View Full Version : Annie has her plane ticket !!!

09-11-2004, 07:56 AM
Annie is going to be flying from Newark, PA, USA on the evening of Wednesday 13th October and arriving at Heathrow, London, UK on the morning of the Thursday 14th October 04.

A big thank you to those who helped with the Annie Fund, you made this adoption possible. Hugs to everyone you know who you are :)

An even bigger hug to Jen for being a great friend and also for being willing dealing with all the paperwork (and believe me there is a LOT of paperwork)

Please await more photos on or around 14th October 04 :D (Depending on how well Annie hides)

Few pictures of Annie from her foster mum Jen




09-11-2004, 08:07 AM
Jenny this is wonderful news! I bet you thought this day would never come and having these tickets makes it seem so REAL and SOON! I am SO happy for you, Steve and Annie:D We will do our best to give shoulders for Jen to cry on back here - though I know they will be happy tears!!!

Laura's Babies
09-11-2004, 08:23 AM
Hay! Great news!!!!! Annie, be a good girl on that big ole silver bird and it will take you to your FUREVER home!! This is so great that all this was done on PT.... You guys are the BEST!

Ally Cat's Mommy
09-11-2004, 08:40 AM
You guys are amazing, and lucky Annie has a wonderful forever home waiting for her!!!



09-11-2004, 08:47 AM
Wow, it is getting close now isn't it?! Annie will have a new home very soon. Hang in there Annie because once the plane trip is over you will be happy happy happy! I hate flying too but it will be over before you know it!
Jen, are you going to medicate her before she flys? I'm just curious because I'm sure she will be terrified. I would like to medicate myself before I fly!!!;) :D
Looking forward to pics of Annies arrival PIF.:D

09-11-2004, 08:59 AM
Originally posted by catcrazylady
Jen, are you going to medicate her before she flys? I'm just curious because I'm sure she will be terrified. I would like to medicate myself before I fly!!!;) :D
Medicated cats are not allowed to fly, as they get dizzy, confused and can't control their body tempeture. The number one cause of injury and death to travelling animals in cargo AND in the cabin is medication.

So Annie won't be medicated, though I am going to ask Jen to spray Feliwell in her cage before her flight.

I have been talking to some other people who have flown cats several times across different countries and cats often sleep during the flight. I hope Annie does but her cage is so big she can walk around in small circles if she feels active.

I am confident that Virgin airways will look after my Annie.

09-11-2004, 09:00 AM
We pray,that Annie,has a Good Flight,and arrives,soon! A contingent,of Pet Angels,will help her,on the Flight!

09-11-2004, 09:01 AM
Originally posted by catmandu
We pray,that Annie,has a Good Flight,and arrives,soon! A contingent,of Pet Angels,will help her,on the Flight! Thanks Gary :D

09-11-2004, 09:06 AM
I'm sure once Annie is in her place and things settle down around her she will sleep. I know she will be fine. I always manage to survive!!!;) :D :D :D

09-11-2004, 09:19 AM
YAY! I can't believe its so close! It felt like it would be forever til October rolled around and now the plane reservations are made and she's going to be a world traveler!

09-11-2004, 09:30 AM
Yay! Only about a month away. That is great news PIF and Annie!!

I'm so happy for both of you and I can't wait to see pictures of Annie across the ocean.:)

09-11-2004, 09:38 AM
What an adventure getting to your new home across the pond!;)
The Tribe of 5 will be thinking of you and send lots of nose rubs and whisker kisses to speed you on your way.
Congratulations and good flying Annie.

09-11-2004, 11:19 AM
I hope Annie won't mind the British accent in the meow of her new brofurs and sisfurs:D

I am sure PIF, you can't wait to rub that cute belly:)

09-11-2004, 12:12 PM
First of all ... it's great to see you back, Jenny!!!:D
Wow! I can't believe that this big day is finally about here ... I know how excited you must be feeling!!! I can't wait to hear about your special day when you finally get to pick Sweet Annie up from the airport!!! Please keep us updated and sending prayers your way!


Laura's Babies
09-11-2004, 01:45 PM
Me again! I had got some Feline Calming Spray Aromatherapy from my vets new store joinging his new office and I swear by it! Got it for Amy to see if it calmed her during her trips to my son's house and it worked so well I decided to try it at home yesterday and the day before to see if it helped calm the fighting since Samantha has been here and that stuff is a WONDER! Only $9.50 there if they didn'y have it priced wrong and realized their mistake. I may have over used it because they ALL slept the whole day and Samantha slept all day and most of the night!!

The only fighting yesterday was WHO got what perch on the new cat tree! For some reason, they all want the same one...Just like a bunch of kids!

09-11-2004, 03:25 PM
Barbara, I REALLY want to stroke that belly but I'll settle for pictures of her hiding under my sofa.

I have a count down to when Annie arrives at the top of my web pages...do you think I am getting too excited ;)


Roll on 14th October 04 - Annie Day :D

09-11-2004, 03:46 PM
Pif, you must be "over the moon" in exitement! :D I remember reading about this last year - or was it this year. :confused: I'm sure Annie will cope and the flight goes smootlhy. However, I think this is a great idea: Feline Calming Spray Aromatherapy. :)

I can't wait to see the pics of her arrival!

Safe flight, Annie!! :)

09-11-2004, 04:04 PM
Yes, my Sweet Annie, who came to me in July of 2003 will finally be heading to a place that she can call her very own in just over 1 month.
She has 1 vet visit left and then less than 24 hours travel from my home to Jenny's. She CAN do this she is a strong girl. She kennels well, with no panic and when confronted by strangers (like the different vet personel she has seen) she is very submissive and easy to handle.
I am not concerned in the least that the airline won't care for her properly. I used to fly with my show rabbits and they always went as cargo. (without a hair out of place) hee hee....
I will try to get some new pictures of Annie in America!!
Thanks for you thoughts, prayers and help.

09-11-2004, 04:28 PM
Originally posted by Randi
Pif, you must be "over the moon" in exitement! :D I remember reading about this last year - or was it this year. :confused:
We offical adopted Annie on the 15th March 2004 and I have an email to prove it, it does seem a lifetime ago.

Originally posted by jenluckenbach
Yes, my Sweet Annie, who came to me in July of 2003 will finally be heading to a place that she can call her very own in just over 1 month.
Our baby girl is coming home. :D
When she has settled in and learns to bond with us and our herd, she'll love the garden next summer.

Originally posted by jenluckenbach
I will try to get some new pictures of Annie in America!!
Thanks for you thoughts, prayers and help.
And you will be flooded with English pictures shortly. I hope you like the underneath of our sofabed. ;)

09-12-2004, 09:09 AM
Go see Sweet Annie pictures (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=58478)