View Full Version : Rawhide bones

09-08-2004, 07:45 PM
Are they bad for dogs? Someone was telling me they can mess your dog up some how, like clog the intestines or something..is this true? Are they bad or is that other types of bones?

09-08-2004, 07:47 PM
I heard that once to... I dunno. My mom wont give them to my dogs for that reason... I'd like to know as well

09-08-2004, 07:48 PM
I only give them to my dogs if I am going to be supervising them. My dogs only get them like once a year though. I have never heard of that problem before though.

09-08-2004, 07:49 PM
I have never heard of that! My dogs get bones every Thursday, and they are fine.

09-08-2004, 07:50 PM
I think rawhide is OK for dogs that are nibblers or ones that take the time to chew them. But my dog are whole-hog swallowers and I would never ever trust them with rawhide. I let them have the little round sticks once in a while, but watch them very carefully that they don't swallow them without chewing.

09-08-2004, 07:56 PM
Major has rawhides quite often. He's in good health, so I'm not sure. We buy the biig ones, so he can't swallow them at once, and he tears off little peices to eat lol. He only gets them for about 15 minutes, I don't let him have too much at one time.

09-08-2004, 08:04 PM
Molly and Daisy get rawhide bones a couple times a week. We've never had a problem. They're always supervised while they eat them, of course. I always take away the tiny pieces they have left over, and throw them away.

I've read up on the "dangers of rawhide", and have heard that it *can* cause sore throat, intestinal blockage, choking, and even pancreatitis.

If my dogs were "whole-hog swallowers", like Anna mentioned, I wouldn't give it them. IMO, I think it's safe as long as you watch them while they chew/eat it.

09-08-2004, 08:15 PM
Kodie gets one or two a week.depends on how good he's behaving;) ,i've heard that too but all the dgos that i've had had never had trouble with rawhides,and they took the time to chew it,not swollow them whole.:p
personally i dont think its true,but on all the bones that Kodies gets,theres a warning on the back that says something like "this is not intended for food,if fed too many it may cause gastric something" i dont totally remember but it does say something onthe label.

09-08-2004, 08:15 PM
My dogs get them frequently but I do take away pieces that get to small especially from Mandy because she will swallow big pieces!

09-08-2004, 11:01 PM
Rawhides r more of a choaking hazard, than anything else.

I know from first hand experience.

I knew the risks when I bought one for RB Max. But I wanted to see if he would be good with it. I was wrong. He was still agressive & then he tried to gulp it down & it got stuck. Dad held RB Max & I stuck my hand down his throat & pulled it out.

It wasn't hard to get out at all, it was just slimy, warm & gross feeling in there. I was also scared RB Max would freakout & bit off my hand, but I guess he understood he needed help & he didn't even try to bite me at all.

So u must watch the dog at all time when chewing a rawhide. U never know when they might gulp it.

Holly's mom
09-09-2004, 04:50 AM
I give Holly compressed rawhide. It's pressed rawhide that is made up of tiny pieces of rawhide and it's kept together with a gelatin base and shaped into bones. It's supposed to be a little safer than the big rawhide bones that you can get. I buy them at Petco, here's a picture of the ones I get:

Rawhide (http://www.petco.com/product_info.asp?sku=4258335017&dept_id=%2D2)

09-09-2004, 06:04 AM
I personally don't like compressed rawhide.
I can give Smokey a rawhide retriever roll and he'll keep it around for days -- nibbling then burying then chewing then hiding... and eventually it'll be gone. I've had no problems but that's not to say it couldn't happen.
I think it's a choice - like yourself or your kids. You give or ingest what you think is okay.

09-09-2004, 06:05 AM
I can't give Tawny rawhide bones, she is a piggy when she get one of them and tries to eat in one gulp. I have even had to remove a piece from her throat. She is always supervised when she get a treat. We do call her Miss Piggy sometimes. Labs!

09-09-2004, 06:50 AM
Our rottie - roodie - just loves raw hides and will chew and chew - but this past summer, we found out that she can't tolerate them - she did get pancreatitis and was in the hospital for 4 days! Cost a bunch and found out that she can't have raw hides - now she's stuckwith the hard bones!

09-09-2004, 07:46 AM
I buy HUGE rawhide bones about everyother month. They chew on them for a few days... then leave them alone... then chew again. Weird dogs:rolleyes:

I have given them the compressed ones once, but the kind I got stunk up the house big time!:eek:

I have never had a problem with either type of bone.