View Full Version : What did you do today?

09-10-2004, 06:07 PM
I thought it would be interesting to see what everyone does with their day. So, tell us what you did today!

Today when I woke up, I let the dogs out, like aways. Fed them, played with them, took pictures of them.

Came in, got on the computer. Watched some TV
When my mom got home I helped her make dinner.
Ate dinner, and now i'm here!
I plan on going to the movies at around 9 with my cousin and some friends. I have no clue what we're going to see.:p

09-10-2004, 06:12 PM
This morning I woke up, went to school (ugh), took the bus home at 3. My grandparents were over since my mom and one of my little sisters are going on a girl scout camping trip for a few days and were watching my 6 year old sister until my dad came home. Last night, my neighbor asked if I could dog sit for her for the day since they have to go to Iowa to watch their daugter run (she runs for Northwestern University) So...I went over there are fed, let out, and ran around with their dogs. After about an hour I came home and went on the computer. Then I ate dinner. Now I'm typing this. :) In a little bit I have to got back to play with the puppers again. (pictures promised!)

09-10-2004, 06:56 PM
I got out of be, had a shower, went to school (only a half day:D),
Came home, Walked Tango for 2 hours (she wasn't even at all tired when we got home) Ate supper, fed the dogs, put the dogs outside, let them back in the house, Came on PT:), I also went to the Animal Shelter to donate some food.

Buddy Blaze Lover
09-10-2004, 07:53 PM
Today I woke up and did school all morning then had labs all afternoon (1-4) and came home exhausted! :)

Samantha Puppy
09-10-2004, 07:55 PM
Rolled out of bed, took a shower. Did my hair and put on make-up. Drove to work, almost got hit twice because people don't know how to drive. Pretended to work all day. Found out I didn't get the job I was really hoping to get, cried. Came home, cuddled with Samantha and Josh. Josh took me to a Japanese steakhouse to cheer me up. Came home. Watched 'Medical Investigation' that we TiVo'd last night. Now I'm on PT. I'll get off of here in a few minutes, watch the new episode of "Medical Investigation" that's on at 10pm. Then I'll probably go to bed (though not to sleep).

09-10-2004, 08:11 PM
Busy last few days for me T-T

Today I woke up, went to my classes, then went out to our cottage with Zeke. Took him for a walk and did some training work. Went home, had a short nap, then took my bro to work and went back to my cottage where I spent most of the night setting up tents and such for my sisters wedding thingie. Like the party afterwards. Lots of stuff for that T-T

Yesterday I spent a lot of time helping with it too. I drove atleast 20 mins to get to my sisters house, another 20 maybe to get back in town (I went to get her dog) then I drove him all the way out to a kennel I 'worked' at which had to be a 40 min drive T-T But atleast I know he will be well taken care of.

-sigh- There is a lot more but I don't have a lot of time. The wedding is tomorrow (I know it has nothing to do with this thread lol!)

09-10-2004, 08:15 PM
Woke up, fed the dogs, let them out, showered, packed for school, and then took the bus to school.

After school, I went to develop pics from my digital, picked up my paycheque, went to my friend's house, cashed my cheque, then went downtown to buy bleach and dye. Then we came back to my house and I dyed his hair. :D

09-10-2004, 09:28 PM
Today, I woke up, and went to school. When I came home, I spent some time with the dogs, got something to eat, and then I got ready, and I went to the Football game with friends.

which by the way, We WoN! gooo RouGh Riders! :p lol

09-10-2004, 10:23 PM
I woke up, did school (Home schooled). Ate lunch, Then I played with Kally for awhile. Went to my friends house to go swimming for awhile.(BTW they are home schooled too) I came home got on here. Then went and played THREE 10 inning softball games!! :eek: Then I came home and kicked back and relaxed.

Then I got on here.:)

I had a fun day!

Other than than the school part!(Of course):p

09-10-2004, 10:28 PM
slleipnir, what does T - T mean? Is it supposed to look like something? :p sorry I'm dumb :)

Woke up to late to Sophie playing with my hair, fed the cats, threw on some clothes, and rushed to work with no makeup on. Got to work at 8:30, half an hour late. Pretended to work until 5:00. Drove home. Watched some TV, took a bath, worked on a scrapbook. Now I'm watching the FSU-Miami game, and when this is over I'm going to throw in a load of laundry, back a bag for my trip to my parent's tomorrow, and go to bed. I'm so boring!!

Aspen and Misty
09-10-2004, 10:36 PM
Rolled outta bed at 7:20
Took a shower, got dressed, did my hair and let the dog's out
Left for School at 7:40
At 8:45 I relized that one of the girls I concered my friends was Seriously Pshyco (she tried to kill her brother with a gun, in all honesty she has witnesses :eek: I'm staying on her good side)
At 12:40 I went to lunch, met up with my friends and we talked about our weekend plans
at 2:40 we had a pep rally. While the cheerleaders were doing there stuff, we stood up (the 9th 10th, 11th and 12th grades) and left the gym, we deced it wasn't worth our time.
3:10 Arrived home
5:30 got off the phone after talking to numerouse people about tonights foot ball game
6:30 Celebrated my bro's 15th birthday
8:10 Went to the Pet store to buy some doggie treats for Breeze
10:30 Made Pupcicles for tomrrow, got all the treats ready
10:45 Deced Golly was spending the night inside
11:36 I sit here typeing this


09-10-2004, 11:13 PM
Let's see...
I got up at 8:30 took the dogs out, came in and took a shower, got ready for school.
Left at 10:15 to go to class, took at test, left school at 11:30, went to Jersy Mikes and got a Honey Mustard Turkey Wrap mmmm yum!
Went home, let the dogs out, came back in, played fetch with Claire and cuddled Rebel (She loves to play, he just likes to sit next to me. :D )
Left for work at 1, got off work at 6, ran and ate at Taco Bell, then went to WalMart for another baby gate to keep at Shannon's house.
Went home, got the puppers, and thier toys/food/leashes
and we came to Shannon's, then we played with the pups while watching Hidalgo, and now I'm sitting here again, with a metallic taste in my mouth for some odd and scary reason and acid reflux. Ugh. lol

09-11-2004, 04:06 PM
I went out and helped my Mom, Dad, and some friends cut firewood for about 7 hours. Ugh. It was so hot:( :rolleyes:

Desert Arabian
09-11-2004, 04:21 PM
7:45: Woke up, gave Peanut some lettuce
8:15: Took a shower and got ready for work
8:45: Left for work

worked my butt off

3:15: Got home from work
3:20: Gave Peanut some treats
3:30: Went outside and washed off rabbit hutch
3:45: Put Peanut in the rabbit hutch outside
3:55: Went on Pet Talk/internet

Still on Pet Talk/internet...waiting for my friend to come over so we can play with Peanut in the grass in her dog pen. :D :D

Samantha Puppy
09-11-2004, 04:35 PM
8am - Samantha woke us up
8:30am - My morning round of my regular websites
9am - Bills, bills, bills
10am - Shower, did hair and make-up
11am - Drove to MVA to change my name on my license
12:30pm - Finally was waited on only to find out that the church license isn't "valid" - I need a state/county issued one. :mad:
1pm - Grocery shopping
2pm - Putting groceries away
3pm - Watched wedding video
4pm - Started dinner
5pm - Still working on dinner

Not sure what's in store the rest of the night. Maybe playing a game with Josh. Maybe taking some Samantha pictures. Maybe watching a movie. Who knows?

09-11-2004, 04:53 PM
9:10- woke up and got out of bed
9:13- Put the dogs out and fed them
9:20- had a shower
9:40- went to Superstore
10:55- went to PetSmart
11:20- came home
11:25- put groceries away
11:40- put Tango's new T-shirt on her
11:45- came on PT
2:44- got off PT
3:08- Took Tango for a walk
3:30-came home
3:53- Sitting here typing this:)

09-11-2004, 06:18 PM
Woke up at seven-something this morning because Mr. Mickey was crying to be played with.

Then, I lay around on the couch when my dad told me some guy was coming over to check on the central air system so we needed to clean up the house in a half hour.

After some homework, I went shopping, then some computer and Mickey time, and back to my homework. And now I'm back here. :)

I'm totally drained. =_=

09-11-2004, 11:14 PM
6:30 a.m. woke up
7:40 a.m. left for work
8:00 a.m. started work
1:00 p.m. hated work
5:30 p.m. left work 2 and a half hours late
6:00 p.m. ate pizza
7:00 p.m. watched a movie (lost in translation)
9:30 p.m. got on here

Not a fun day at all, trust me.

09-11-2004, 11:24 PM
Woke Up went to work( im a dog sitter) then i went to the mall after that i met a friend and went to another mall (lots of shopping) then went to Market then i made dinner(mac and Cheese) and played with dogs..back to work for an hour... then i went to Kmart(MORE SHOPPING) then i ate popcorn and watched the WHole ten yards and now im here:)

09-12-2004, 12:23 AM
6 am alarm goes off
6:30 got up fed 3 cats let Merlin out filled his dish. Lady dancing on base ment stairs let her out .Great its raining. fed fish and bunny. Let merlin in. Made my lunch.
7:00 warm up car stop get soda and quick food . drive 20 mintues to work.
7;30 get in shop god its cold. turn on heat Patsy (co worker horse nut ) arrives.
8am open store no customers until 8:45 I hate. the tail end of the season
More folks come in so we are busy. 10:30 other 2 emplyees arrive take breck start on management duties.
4:30 out of here.
5pm home tourist traffic weird shouldn't be any now but there is. can't decide what for dinner hubby suggests going out. neither candecide where. cuddle up on couch fall asleep.
6:30 hubby suggest store for steak . 7:30 dinner eaten check few things on computer.
8pm apprentace Love that man with a lousy hair cut. Jordan at 9
Did spend a lot of the day thinking and reflecting on this day 3 years ago. talked to a couple from NY about what it was like to be there and how it changed them and there lives intresting conversation.
10 news
10:30 evening feedings and cuddles now of to the tub and bed if I can wake up the snore king(merlin)

09-12-2004, 12:40 AM
6 am--awakened to the sound of a dog whipping her head around, ears flapping, and tags jingling--tell Jada to knock it off and go back to bed--still going--beg husband to get out of bed and clean her ears for her (she won't let me do it)
6:15--watch Jada run around trying to rub her head on everything in sight, laugh, then tell her to get back to bed--everyone's asleep again.
8:30--wake up again, hubby is getting ready for work
9:00--back asleep
9:45--feel paws on my face--Abbey's ready for mommy to get up!!!
10:00--get everyone fed, then outside to run around for a while
10:30--scoop the backyard:p , then throw the balls around for a while
11:30--leave for a "quick" trip to the store--found a new coat, new bag, and some other clothes to buy, picked up some cereal, bananas, and magazines at the grocery store.
1:30--return home, let everyone out, unload bags--cut off a million tags
2:00--made a sandwich, looked at PT, and went through the mail--mostly junk
2:30--went outside and ran around with the dogs--no one really wanted to play with the balls much, so we just played chase:)
3:00--took a bath, started getting ready for work
4:00--leave for work
4:15--get to work
4:30-11--wait tables
11:30--begin the process of closing--all the fun managerial stuff:rolleyes:
12:00--contemplate how scary it is to be in the restaurant all alone at night:eek:
1:00--get finished, head home
1:15--let everyone out, check lottery numbers (lol), and get out my computer

09-12-2004, 08:58 PM
No one really wants to hear the WHOLE day do they? ^_~

Highlights only: I went to petco and the grocery market, played with benjamin, and made cookies. :D

09-12-2004, 09:05 PM
Originally posted by lizzielou742
slleipnir, what does T - T mean? Is it supposed to look like something? :p sorry I'm dumb :)

It's a japanese emoticon. 'english' emoticons you have to turn your head to see... like =) But japanese ones you don't have to turn your head. like ^_^ is a big smile. T-T is crying. see the slit eyes, and tears coming down.

here's a site I just found in google with some emoticons:

09-12-2004, 09:18 PM
I worked and did scrapbooking at work! Was lots of fun.

09-12-2004, 10:34 PM
Woke up at 8.
Got Skylar ready to go to the rabbit show.
9:30 arrived at the rabbit show and was there til 4.
Went out for dinner with my Mom.
5:00 Went to my grandma's and picked apples.
6:00 Got home and watched TV
7:00 Did some updating on my website, chatted with people on MSN.
8:15 went on PT.
8:35 (now) am typing this and about to go do homework! :p

09-13-2004, 06:28 AM
I woke up, did my morning knee exercises, got dressed up and went to church. After that I went to Wal Mart and did some shopping, Came home was on PT for a while, then I walked around the block (to exercise my knee), came home, ate supper, d my evening exercises, went on PT, then went o bed. Exciting. wasn't it?