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09-08-2004, 08:37 PM
Nicole called tonight and asked me to let eveyone know they are okay.

Today was the first day they have had cell phone service. Still no running water, no electricity. The National guard is set up in the parking lot where she works so they can get water and ice. She said the worst part is going out to start the generator in the morning before she can even make coffee!

The animals all did fine through the hurricane. She said give them a few treats and all it right with the world. If only it were that easy for the humans!

Things are slowly getting better. The groceries stores are starting to reopen.

Keep Florida in your thoughts...drive Ivan away!!!

09-08-2004, 08:49 PM
Did she mention how her house made it through? I cringed each time I heard the Weather Channel mention Port St. Lucie. :( I hope their damage, if any, was minimal. GO AWAY IVAN!!

09-08-2004, 09:14 PM
Thank you so much for the update.
I hope her house is ok too.

09-08-2004, 09:39 PM
Oh, I am so glad that her and the kids are okay.

Florida is in my prayers, and Ivan, please go away!

09-09-2004, 12:18 AM
Thanks so much.

Glad to hear she is OK. Gonna have to try and call again ......

09-09-2004, 06:35 AM
I'm glad to hear that everyone is safe.I hope the house escaped serious damage. Please keep us updated! Ivan, get out of here! Florida doesn't need you!

09-09-2004, 07:14 AM
Thanks for letting us know that Nicole is OK. So glad her furbabies are too! :) Hope her house didn't get damaged!

Nicole, when you have a chance, check in and let us know how you're doing! :)

09-09-2004, 08:32 AM
Thank you for the update, Amy. I have certainly been wondering about her since we last talked by PM. I had the feeling that they ended up "riding out" the storm, although I think she was ready to pack up and leave.

So glad you're ok, Nicolle!!!!! :)

09-09-2004, 08:59 AM
I was beginning to worry but I talked to Amy yesterday after she had talked to Nicole and told me she was ok. But can you believe with all they are going through she still thought about me.
Nicole, your a wonderful person. Thank you.

09-10-2004, 06:32 AM
I did not think to ask about her house specifically.

Ralph actually talked to Nicole longer then I did as I was on the phone with another friend when she called. He said that Nicole said most of the buildings/houses in the their area were okay, damages were to porches and such. She didn't really say if they had damage, but sounds like overall structure came through alright.

09-10-2004, 09:14 AM
Glad to hear they're ok:)

Miss Meow
09-10-2004, 10:39 PM
I'm so glad they are OK. What a dreadful experience they and their neighbours are going through.

09-12-2004, 06:14 AM
I cannot begin to say how much it means to me to read all your well wishes and prayers.....
We were one of the fortunate ones...no more than the inconvenience of not having modern technology...Our house did not sustain any damage....Thank God.....
but 100 ft. away....houses were destroyed...its' amazing how these storms pick and choose....
We got power last night at 8:12 P.M.....After 8 days...
and I must say...It was Power Trucks....15 of them....cutting trees and reconnecting downed power lines...that did it...but the most incredible thing was They Were ALL from MICHIGAN!!!!!!!!!!
So Amy I was Thinking of You.....We Thanked them for coming all this way to help...and brought them a case of water as it was about 98 degrees in the shade...even at 7:00 P.M....
So The First thing I did was Take a Shower!!!!!!!!! I couldn't Stand myself any longer!!!! Then I got on Pet Talk!!!! Go Figure!!!!
Again,I Cannot Thank All of You at Pet Talk Enough....You Really made me feel better.....
Thank You,

4 Dog Mother
09-12-2004, 06:47 AM
Nicole, we are all just so glad that you, your home and furbabies (and John, too) came through okay! It is so upsetting to not know how things are going for people who have to live through such terrible things.

09-12-2004, 06:56 AM
Nicole, I'm glad to hear that you finally have power and are doing alright.

09-12-2004, 08:14 AM
Originally posted by delidog

We got power last night at 8:12 P.M.....After 8 days...
and I must say...It was Power Trucks....15 of them....cutting trees and reconnecting downed power lines...that did it...but the most incredible thing was They Were ALL from MICHIGAN!!!!!!!!!!


I saw on the news the caravans of power trucks heading to Florida. It is amazing how this country can be mobilized to help out where it is needed. Nicole, I am so glad you and the dogs are safe and that you did not sustain significant damage.

09-12-2004, 08:52 AM
Thanks Rachel,
There were Rescue Organizaions...(Not Just Pets)
From as Far as Washington State....
and Yes, it is Amazing how All Good People Pull together...
There was so Much damage around us...My Fiancee is a Custom Home Builder....With the contents of our garage I think you could build a house...;)...So he has been helping neighbors all week...Putting roofs,walls,fences,etc. back up....he had about 10 rolls of roof paper...and as many roofing staples...and nail guns...so if he couldn't fix the stuff himself,he has been loaning out supplies so others could fix their homes...He is such a Good Man.....
We almost felt guilty that we didn't have more damage....
Strange but True......

I saw Libbys' Note..(Foxgal)....I hope she is on her way to repair....I hope that All other Pet Talk Floridians are alright...

Again Thank You,

09-12-2004, 09:07 AM
Glad to see you back, Nicole!!

I think we passed some of those Michigan repairmen on 75 last Sunday...as we were heading to the Dog Park gathering in Findlay we passed about 15 Detroit Edison power trucks and I said, they are off to Florida!

IDon't feel guitly your house didn't have damage...I'm sure the reason was so that John could have his supplies and could help your neighbors.

09-12-2004, 12:17 PM
I'm so gald to hear you are ok and have POWER now. I'm hoping that might mean my Father's place has or will be getting power soon too. I though about you during all this and prayed that everything would be fine. Luckly my Father left Port St. Lucie, so all my paryers where coming your way.

The First thing I did was Take a Shower!!!!!!!!!
Oh how I know that feeling. You never knew just how good a hot shower can really feel intill you go several days without one. All the simple things in life that we never really thought about before, all of a sudden become so special.

That's wonderful how he's helping out the neighbors, he's a good man, for sure. Times like this bring out the good in all and it sounds like he has a LOT more good to share.

I saw Libbys' Note..(Foxgal)....I hope she is on her way to repair
Thanks for thinking about me, we are doing fine and on our way to some sort of normal life. Of course normal to us now is piles of trees and branches in the yard and green pool water. LOL We are waiting to do any major repairs for now, just patch the damage and wait till the weather, time and cash are in our favor.

09-12-2004, 12:27 PM
Ivan might hit the "hot air" stream then go right through florida hitting Okechobee and nearly ALL of Florida! if it doesn't hit then Tallahasse will get it..

09-12-2004, 02:43 PM
Its' Alright....For Once Central and Eastern Florida is Safe...
Ivan The Terrible is heading up the Gulf.....
I would be Much more nervous if I lived Anywhere in the Panhandle,Louisiana,Alabama.....
Ivan is a Viscious Storm...Has Killed 60 already in the Islands....
It Ravaged Jamaica.....Its' going toward Cayman Islands now....
A Category 5 is Most Unusual.....
ISincerely Hope that it dissipates on its' way up the Gulf....The Warmer waters there make me nervous for those people however.....
Good Luck Panhandle Residents.....We'll be thinking & Praying for you...

09-12-2004, 02:46 PM
I am so glad that we're not in danger any more but feel very bad for those that are. I wish he would just go away and leave everyone alone. He's done enough killing now. Geez.

09-12-2004, 08:24 PM
I hope that Ivan The Terrible Just Blows Away....
Nowhere in Florida do we Need His Rath!!!!

09-12-2004, 09:03 PM
I'm so glad you're ok. Of coures, I would love to meet you and your whole family one day, but under different circumstances would be better!!!! :)

09-12-2004, 09:27 PM
You are Wonderful!!!!
Next Time we're coming to YOUR House!!!!;

Again Thank You for Your Kindness....
Perhaps Next Time!!! ;)
Would Love to meet ALL of your Kids Also!!!