View Full Version : Never kick (out) a sleeping dog....

09-10-2004, 02:29 PM
Snoring dog kicked out of flat

A Neapolitan Mastiff dog has been evicted from his owner's flat in Romania because he snores too loudly.

Neighbours went to court to protest at the noise made by pedigree champion Sumo.

One neighbour, Iuliu Popa, said: "This dog snores so loud it sets alarms off in the night.

"My father-in-law had to emigrate to Canada because of this. He had a heart condition and couldn't stand the noise."

Authorities in Cluj agreed to evict the dog after officials measured its snoring and found it registered 34 decibels.

But the dog's owner, Attila Varga, says he will appeal against the decision.

He told Evenimentul Zilei newspaper: "My Sumo is a very young dog, only two years and a half, and a very precious animal.

"He won four championships as the best dog of his breed. He sleeps in the bed and I don't know why they say he snores so loud. He doesn't bother me at all."


Thank god this guy was counting sheep, not chasing them


09-10-2004, 03:30 PM
Poor Doggy he deserves to snore as loud as he wants, mine do.

09-10-2004, 04:12 PM
so was the dog put to sleep or something?i hope not:( but he should be able to snore as loud as he wants!:p

09-13-2004, 03:54 PM
Man appeals against dog's snoring eviction

A Romanian man's launched an appeal against a court decision that evicted him and his snoring dog from their flat in Cluj Napoca

Attila Varga's neighbours went to court because they were being kept awake at night by Sumo's snoring. The noise also set off sensitive burglar alarms in people's flats.

Local council officials said noise measurements taken had found that Sumo's snoring was 24 decibels - ten more than the legal noise limit in the flats at night, says the daily Evenimentul Zilei newspaper.

Neighbour Iuliu Popa who started the legal proceedings to have the dog kicked out said: "When that dog goes to sleep we're the ones up all night. Sometimes it's so loud that it even sets all our alarms off."

Varga said he had been forced to move out with the dog until the appeal was heard.

"This is an extremely valuable dog. He is the most valuable pedigree dog to have been produced by a Romania breeder in the last four years.

"I don't know how all these people can say he snores that loud because he never bothers me."

Sumo and his owner are staying in temporary accommodation until the appeal is heard.

09-13-2004, 03:58 PM
I can't imagine how loud the snoring must be in order to cause such a ruckus, but if I lived in an apartment and it was so loud that it was keeping me up every night, and setting off alarms, then I would definitely not be happy. :eek:

09-13-2004, 04:04 PM
that's dumb! i can't imagin throwing out my dog because he's snoring!:mad:

09-13-2004, 04:55 PM
I don't think people are reading this right. It is the owner with the dog getting evicted because apparently the snoring is SO LOUD that no one is able to sleep in the surrounding apartments and it is causing alarms to go off etc. Sounds like the dog has a medical condition if the snoring is that loud.