View Full Version : Message for Catmandu

09-10-2004, 02:16 PM
I know I'm not supposed to be telling this but I'm going to anyway.
I am the person who is supposed to send you your gift swap package. I never could understand why you hadn't recieved it but I kept thinking that maybe it was because it was going out of the country. I know it has taken longer for me to get some things from you than for others.
I mailed your package weeks and weeks ago from work. We have an extensive postal service here and today I asked them to track it. They couldn't find out what happened to it and I threw a fit! After much searching the mail girl came to me a little while ago and informed me that the package was still here in the factory!!!!!!:eek: They had misplaced it and mixed it in with some samples that arent supposed to be mailed until the middle of September!
I'm so upset and embarrassed that I want to crawl in a hole!:o I'm so so so sorry! When I saw you hadn't recieved your package yet I didn't say anything because I kept thinking you would get it any day.
Gary I just want you to know that I would never skip out on a deal that I agreed to and especially not one with you! You have been so kind to me and to my furbies that I wouldn't hurt you for anything.
You have my sincerest apologies for the looooooong delay. Your package is in the mail and hopefully will be there within a week or so.
I can not apologize hard enough or beg your forgivness long enough.
I'm praying that you understand and will forgive me for not speaking up sooner. I really thought you would get it any day so I waited.
I'm sorry I broke the rules and told but I could not let Gary think any longer that he had been forgotten.
Gary I'm sending you this as a PM and I'm posting it publicly as well.
I'm so sorry:(

09-10-2004, 04:05 PM
Oh *Hugs!* Hope I'm not rude for saying so but stupid things happen! Mistakes do happen from time to time, its part of being human. I think its great that you took the time to track things and find out where the package went off to. Now that things are corrected, he will be getting a great package very soon!

09-10-2004, 06:17 PM
Thanks DJ because I'm feeling about 2 inches tall right now. I should have checked sooner.:(

09-10-2004, 06:37 PM
Oh Lisa - you sweet thing! We all love you and it is very brave to show your goof in public!:o I would have done the bravest possible thing and hid for a few days:D :p

Gary will understand I am sure and now he can anticipate a fun package in the mail!!!

Dear, dear, guess this is what happens when we get older!!:p ....now WHAT is that abbreviation for running, ducking and hiding or something like that???:D :D LOL

Ally Cat's Mommy
09-11-2004, 05:24 AM
I am just SO relieved that dear Gary and the Found Cats will be getting their package!

BETTER LATE THAN NEVER. It was an honest mistake, and you deserve a huge ((((HUG)))) for posting this thread!!;)

09-11-2004, 08:53 AM
Mistakes,do happen,as My dear Mother said once,thats why they put erasers,on pencils,Son! We are releived,that the parcel,wasnt lost,or stolen,and the Cats,cant wait,to see what Scrappy Magoos Meowmie,sent,Thank You,from All Of US!

09-11-2004, 08:58 AM
Gary I knew you would not be upset! Poor Lisa was almost in tears when I talked to her on the phone - just felt awful!!! But now you get to watch the mail for a neat surprise:D

09-11-2004, 09:03 AM
I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER NOW! Thank you Gary for being so understanding. Debbie is right, I felt awful! Of course she was a lot of help......run, duck, hide!!!;) :D
Just kidding Debbie! You did make me feel better yesterday but my full relief is here since Gary is so understanding. SHEW! I'm glad that's over because I was worried to death!

09-11-2004, 09:35 AM
Oh Lisa don't worry, those kinds of things happen.

I'm so glad to know Gary and the Found Cats haven't been forgotten!:D

09-11-2004, 09:56 AM
How could we be angry,as our Feeder,has been known,to make a few mistakes,himself,amd we know,that we are going,to be pleased,by our package,as Scrappy Magoo,tells us,that you ARE The BEST!

09-11-2004, 10:04 AM
May I please tell you that your WONDERFUL!!!:D :D :D

09-11-2004, 12:20 PM
Ok you two .... I am getting all warm and fuzzy here ..... let's ease up on the mushiness!!! :eek: JUST KIDDING OF COURSE!!!

I love you BOTH, and I am so excited to hear what Gary and the Found Cats receive!!! Ok, now I'm getting mushy!:rolleyes: :D