View Full Version : Birdie Experimentation! *grin*

09-09-2004, 09:24 PM
I did an experiment with the dear baby Birdie today. It's so time consuming feeding him through that bottle, and at his age, and emaciated (though getting better) state, he's insatiable! So I put some Science Diet kitten wet food in a dish, and bless his little heart he was eating it! His tongue is still not functional, and the S.D is way too dry, so I tried him on Whiskas Bit's o Beef and he's loving it! He's figuring out just how to eat it, and throw his head back to get it down his throat. I'm watching him like a mother hen to make sure he does O.K with it, before I go off and do other things. So far so good, though I still give him his vitamin packed formula as well. He's in dire need of another bath, but that can wait right? Dirty little Birdie, but such a sweet disposition:) Happy Happy Joy Joy!! Come on little tongue WORK! ;)

09-09-2004, 09:29 PM
YAY!!! That is wonderful news!!! Birdie is coming around!!! I'll bet you are grinning, from ear to ear! :D

Sweet little thing . . . He deserves extra snuggling, even if he is a dirty Birdie!

09-09-2004, 09:35 PM
jan - he still needs you to do the water and kmr supplement via bottle! Right!? Pics? I miss him... Plus, how do you make sure he doesn't throw food to the back of his throat before he chews thoroughly? I worry worry worry....

09-09-2004, 09:43 PM
Little Birdie is obviously thriving under your care Jan.
What a little fighter he is.

Prayers still on the way that gradually his little tongue will start to function.

09-09-2004, 09:48 PM
OH Gosh, he's even eating like a bird, with his head up to get the food down. {{{Hugs}}}} to sweet Birgie! God bless his soul!

09-09-2004, 09:49 PM
Originally posted by leslie
jan - he still needs you to do the water and kmr supplement via bottle! Right!? Pics? I miss him... Plus, how do you make sure he doesn't throw food to the back of his throat before he chews thoroughly? I worry worry worry.... It boils down to observation my dear! I have come to realize that Eli (who on a ch range of 1-10 is an 8) he doesn't use his tongue either! He has been compensating for quite a few years now, and I watched Birdie eat, and he's using the same method! Peck, pick up a bite, and shhot his neck back to eat. His teeth work fine, and his jaw works as well. I can't not give him a chance to at least try on his own. I have had another busy day so the little dirty bird has to at least have a trial run at eating on his own right? It really is much like feeding a nestling....:rolleyes: :D ;) PEEEP! Don't worry Auntie Leslie..he's doing O.K! Not terrific, but it's a start! ;)

Laura's Babies
09-09-2004, 10:44 PM
Don't let him eat if you are not close by to watch...He might choke. I worry too...Man, he isn't mine but I will worry about him as if he is!! Bet he thinks he is grown now that he can eat without Mommie!!.. Now, to solve the drinking delima.. Maybe one of those bottles like you put on a rats cage where he can bump it with his open mouth and have the water slowly, flow into his mouth? (Of coarse it would have to be high enough so that he can reach it but the water not go down and out of his mouth.)

Anyone else with any ideas so that he can drink by himself?

09-09-2004, 10:47 PM
Well little Birdie just keeps taking baby steps for us!!!

That is great news Jan.

carla and mike
09-10-2004, 06:00 AM
I didn't know you had another cat with no use of his tounge.Does Elie have the same problem?Nerve or muscle failure?I really hope Birdie gets full function again.Do you know what happened to Elie..or another mystery.And can Elie drink from the water dish
by putting his whole mouth in for good small gulps?

09-10-2004, 06:09 AM
The one thing Magoo has taught me is that they will overcome most any disability but the worst part is letting them go and learn how to do it. I don't know how many times I've closed my eyes, held my breath, and bit my jaw to keep from giving the helping hand!! As sad as this sounds it is great news that Birdie is trying to learn how to overcome his problem. It also sounds like he is doing a darn fine job of it!!!!:D
Your doing a great job with this precious boy!!!:) :) :)

Dirty Birdie! Too funny!:D

09-10-2004, 07:25 AM
Originally posted by carla and mike
I didn't know you had another cat with no use of his tounge.Does Elie have the same problem?Nerve or muscle failure?I really hope Birdie gets full function again.Do you know what happened to Elie..or another mystery.And can Elie drink from the water dish
by putting his whole mouth in for good small gulps?

Carla, Eli has cerebellar hypoplasia which is basically brain damage from the mom cat not being vaccinated for distemper. He does use his tongue to an extent, but it's hard for him sometimes. I am still feeding Birdie his bottles, it just that he's always so hungry (just like a baby bird):rolleyes: and I want to encourage him to try eating on his own. Hoping his little tongue will get exercise that way as well. ;)

smokey the elder
09-10-2004, 08:38 AM
I like the idea of the guinea pig bottle for water, if his tongue doesn't work. I've seen cats that learn how to use those; it's a lot less messy in the cage if they can learn to suck on the bottle. Since he's a kitten and sucking comes naturally to him, this might be a good time to try to train him to use a guinea pig water bottle.

Good luck! He's a "Dirty Bird"! (1999? Atlanta FAlcons.)

09-10-2004, 08:57 AM
That is Great,That Birdie is eating1 There is a Specail Hills Vet Wet Food,that is very soft,that the Vet gave me,after John Hancocks teeth,fell out,and his gums,were sore! Might,be Good,For Birdie!!!

09-10-2004, 09:33 AM
Catmandu, I have some of the wet food you described (Hill's A/D) It's a bit too soft for him to get into his mouth though. The regulr ground food seems to work well. Science Diet kitten was horribly dry, and after watching him eat that for a few moments, I decided to give him another brand. The white coats who saw him on Tues. are so nice. They called yesterday to see how the little boy was doing! Unlike my locals who could care less. :rolleyes:

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-10-2004, 10:55 AM
Another little step which is really huge! I was thinking that....you never know....maybe feeding him like this might actually stimulate his tongue muscles/nerves and hopefully start them working again. It's kind of like someone who is bed ridden. If they don't need the use of their legs the muscles will atrophy and won't be usable for walking. But if they get up and start trying to walk, the muscles will eventually strengthen and start working again. The way you were feeding him before, he didn't really need his tongue, but now that he's eating regular food just the steady stimulation of the muscles/nerves might help....hopefully.

And I agree with everyone. He is such a little fighter and will learn to overcome this disability if his tongue decides not to cooperate. I really like the idea of the guinea pig bottle for water. Sounds like the perfect solution to me.

Keep up the good work....and when you get a chance.....more pictures please? ;) :D

09-10-2004, 12:11 PM
Did you ever figure out what that gluck was that he had in his mouth?
It is wonderful to hear he is doing so well. He can only get better now that he has you.

09-10-2004, 03:46 PM
Originally posted by nibblets
Did you ever figure out what that gluck was that he had in his mouth?
It is wonderful to hear he is doing so well. He can only get better now that he has you.
The vet thought that part of the gunk under his tongue was his own tissue! When she managed to get his mouth open and look, there was a depression underneath it. :eek: The other stuff was probably leaves or something that got in there. Poor little guy no doubt went without any water or food for close to 10 days prior to being saved! It's miraculous that being so tiny, he survived at all. He's still on the weak side, but when he sees me coming boy does he perk right up! Sweet little chow hound LOL! :D He's so much pinker than that first horrible night. YAY! :)

carla and mike
09-10-2004, 03:50 PM
I'm so happy he's happy when you come in.That means he's feeling much better.I really am dying to meet him when he's strong.If you need me to do other errands while you care for him let me know.Store stuff...whatever.:D ;) :D

09-10-2004, 04:45 PM
Carla...are you falling for the little guy? Just tell Mike he's a birdie...not a kitten LOL! :D :D :D

09-10-2004, 07:37 PM
Ouch! don't refer to The Feline Hospital as "the white coats"! It sounds so impersonal! He was seen by Dr. Bird! And they are very personable and thorough (hence the costs of an office visit alone)! When I first starting using "them", in 1986, it was just Dr. Kat Ternes working out of her home, she was a traveling vet. She came to the patient's houses! That's why I called her! Now she has this fantastic vet practice with a great reputation for the thoroughness and above and beyond kindness. Dr. Bird was not a vet initially, she was one of the 1st receptionists when Dr. Ternes was finally able to open a real vet office! I remember when she left to go to vet school at Tuft's and came back to reception the following summer- I told her how brave she was to undertake something so HARD! Now she is a good vet and I trust her- she always seems to know what she is talking about! What's this rumour I heard about them having a reception recently? And someone was praising your rescue work, and your name was not unfamiliar there? You've been there what? Three times now? And they know your name?

09-11-2004, 11:47 AM
This is so funny - Dr. Kat and Dr. Bird ..... my vet's name is Dr. Doe!