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09-11-2004, 03:15 PM
that its only been 3 years since 9/11?? It seems like it was like 10 years ago.i feel so bad for the people who lost their family in the towers.so sad.:(

09-11-2004, 03:41 PM
I know what you mean. I still ofton wonder how time can just fly by like that. I was just watching CNN and it was like it was happening all over again. I felt the same impact that I felt that day. Its amazing how the country came together after that. My biological father was right next to the towers that morning and he saw the whole thing happen. He also took pictures. I guess that he was supposed to deliver something to this guy in one of the buildings next door when it happend.
But when I look back on it now, if the terrorist thought that this would bring us down, they thought wrong. I know that it brought me closer to my mum and my sis. You really never know what you have untill its gone. And I want to cherish what I have without experiencing it gone yet, you know what I mean? So in a way, maybe we all needed this wakeup call. But it is amazing that it has been three years already.

09-11-2004, 03:46 PM
To me it seems like it just happened yesterday. It doesn't seem like it's been that long.

09-11-2004, 04:37 PM
I remeber three years ago Sandra, our beloved tatsxxx11, was extremely worried because she had not heard from her husband, who was in NY on business. Eventually he was able to contact her and he was fine, but it was an awful wait.

I remember a co-worker calling me in to my bosses office, where there was a TV.

I remember hearing screaming from the florist's office beneath ours. I later found out that the florist's boyfriend was on one of the planes that hit the World Trade Towers.

I remember that one Pet Talker has a cousin who worked in one of the towers who managed to escape between the time the plane hit and when the building collapsed.

I remember the skies over Boston being silent for days afterwards, except for the unfamiliar sound of fighter jets patrolling the city.

My sister, and my sister-in-law who worked in downtown Boston, in tall buildings, were evacuated and sent home.

I called my brother, who was home with his baby daughter, less than a month old. He was an Army Reservist. I told him to turn on the TV, and then he called the base. He has been activated since January 2003 (he's stateside, but still hours from home), and hopes to be de-activated on January 26th, 2005.

So many lives lost, hearts broken, bonds strengthened and lives forever changed.

I remember.

Aspen and Misty
09-11-2004, 04:49 PM
Karen - I still think the thing that shocked me the most was the quite that followed. We live kinda near a airport so planes are constantly flying over head. It was silent for days, nothing but the fighter jets loud engens were heard in the skies.

I will never forget that day :(


09-11-2004, 07:47 PM
I remembered being so worried about my cousin, David, because he had a stand somewhere in one of the buildings selling produce from his farm (I think). My aunt, his mom, was freaking out until he called her saying that he hadn't gone because he was sick.

I just wish everyone else wasn't there. :(

Sweet Sixy
09-11-2004, 08:14 PM
What a terrible day for the United States. I remember driving to class and hearing it on the radio, just thinking how surreal it was. I got to class and they were playing it on the tv, one of our classmates came in and screamed and began crying hysterically. Both of her parents worked in the towers....Just terrible...:(

09-11-2004, 08:59 PM
I remember seeing it on the TV, in horror, it seemed unreal like a movie, but sadly it was for real, we on the other side of the world, felt the impact too, our hearts went out to every single American, and especially to those who lost their loved ones on this tragic day.

I have just been watching two documentarys on 9/11, about the construction of the buildings, etc, very interesting.

One can only imagine the terror these poor people felt and keep them in our memories forever.

I hope oneday justice will prevail and those responsible will be held accountable and severly punished for this horrendous crime against humanity.

09-11-2004, 09:57 PM
Because my niece was born less than a month before that, it is easy for me to keep track of how much time it has been. She's now a beautiful, willful, funny little girl of three, and very good at talking on the phone, as she has always talked to her Daddy when he called home every night.

I remember calling my pastor, so she could open the church doors so anyone who wanted to come inside could pray in silent sacred space.