View Full Version : Kitty tree pix

09-12-2004, 09:55 AM
Here are a few pictures of the boys enjoying the cat tree. I know - I took so many birthday pictures that I have neglected the kitties!! Just wait though - I will drive you nuts once the babies are here!:D
All three love this tree and I am SO glad Lori-Jazzcat posted it so I could get hubby to build them one!
It usually ends up in a fight because EVERYONE wants the top perch:eek:

09-12-2004, 10:46 AM
How cute!!!

Now I can really get a feel for how big Dylan is when I see the differences in cats filling out the perches - WOW!:eek: He may be bigger than Ripley now.

09-12-2004, 10:54 AM
The Top Shelf,of the Tree,that Anna sent to us,Bless You Anna,of Gerona,Spain,is always beig sought too! Usually,it is Moose ,and he is so Big,that that ends the discussion! Your C ats really are enjoying,the tree,and yopu will all get years,of fun,and joy,from it!

09-12-2004, 12:26 PM
LOL, I love the second picture. It looks like Dylan is saying, "What's your problem boy?"

Great cat tree Debbie and can't wait to be driven nuts (Though some people already consider me nuts) when the other two come along. :)

09-16-2004, 08:17 PM
Great tree! How do you get the curved beds??

09-16-2004, 08:21 PM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
Great tree! How do you get the curved beds??

I'm not sure, Jen .. but I think I saw someone say it was some type of tube or piping cut in half?

Laura's Babies
09-16-2004, 09:48 PM
The curved part is for concrete to make poles and stuff stay in the ground, stick that in the ground, put your pipe (or whatever) inside the tube and pour the concrete around it. We are trying to find where to get that at so we can make one like that. It is also on spools of wire at the hardware store and they will usually give you the empty spool FREE. We have had several spools given to us already and I have found a friends husband who sells stuff and he can get me the 1200 foot spools of sisal rope SOoooo cheap! I want one with the curved beds, Sirrahbeds looks just like the one I want to make for my babies for my bedroom.

09-16-2004, 11:22 PM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
Great tree! How do you get the curved beds??

Hi Jen - it is just like what Laura explained but is called Sono tube and comes in several sizes - 8 inch and 12 inch I believe and we bought ours by the foot at a Lowes Store but places like Home Depot, etc have it. It is cheap too! It is a cardboard material -sturdy but easy enough to saw in half and staple fabric or carpet to. Here are some directions for the tree that Dennis built. Lori's Dad also built it and that is how we got the idea :D
Cat Tree (http://amby.com/cat_site/cattree.html)

09-17-2004, 01:04 AM
Very cool tree! I can see why your cuties fight over it. :)

09-17-2004, 07:54 AM
I love these pictures!! Eliot really wants Dylans top spot doesn't he? That cat tree is great and the babies sure are enjoying it. I'm surprised that Princess Emily isn't on the TOP spot.;) :D :D

Laura's Babies
09-17-2004, 08:00 AM
Yep Sirrahbed, that is the one I was wanting. It looks easy to make and you seem to get the most out of the space it takes, it just looks good too!