View Full Version : Too fat

4 feline house
08-21-2001, 09:34 PM
Well, last week I decided three of the four in the 4 feline house were too fat, so I bought the green Iams and started the gradual blend. Things were going fine, even tho they did ask me why I was mixing rabbit pellets in with their food. Then Cookie's annual came up, and when she was put on the scale she broke it. No, not really! But she had gained four pounds in the last year and I sheepishly told the vet she had just been put on a diet. But as the good food diminished and the rabbit pellets increased, I heard rumblings of mutiny. Yesterday morning I was woken up by Biggie punching me in the back (for real!!). I rolled over and he growled "Feed me!! And I don't mean rabbit turds!" I headed for the kitchen and was bowled over by four furry bodies rushing in ahead of me hoping the good little x's were fixing to fall into the bowl. But when I saw the bowl full to the brim with pellets, I told them maybe they needed a few glasses of ice cold water, or maybe they could chew some sugarless gum, but the fat-free, high fiber days were here to stay, as long as the four of them together weighed the same as a second-grader!

Then I came home this afternoon and.....BUSTED!!! There was Big, munching on the diet food! Of course, he quickly dropped what he was chomping and whirled away from the bowl, and turned up large, pitiful, hungry, begging eyes to me. Too bad, Tubbo! You've been found out!

08-21-2001, 09:43 PM
Oh, Leah! That is too funny. Don't they have a way of making you feel so bad? My cats are both slim and trim. Mimi weighs in at a whopping 6 pounds, and Butter was 11.5 when he went in on Friday. That's a weight gain of 1.5 pounds since January for him, but he is so lean, just large, that I don't worry about it.

But....Lilly, Honey and I have to worry! We're all dieting right now! And the look from those dogs is so pitiful that I get tempted to cheat...but we won't!!!

08-22-2001, 11:00 AM
I'm in a no-win situation with two of mine - Gigio is very old and cannot eat his portion in one go (otherwise he cannot hold the food down), he eats a bit, has a rest for 10 minutes then goes back to his dish, he can even go on for hours (including nightime). So, seen his age the vet told me it's OK to leave some food out for him throughout the day. Maya obviously tries to take advantage of the situation and greedy as she is tries to help herself from her brother's dish, she is on the heavy side (and she is a short cat too so it stands out even more :D )and keeping her on a diet is almost impossible. I can't separate them otherwise I would not have any doors left and Prema, even though food is not on top of her agenda, hates closed doors and would scream the whole place down.

So I'm afraid I will have to keep a plump cat :D

[ August 22, 2001: Message edited by: Gio ]

08-27-2001, 03:13 PM
4FelineHouse: I LOVE your "story", that was so cute!!! Thank you for brightening my day!!

09-25-2001, 10:21 PM
I have a similar problem to Gio. My guy Scooter has been packing on the pounds, especially since I moved in with my sister.
My sister had 2 older cats, one of whom has pretty much lost her appetite. The vet advised my sister to have food out at all times for Ebie, in case she temporarily gets her appetite back. This has worked out fairly well for Ebie, she has gained about 1/2 a pound, but Scooter has been abusing this. He gained 1 1/2 pounds!

4 feline house
09-25-2001, 11:18 PM
This is weird, nsweezie, I signed on to look for this topic and update it, and there it was on the front page! Ooooh....

Anyway, the diet must be working becuase today I noticed Cookie has hips again, and Big doesn't need the assistance of the wall to clean his belly!

09-26-2001, 03:32 PM
Congrats to Big, Cookie, and to their Mommy who toughed it out to get them healthy! :D ;) :D

09-27-2001, 10:50 AM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy:
<STRONG>4FelineHouse: I LOVE your "story", that was so cute!!! Thank you for brightening my day!!</STRONG>

LOL, same here! Leah, your story cracked me up! You certainly have a way with words!

09-27-2001, 11:21 AM
Dear 4 feline - what a cute, cute story - so nice to have a good laugh. I also have a 4 feline household two of the 4 are oriental Siamese - Slim and Trim, but my Panda Bear (tabby) is a fat cat. Ever since she's been a house cat and ever since she's been spayed she's been packing on the lbs. No wonder Spencer has to get his share before she comes into the room!!!!

09-27-2001, 11:32 AM
Leah! Congratulations on the weight loss! My Honey and Lilly have been dieting, as my "dog" friends know. I haven't had the nerve to take them back to the vet to be weighed yet, but I can see a loss on Honey, but not really on Lilly :eek:. That Lilly LOVES to eat. I'm working on convincing her that ice cubes are a wonderful snack. Too bad I haven't trained myself that well yet!

4 feline house
09-27-2001, 07:04 PM
Well, last night, I surely wouldn't have guessed that Big had lost any weight. I forgot to feed them before I went to bed (I figure since they're nocturnal, maybe their metabolisms are faster then) and he made sure I knew - by STANDING on me in the bed! Can you imagine 18 or so pounds concentrated into four little one-square-inch paws planted on your hip, ribs and shoulder? I think I have bruises!

09-28-2001, 02:19 PM
:D :D :D


Sorry about your bruises, but I hurt myself laughing. Oh, how I could just picture that; and RELATE to it.