View Full Version : Meeka and I just got back from the SPCA. :D

09-11-2004, 12:13 PM
Well... Meeka had to go get her Rabies shot today at the clinic at the CNY SPCA. It was very nicely setup, and very quick. There were about 10 other dogs there.... and they were all soooo cute! :D

Then we went into the kennels to look at all the dogs. They were all so adorable! Unfortunately... I didnt bring a camera. :( But I do have a picture of one of the dogs we met that I got off the website. www.cnyspca.org Here is his picture. http://www.cnyspca.org/images/animals/1392.jpg He was sooo sweet! :D I really wanted to adopt him. There was an adorable chiuaua that had been abandoned. :( He was also a sweetheart. All of the dogs were so friendly. :D But there was one I liked even better. He was a Boxer/Terrier mix named Winnie. He was such a sweetheart. He had a black and tan face and was a little bit smaller than Meeka. I pet him through the cage and he licked me and we was just too sweet. :)

09-11-2004, 12:13 PM
The one thing that made me the saddest... was this one Rottie male. He was so handsome and was a big boy. I went up to his cage and just talked to him. Then I read his sign... and it said "CAUTION" in big yellow letters. Then I saw why. He started growling and barking visciously. I felt so terrible for him. :-( How could someone be so CRUEL to make that poor dog act that way towards humans? That is just awful. ::mad: :mad: :-( I just wanted to cry. I kept thinking about what would happen to him if he doesnt get adopted. It is a No-Kill shelter, but what will happen to him? Will he live there for his entire life? Please pray for him. :-(

Carly :)

09-11-2004, 03:07 PM
ahh for rottie:( ,he must have been treated terribly or trained to be like that toward humans,stupid owners!!:mad: i hope that someone will come and adopt him,then work with him to make him safe around other people,its so sad.:(

09-11-2004, 03:09 PM
What a cutie! Poor rottie, :(

09-11-2004, 04:13 PM
Originally posted by sammy101
ahh for rottie:( ,he must have been treated terribly or trained to be like that toward humans,stupid owners!!:mad: i hope that someone will come and adopt him,then work with him to make him safe around other people,its so sad.:(

I was thinking the same thing. Hopefully someone with alot of experience with Rotties, and alot of patience will come along and adopt him. :) He deserves a loving home.

09-11-2004, 05:57 PM
Perhaps he was just frightened....