View Full Version : New Pippin movies

09-10-2004, 08:22 PM
Hi everyone,
We've been very busy this summer. Mom has been in school non- stop and then traveling a bit, and Dad has been flying. Me and my brothers have been hanging out and loving the great Seattle summer! We've been keeping up on the happenings at PetTalk as much as possible, but we just run out of time by the end of the day. I'll talk Mom into taking some family photos and get the rest of the guys up on a thread so you can see them again.

Here's a movie of me playing with my track ball. I can't see it, but that doesn't matter. I love making it go round and round. These open in Windows Media player.

Pip Movie for dialup connections (http://home.comcast.net/~jphoenix12/pip2.wmv)

Pip Movie for cable and DSL connections (http://home.comcast.net/~jphoenix12/pip3.wmv)

This one opens in QuickTime.

Pip Movie QuickTime (http://home.comcast.net/~jphoenix12/pipplay2.mov)

They're all the same movie just different file types in case someone doesn't have the software.

Pippin and the Tribe

09-10-2004, 08:42 PM
LOL! What is that thing he's playing with? What is a track ball? My little tuxie wants to know because she wants one too!

Glad you had a wonderful summer and looking forward to seeing family pix.

Laura's Babies
09-10-2004, 08:43 PM
I sat here and laughed like crazy! That is to cute!!!! I wondered if they would find something like that interesting enough to play with... Now I will have to go look at those!

09-10-2004, 09:12 PM
We call it a track ball, but I think the commercial name is
"Crazy Circle" and its made by Petmate.

I found one online at this link:

Greg Robert Quality Pet Supplies (http://www.pet-dog-cat-supply-store.com/shop/index.php?page=shop-flypage-297-585425ebb708d349d02b0a736a683d49&ps_session=0e1cc0451cd6571c71171ad42b3dbd3d)

Pippin and Tiger love this thing. And I think you can add balls to it. A ping pong ball would fit right in and make lots of interesting noises for curious kitties!

09-10-2004, 09:14 PM
LOL!! Pippin is so cute and funny. He really gets into that toy.

Cute video!

09-10-2004, 09:27 PM
How Adorable!!! Aren't they just amazing?! Pippin you are such a cutie and you are darn good with that ball! My sighted cats can't keep up that well!:D :D :D

09-10-2004, 09:41 PM
Aww Pippin, thanks for sharing your playtime with us. Looks like you were really enjoying yourself. You are such a cutie pie.

I also LOVE that tail of yours.:D

09-11-2004, 09:19 AM
My Goodness,is Pippin,ever a LOOK Alike,of JJJ3! And Karinas Kittens,have that exact Toy,and love it!