View Full Version : 5 years ago today (few pics)

09-10-2004, 10:29 AM
Today marks the 5th anniversary of the day David and I married. I generally would keep our anniversary celebrating more between us rather than sharing, but it feels a bit more special this year. We've made it to our fifth year now and we are more harmonious and understanding than ever of each other. We actually met (on the internet!) 10 years ago while we were both in college, so we have been through a lot together, and I could not have asked for a more talented, smart, and loving person to share my life with.

So today, I just wanted to share a few pictures in honor of our anniversary. All of these are pictures of pictures so the quality isn't that of the original photo, but they are just as precious to me nonetheless.

First just a couple of our wedding photos:



First dance at the reception (poor lighting)

We did not go on some glamorous honeymoon cruise or flight. We rented a van, packed up supplies, ourselves, and the dogs (Willie and Tasha), and headed up to the North Shore in Minnesota, near the shore of Lake Superior where we had a 4-day camping trip. It is still one of the best memories of my life. Some of the ladies that I worked with at the time shuddered and couldn't understand why I'd want to go camping in the woods in a tent for a honeymoon, but that is just the kind of thing we loved to do. We hiked every day, roasted marshmallows at night and had s'mores, it was perfect.

This is about the only picture I have of both of us from the honeymoon, as we didn't really have someone to take pictures of us, we had to set the auto picture feature and run in front of the camera in time.

We were surrounded by scenery such as this:

Much of the time in the summer he spends out in the yard, working and working on it. It is his passion, and most of the beauty in the yard is due to his hard work and ideas. A typical weekend morning will find him grunging in the dirt, planting or working on some project.

But sometimes we take a chance to hike at Quarry Park nearby with the pups. I'm just very thankful that I have someone willing to do and share these things with me. It makes life wonderful, as does he.

09-10-2004, 10:57 AM
Happy Anniversary, Jessica!!!! :) Personally, I'm glad you decided to share this wonderful occasion with us, your friends!!!!! What a handsome couple you two make!!! The pictures and memories are just marvelous!!! I wish the two of you many, many more happy years!!!!


09-10-2004, 11:02 AM
Happy anniversary! I see he has canine supervision for his yard work! ;) Thanks for sharing with us, happy days and years ahead for you all!

Pretty dress - and boy, he's tall!

09-10-2004, 11:10 AM
Thank you guys!

And yes, he is tall, he's about 6'4 :D

Holly's mom
09-10-2004, 11:37 AM
Happy Anniversary, Jessica and David!! Thanks for sharing those gorgeous pictures!! My cousin lives inthe area where you went on your honeymoon (Duluth) and I try to get over there once a year to visit, just a girls weekend. We do all kinds of fun things, we've been to Glensheen Mansion several times, (I just love that place), lots of shopping, cruises on the Vista Fleet, etc. One year we went driving along the North Shore, stopping at many of the gift shops, also Betty's Pies (delicious!!) and also went to Gooseberry Falls. The scenery along there is just beautiful!!

09-10-2004, 12:40 PM
What a joyous occasion, Jess!!!
The scenerey is wonderful!!!
So are your pics of the wedding.
Happy Anniversery!

My Peanuts
09-10-2004, 12:50 PM
Happy Anniversary. You sound really happy :).

09-10-2004, 01:22 PM

Such a wonderful thread. I'm so glad you decided to share your happy day with us. Your words and pictures were beautiful. Have a wonderful day and may you have many many more years together!

Robin :)

09-10-2004, 02:22 PM
Happy Anniversary, Jess and David:) You've become such a dear friend Jess and I'm so happy you decided to share your anniversary with us! I for one love camping and can't imagine a more beautiful setting in which to spend your first days together as husband and wife...so much privacy;) Even the doggies got to come along:D And getting messy eating s'mores around a campfire?...Better than the most lavish gourmet meal:D Congratulations to you friend! How blessed you both are! And here's to many, many more happy years together! Love, Sandra

09-10-2004, 02:30 PM
Happy anniversery! 6'4 is pretty dang tall! wow!:eek: lol!
That scenerey is so beautiful! My idea of a perfect wedding is from one of my favorite movies the runaway bride. I want to come in on a horse and leave on one to. If I could have the scenery that you had GOD it would be perfect. Looks like it was just so perfect for you! I am happy for you and may you have SO many more happy years together!!!:)

09-10-2004, 02:31 PM
Happy Anniversary!

09-10-2004, 04:13 PM
Holly's Mom, Gooseberry Falls was the area we were at, it was beautiful.

Thanks everyone for the warm wishes and kind comments. :)

Ally Cat's Mommy
09-10-2004, 04:19 PM
Happy Anniversary! Hope you have many, many more wonderful years together!

09-10-2004, 04:37 PM
Happy Anniversary, Jessica! :)

09-10-2004, 04:51 PM
Happy Anniversary! looks like a beautiful wedding and a fabulous honeymoon! Here's the the first five years and hoping for another fifty for you both! :)

09-10-2004, 04:59 PM

09-10-2004, 07:18 PM
Happy Anniversary, Jessica and David! You two make a wonderful couple. :)

Thanks for sharing the pictures with us! I enjoyed them!