View Full Version : back early.. w/ 3 coughing dogs.

09-12-2004, 05:36 PM
well we planned that if the dogs were stil sick at the tourny we were gonna turn around and go home. misty was coughing so she never entered the racing building, Happy only coughed once yesterday and otherwise seemed to be just fine, although we knew she was gonna be hacking by today. as for Ripley? well first we talked to the judge you said, to press on his throat and if he coughed he's out and we would go home, he did. he was also coughing almost non stop when on a leash, BUT he does not cough when exersizing. now one of the people running the tourny is a vet, she insidted that because Ripley did not cough while running that he was in perfect health :eek: we did not agree, but whatever, she is supposedly the expert :rolleyes: so we ran the normal order(Dyna, Happy, Ripley, Rigs) we sucked. lol and thos morning it was a see how Ripley is in the mroning kind of thing right? well this morning that poor dog coughed for an hour straight, at the hotel, so we told them to forget it, and we came home. he started coughing up the white foamy stuff too, which he did not do before. Happy has just started hacking a LOT, and is hacking up a lot of the white foamy stuff as well, we knew perfectly well she would get KC though and she would get it the worst of them all, she was the runt of her litter and has a pretty weak immune system, I mean since being on a raw diet her immune system has gotten WAY better them it used to be, but will never be as strong as our other dogs. she seems to have gotten a bit of an eye infection at the same time in one eye, I am not sure where that came from though :confused: we have the eye drops already for it anyway. so were home lol with 3 dogs a coughin. it seems this is going around everywhere though, we were not the only team that had to pull due to kennel cough this weekend.

09-12-2004, 09:32 PM

09-12-2004, 09:40 PM
Good grief. :( I hope they will all be ok! Keep us posted.

4 Dog Mother
09-12-2004, 09:41 PM
Sorry you had to pull your dogs. Hope they are feeling better soon!

09-12-2004, 11:22 PM
good greif! this lady in our club is lying through her teeth about it! making herself sound like a perfect angel of coarse. lets see she did not take her pyrsheps to the show this weekend because they were EXPOSED to KC, BUT they are perfectly healthy..uhhhh the truth? she did not take her pyrsheps to the show because they were coughing so bad she would never have gotten away with it! and lets see we pulled the team because one little dog(Ripley) was coughing last night....uhh no we pulled the team because he was coughing non stop for an hour straight this morning. oh, and all the dogs are fine now, and it was only Ripley coughing on the Eh! team... uh actually dyna was the ONLY dog on the Eh team NOT coughing this morning. the funny thing is she sounds like a little girl scout! she actually said "I know SOME people would dose their dogs up on cough syrup, but not me, it would not be any fun...." uhhh huh suurrrreee ya wouldent, this women would do that without hesitation if they were not coughing as bad as they are. :mad: