suggestions? maybe our flea shampoo doesn't work.. i have no idea what to do anymore.

09-20-2001, 03:00 PM
Have you tried Advantage? Noah's fleas are gone and we used it only once. (They give you 4 applications to use over four months.)

Maybe that will work. Good luck!

09-20-2001, 04:22 PM
Advantage or Frontline (Frontline kills ticks too) are great for fleas. But as the veterinarian always says, if you don't treat all pets, and their surroundings, you're always going to have a problem. And when you have multiple pets, as I do, that can become quite expensive! :eek:

I use Frontline during the warm months on both dogs and both cats. Used to use Advantage exclusively until the ticks found us this spring (can't Frontline myself, but most of the ticks were on me!). I don't have carpet, and only two rugs, so I don't have a big problem indoors, but I did decide to keep the dogs and cats inside and treat my yard with chemicals, which many folks are against. But the ticks were way worse to me than any flea I had ever seen, and I wanted to try to rid our property of them. Haven't seen one since I did that and started them on the Frontline. (Knock on wood! :D )

4 feline house
09-20-2001, 07:20 PM
Wood floors can be worse than carpeting. The only house I ever had fleas in had wood floors. But it was an old house and the slats weren't 100% tight anymore, and that's where the fleas lived. I actually had to stay with a friend while I treated the cats, the yard, and the house. And then had to do it again a week later, to kill all the fresh-hatched ones.

If one of your cats has fleas and the other doesn't, make sure he doesn't have tapeworms. Zebo had fleas but Toot didn't. However, Toot was a nervous cat and frequently overgroomed. He actually did have fleas, but groomed so compulsively that they didn't last long enough to be seen before he was swallowing them - as evidenced by the galloping case of tapeworm he had!

09-26-2001, 10:58 AM
Um...why are the fleas still here??? :confused:

Last night, I was on the computer and there was a flea on my arm!! YUCK!!! So, I decided to get the flea comb out and comb Noah. I saw at least 10 fleas on my little baby....poor thing!! :(

We used Advantage on Sept. 8th and then gave him a flea bath on Sept. 15th. I am pretty sure they were gone, but he wouldn't let us close enough after his bath to check.

After we use our 4 month supply of Advantage and start giving him flea baths every Saturday, will the fleas go away? I don't understand this...

4 feline house
09-26-2001, 08:38 PM
Did you treat the house and yard (if Noah goes outside)? You have to do that, too. It's been over 10 years since I had a flea problem, so it may have changed if a newer product has come on the market, but back then you had to do it twice, ten days apart, because at that time there was nothing on the market that killed the eggs. You just had to wait the ten days for them to hatch and then kill all the newly hatched ones.