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09-12-2004, 11:03 AM
Hi everybody! Remember me? I was such a terribly sick little girl for a long time, but I'm almost 100% recovered now! My poor little legs were so terribly swollen I couldn't walk. But I had a survivor's spirit, and my meowmie didn't have the heart to have me killed. I purr all the time, and love my new toys! I'll be going off to a new home of my own really soon. :D Purrs...Emily Rose :)


I try and try to kill them, but they keep on wiggling :rolleyes:


I feel so much better! Thank you for all the purrayers!


I'm not in the mood for silly flashy things going off at me...thank you!

09-12-2004, 11:26 AM
Oh my - what a beautiful kitty she has become!! Her coloring is gorgeous.

As usual, a job well done, Jan!!

09-12-2004, 11:29 AM
The Found Cats,are very pleased,at the tremendous improvement,it just shows what Love,and TLC,will do! Jan,like Jen,you are OUR HERO!

09-12-2004, 11:41 AM
She's still a petite little girl, but she's a miracle kitten! Even the vet was suprised that she survived that horrible viral attack. Her brothers left for new homes (along with meowmie) so she's all by her onesies, and lonesome. :( If I wasn't concerned about viral shedding, I'd give her a companion that's been vaccinated for FVRCP, but it's a risk I can't take. Her brothers (two of the three) went to a new home in a very ritzy area. They're with a family of three well behaved children. The family did it smart, and didn't jump at the first kitten they saw in the foster home. They went home and discussed it, and came back after the family had decided it was the two boys, over tinier ones. ;) :D

09-12-2004, 11:45 AM
Oh Jan, I am sitting here crying my eyes out.
Dear sweet precious Emily Rose, you have stolen my heart sweet baby. You are a miracle baby for sure.
Look at her. OMG..To think she looked like she was on death's door and then had the will to fight her way back to health. Mind you, Jan you had A LOT to do with that. I am so, so glad you didn't have the heart to have her PTS.
Oh gosh, she is such a pretty kitty. I am just turning into mush here.
Thank you, thank you Jan, for taking the time, love and care to see that this precious girl had to have a chance at a good life.
This has truly made my day.
I hope you get all the love and care in your new forever home Emily Rose as you surely deserve it baby girl.
Here's to a long and healthy life sweetpea.


09-12-2004, 11:48 AM
I obviously was posting at the same time as you Jan.

I'm so glad that Emily Rose's two brothers and meowmie went to a good forever home.:)

Great job Jan.:)

09-12-2004, 12:22 PM
To think she's gone from this


To this! I really had doubts she'd survive. Her little face was grotesquely swollen, and those legs. :(


She's very playful and active which is wonderful! And she loves to be snuggled. :)

09-12-2004, 12:28 PM
Oh gosh here come the tears again.

Jan, give that sweet baby girl, tons of kisses and hugs for me please.

09-12-2004, 01:10 PM
Oh Jan, what a miracle!!! Thank you Jan, and Praise God!!!!
:D :D :D

09-12-2004, 01:42 PM
The thing that really breaks my heart is....those were just two front legs in the picture of her so sick. :( That's how swollen she was poor little girl. :( It looks like her hind leg next to her left, but they were too swelled up to move forward. But I can smile at her recovery! ;) Kisses and snuggles coming up later from everyone! :D

09-12-2004, 02:33 PM
Emily Rose!

Yes I remember you and am so happy to see this "new" you:D

Laura's Babies
09-12-2004, 02:40 PM
You have truely performed a miracle with this one! It is so hard to believe that one could be so sick and look SO bad and fully recover and look like she does now! WAY TO GO!!

09-12-2004, 02:50 PM
didn't see how bad poor kitty looked but, I can only imagine:( she is a beautiful lil baby though...
hugs sent to a sweet lil girl

edit... I gues I didn't read all the posts lol... I saw how she looks before now and tears cam to my eyes You are a wonderful person to take care of this baby and make her well again...
You all are!!

09-12-2004, 05:38 PM
I was at Jan's for uh... 6 hours last night, (new mom cat that took four hours to trap after discovering her 4 - 1 week old babies- oy- hope you don't mind me saying jan!) Anyway, Emily Rose was on fire for at least 5 of the hours I was there! First with the ball and feathers toy, then we gave her Thing 2 (from Cat in The Hat- dipped in a bit of catnip), then one of those round things with the ball in it that they knock around and around and around (and around etc... and boy did she!). That gal would NOT poop out!!! I POOPED OUT LONG before she did! Shall we give her a ride to Montreal? I've never been and need a nice road trip!

09-12-2004, 05:43 PM
Not a bad idea, but I think Lorraine's full up with her latest baby Poppy. Oh..YOO-HOO want an American imported street waif Lorraine LOL! That kitten didn't poop out did she? I'm happy to see her all full of energy, and having fun again. :D :D

09-12-2004, 06:31 PM
She is turning out to be an absolute beauty! I'm so glad to see her healthy and happy!