View Full Version : Update on Merlin :-)

09-10-2004, 07:52 AM
I have made wonderful progress with Merlin. While I still do not know if he is a she I have been able to get closer to Merlin than I had in the past.

Last night Merlin came up to the breezeway and jumped on the top of Tucker's house that I keep out there for her. He began to "meow" to let me know that he was outside. So I made a dish for him and went out and sat with him. While he was eating I managed to pet his head without him running away. He is still very scared at sudden movements but after he let me pet his head he moved closer and I was able to pet his entire body for a good 5 minutes while he ate his dinner.

I decided that I would go in the house and get him a toy mouse and sprinkle a little catnip on it to see if he would like it...well he took the mouse and rolled all over the breezeway and then when I snapped the first picture he took the mouse and RAN with it.

Here are a few pictures. Keep me in your prayers that Merlin will keep trusting me. He is such a beautiful cat.

Here he is with the mouse.

Here he is hidding from me with the mouse. He took it to my bird garden and went under one of the shrubs.

And finally on a "catnip high". It was almost an hour that he had this mouse and he really did tear it apart. It is missing most of it "fur".

09-10-2004, 07:56 AM
Well, if you keep giving him gifts like that, he'll be begging you for petting soon! :D

Seriously, joiking aside, that's great news. Its looks like he loved his mousie gift, and he/she is certainly beautiful! Keep up the good work!

09-10-2004, 08:07 AM
Meg this is how I got all of my older ferals. Every night at feeding time I would sit and talk to them until I could touch them. Over time the trust will build and Merlin will settle in with you. I think in a short amount of time you just might have a love muffin on your hands!!! :) Especially if you keep bribing him/her with gifts!!:D :D

09-10-2004, 08:23 AM
WOW, Meg what an improvement!!! Awww, he/she reminds me so much of my Bonnie Girl. She is even still a bit of a scaredy cat if I am moving about, but if I sit on the couch or a chair .... she will come over and hop in my lap now!!! I am so proud of her ... and you and your Merlin!

Keep up the great work, and keep those mousies "in stock"!!! :D

smokey the elder
09-10-2004, 08:27 AM
What a handsome kitty Merlin is!

09-10-2004, 09:03 AM
Merlin,like The Strays,that visit the Hotel,on a daily basis,is a little nervous,around people,even though I feed them everyday!Keep at it,and soon you will have a life long Friend!

09-10-2004, 10:12 AM
I love the mousie pictures.

That is great news Meg. I'll keep some prayers on the way the great progress continues.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-10-2004, 11:10 AM
I think you've made wonderful progress with Merlin! Just the fact that he/she moved closer once you started petting tells a lot. He obvioulsy wanted full body pets instead of just head pets. :D

And I agree, keep bribing him with catnip mice and you'll have a sweet snuggle bunny on your hands in no time. :D

Keep up the good work - and the picture taking. ;) :D