View Full Version : I need opinions/advice/anything at all...

09-11-2004, 01:52 PM
Okay, I need some advice...

This might be a bit long...

Today Jasper was trying to get Piddle to play with him, and Piddle kept barking/growling at him, then my dad got MAD at Jasper, and he's been laying here on my bed looking so sad ever since(that was atleast 2 hours ago)...

I find myself thinking 2 things, more and more lately...

1- That I can't wait to move out :p

And 2-That I so wish Jasper had a friend/play mate!!

The dog park is so far away, not for me, but I can't drive yet...

I have been thinking ALOT about my future Rottweiler.

Here is what I need advice on....

When I turn 18(next May), I will probably(almost definatly) have a job, and also my mom gets a cheque from something about my boilogical father(who passed away), and a part of it goes into my name when I turn 18...

I was thinking/hoping, with my own money(from a job and from that), I would be able to get my dream dog.

I'll be finished school by then too, and will be driving soon after that.

And Im sure that money from working, and atleast $100 extra from the other cheque per month, will be enough to feed/vet 2 dogs...or am I wrong?

We also have a huge fenced back yard, I have trained Jasper all on my own, we did go to two clicker training classes but that didn't work out for me.

Basically I am going to talk about all this with my mom soon(theres lots of time), but I want any and all opinions/advice/suggestions I can get, even if they aren't good ones, or ones I'd like to hear, I just need them!

Feel free to ask questions also.


09-11-2004, 02:13 PM
A new dog sounds great, but don't you think the money should maybe go towards a college education or something along those lines. You have your whole life to find your dream dog, but don't waste your chances at getting a good education, job and your own place to live. Then when your are settled and making tons of money from your great job, you can pick out a great rotti or whatever you want. I dunno I guess its your money and is up to you just wanted to give you some advice.

09-11-2004, 02:27 PM
I think it would be a great idea to get a buddy for Jasper! Are you sure that you'd have enough money though? I kind of agree with Jods about the school thing. If you feel like you can care for and afford another dog That's great:)

09-11-2004, 02:50 PM
Well I have a whole other account that Im not allowed to touch that goes towards any of that, so I haven't thought about it...

For Christmas, Im hoping to get all money, and have enough(or atleast half) to send Jasper to P.E.I to get the tests he needs, and thats the only other major thing I needed money for, and hopefully that will be taken care of. If not, I'll wait until I can do that before anything else.

Thanks guys

09-11-2004, 02:57 PM
I think you have put a lot of thought into this,which is good, and it would seem that getting another doggie would be a great idea, I am always impressed when young people make sacrifices for their pets, think things well out in advance, it shows real maturity IMO, you go girl...!!!!:)

Just one thing , have you thought about if you want to go traveling or to college as someone else mentioned? just things to keep in mind.

09-11-2004, 03:02 PM
i do agree that you should save some for your education,but woudnt it be cheaper to get a rescue,than buy a puppy from a breeder??and if you get a puppy you will have to be with him/her all the time.,unless that is what you want to do and train him/her properly.
but i do think that its a great idea to get Jasper a playmate,every dog deserves a playmate:)

09-11-2004, 03:29 PM
My immediate reaction is to say you DO NOT need a puppy. If anything, and that remains to be seen, you should think about an older more settled companion for Jasper. I just don't know that you would have time for two dogs with all you should be taking on right now... just my humble opinion. Just don't be hasty.

09-11-2004, 03:47 PM
Thanks everyone :)

Originally posted by lbaker
My immediate reaction is to say you DO NOT need a puppy. If anything, and that remains to be seen, you should think about an older more settled companion for Jasper. I just don't know that you would have time for two dogs with all you should be taking on right now... just my humble opinion. Just don't be hasty.

Im not sure about getting a grown Rottweiler, I have been researching them for 3-4 years, and what I keep hearing over and over is how much socialization and training they need, and how consistant you need to be with them, and I strongly believe that their bad rep comes from people who get them and don't know how to handle them, as they are so powerfull.

I just like to know what their background is, and would definatly feel better raising it, Im not saying it needs to be 8-10 weeks old, Im just saying, I don't want one who's older and not that socialized..etc, because I need to be able to trust it.

Also this isn't something for right now, this is something that will happen in atleast a year down the road. I just want/need to be VERY ready and educated/informed.

And I want to get Jasper's health taken care of first, and also make sure I'll be able to feed/vet for two dogs, and also make sure I'll have the time and energy for two dogs, as I will be going to university...to become a vet :D

I just want any advice possible, as Im like 75% sure I will still be living with my parents all through university, and will need to talk to them about this at some point, and need to have everything planned so that Im 100%(and not 99.9%) ready.

09-11-2004, 03:53 PM
I've had Rotties my whole life and I think it's a better idea to get a puppy in this breed. Are you planning on getting a female or male? The females I know of are usually a little less dominant and easier to train but males are good too, sometimes you can end up really lucky and get one as sweet as Angus.
Echo says "good Luck":)

09-11-2004, 03:55 PM
You can get a well socialized perfectly fine dog from a shelter or rescue.

Most rescues and shelters wouldn't think of adopting them out if they were anything less than such.

09-11-2004, 03:56 PM
Originally posted by Orangutango
I've had Rotties my whole life and I think it's a better idea to get a puppy in this breed. Are you planning on getting a female or male? The females I know of are usually a little less dominant and easier to train but males are good too.
Echo says "good Luck":)

I could probably ask you alot then :p I also thought a puppy(or atleast a younger dog) would be better to start with...atleast for my first Rottie ;)

I never actually thought about gender, although I have a name picked out for both genders ;) But I'll keep that in mind about females!

Thanks :), and also thanks to Echo :p, she is so pretty!

09-11-2004, 04:20 PM
thats good, you sound like you have it all figured out school etc.... I hope you get a great puppy when the time comes

Aspen and Misty
09-11-2004, 04:56 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
You can get a well socialized perfectly fine dog from a shelter or rescue.

Most rescues and shelters wouldn't think of adopting them out if they were anything less than such.


Also, what about when you go to college? What will happen to the dog's then?


09-11-2004, 04:59 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
You can get a well socialized perfectly fine dog from a shelter or rescue.

Most rescues and shelters wouldn't think of adopting them out if they were anything less than such.

I think that's true too, I've just had better experience's with puppies. I got Echo from the shelter and she trusted know body. It took a long time to get her to the great dog she is now.

09-11-2004, 05:04 PM
Originally posted by Orangutango
I got Echo from the shelter and she trusted know body. It took a long time to get her to the great dog she is now.

To me that makes it all more rewarding. :)

Aspen and Misty
09-11-2004, 05:05 PM
Originally posted by Orangutango
I think that's true too, I've just had better experience's with puppies. I got Echo from the shelter and she trusted know body. It took a long time to get her to the great dog she is now.

I think thats what is great about shelter dog's . Connor, my puppy, love me cause I'm his mom, he doesn't really have any reason to expet that I'm his mom.

Nova, my adult dog that I reascued, Loves me cause I took the time and had the patence to work with her through the times when she really needed someone, she gives me a look cause she knows I saved her life, it's a look reascued adult dog's give there moms. Nova loves me because not once did I turn my back on her, no matter how bad she was, she loves me because unlike her old owners, I took the time to train her and teach her what she needed to know.

I personally have never had such a strong bond with a dog, we seem to know what the other is thinking or trying to say, it's amazing.

Tatsxxx11 signature says - "Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog." - Sydney Jeanne Seward, and I couldn't agree more.


09-11-2004, 05:12 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
To me that makes it all more rewarding. :)

That's true, I just find it really hard to get an adult Rottie to trust somebody, she was so scared of people that if you went near her she would sometimes try to bite and it took like 5 months to get that out of her. You can find really great recue rotties though, I think it would probably be better to get a puppy for your first time having a Rottie. She can find a Rottie puppy at the shelter too though. I am NOT against rescuing at all btw.

I think Robyn should do what she feels is best, if she wants a puppy from a breeder than let her do that. If she wants a rescue she can do that too but it sounds like she wants to find a breeder by her posts.

09-11-2004, 05:49 PM
If Robyn decides she wants to get a puppy from a responsible breeder [which I'm assuming it's what she wants to do from her posts], then I think that's perfectly fine. :) I understand why she would want to go from a breeder instead of a shelter or rescue, so she could really know her pup's history [and since it would be her first Rottie pup], and not have to go through AS many behavioral/socialization issues that you might encounter with a shelter puppy.

In my personal opinion, I think you should wait to get another puppy/dog until you're all finished with school. That way, you would have more time to spend with both dogs, and you'd probably have a stable career.

09-11-2004, 06:49 PM
I don't have time right now to read all the replies so I apologize if anyone has already said this ...

I'd take another obedience class when you get your Rottie. I think its good for everyone to go through at least one full 8-week course. I don't know why the clicker training didn't work for you, but Rotties can be a bit harder to train than other dogs (not bad, just sometimes more of a challenge), so it'll really help to go through a class with him/her.

Also, in my opinion, you can have just as many behavioral issues with a puppy from a breeder as one from a shelter. I think if socialization is an issue, I'd adopt from a Rottie rescue, as they are in foster homes and you could probably easily find a young pup who has been properly socialized by the foster mommy.

09-11-2004, 08:28 PM
I commend you for searching all your options before getting this dog, to me that shows maturity, I am sure you will make the right decision....;)

09-11-2004, 09:04 PM
Thanks everyone.

I never said anything about a breeder, I actually had planned to get my rottie from a rescue in Ontario called Adopt-A-Rott (http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/ON26.html)

The clicker training class didn't work out because of my shyness and anxiety, Just watching a graduation(knowing Id have to get up in front of everyone and do the same), I felt like I was going to have a panic attack :eek:

Also, I would LOVE the challenge of helping/training a shelter dog, but I wanted to start out small, or get an already socialized dog, for Jasper's sake & safety.

Thanks again!