View Full Version : I Want Out Of The Cat Rescue Business

K & L
09-08-2004, 07:28 PM
I'm feeling so frustrated right now. I got home this afternoon and got a call from one of the park Rangers. Someone had dumped their pet cat off in the park and he feared something would happen to it. I drove over there and brought her home. She's an Avon look alike and very friendly. I'm so frustrated cause we have Jewel, Stormy,and now this one that needs homes. Of course we have little Mouser also. I have every space available filled, and now more money going out for this one to be spay. Also still dealing with poor Hazel and her problems. I just feel like quitting this and not answering my phone.:( I know to some of you this doesn't sound like a lot of cats, but with all the TNRing we do (and it's been one busy year in the park) it all gets overwhelming. We still have 2 kittens and one orange to trap in the park. Sorry for the venting, I just am stressed. Maybe more so since we're not getting a good rest with Mouser's schedule.

09-08-2004, 07:32 PM
Lisa.... I feel your frustration!!!! :rolleyes: It sadly just never ends, and people seem to have our phone numbers written on the bathroom walls!!!:rolleyes: Just do what you can, when you can ... that's all anyone can expect. I hate that I can't immediately take every cat straight to the vet and to be spayed/ neutered ... you do 10 times better than I can with this. Don't you dare feel bad if you have hold off a bit on this one!!! Anything we can do for them is a heck of a lot better than they would be getting fending for themselves! I refuse to let anyone make any of us in rescue feel guilty for anything!!!

(((BIG HUGS)))


P.S.... I sure wish we lived in the same town.... then we could pool our resources ... of course then we'd really get the 'drop offs'!:eek: ;)

09-08-2004, 07:41 PM
{{{HUGS}}}} Just keep in mind all the cats you have saved and how many lives you have made better. I applaud everythig you do.

Just in my little fostering experience (two whole kittens) I see how bad it is. On Sunday, the rescue found homes for 12 kittens, but just in the few hours we were there Sunday, 14 more kittens came into the rescue. Thats only what walked into Petco.. its not counting what phone calls came while we were there or what came during the week. Sigh. I can see how overwhelming it can get.

K & L
09-08-2004, 07:48 PM
Thanks Kim! I just have to get these cats fixed. Plus if they are already fixed and tested, I have much more luck with a no-kill shelter. I can get kittens in to them at any time, it's the adult cats they refuse. They're already crowded with so many of them. Also, if I don't take the cats at the park when they're discovered this could mean all the more kittens to deal with later. We've done in the 100's now and it just never ends there. Some people just make me sick. They think this is the perfect spot to just abandon their animals. This includes dogs, rabbits, chickens, ducks, ferrets, guinea pigs, you name it, and it's been dumped there. If I didn't have so many of my own cats, this few would be nothing. BUT...I have 20 inside and the 3 outside. The way I feel I could just go on and on, but I'll stop here. Thanks!

K & L
09-08-2004, 07:50 PM
Originally posted by catnapper
{{{HUGS}}}} Just keep in mind all the cats you have saved and how many lives you have made better. I applaud everythig you do.

Just in my little fostering experience (two whole kittens) I see how bad it is. On Sunday, the rescue found homes for 12 kittens, but just in the few hours we were there Sunday, 14 more kittens came into the rescue. Thats only what walked into Petco.. its not counting what phone calls came while we were there or what came during the week. Sigh. I can see how overwhelming it can get.

It's so sad! People need to get these cats fixed! I'm glad you're fostering. At least you know you have a for sure outlet for these babies. Mine's just pure luck if I get an adult cat and can find a place for it.:(

09-08-2004, 08:09 PM
Just want to offer my {{{HUGS}}} too!!!

I want you to know that I really look up to all of you here who do rescue. You put your heart and souls into it not to mention your money and time. I imagine it's extremely high stressful, so much that I couldn't handle it.

My hat's off to you!!

09-08-2004, 08:17 PM
I feel the pain....... :(

I wish you all the luck in the world, you (and the cats), deserve it.

K & L
09-08-2004, 08:33 PM
Thanks everyone! Sleep deprevation probably hasn't helped either, along with driving back and forth from work to feed little Mouser. Also keeping Porch and Hazel on their special diets! I'm beginning to feel like I have no life!;)

Lucky's Maw Maw
09-08-2004, 09:34 PM
I can feel your pain!!! {{{{HUGS}}}}, you need them.

I volunteer at a shelter and it is so sad the way the cats just PILE in there in a day. I could literaaly just cry. I can't do a lot but I do what I can.

Those that foster and rescue......MY HATS ARE OFF TO YOU!!!!!

Don't get down because the minute you do, one of those beautiful kitties will be lost to death or worse...a miserable life alone, abandoned to fend for themselves. Remember, you do good work!!!

09-08-2004, 09:53 PM
My heart and my commendations go out to all of you who rescue, trap and foster these poor kitties. You are much stronger in character than I.
You are doing something that is completely selfless and wonderful. Who knows what the cat situation would grow into without you. You all are angels and have definitely earned some big beautiful wings.
Try not to let it get you down...look at your success stories when you start getting frustrated and remember, love is why it is you do it.

09-08-2004, 10:22 PM
I'm on the opposite side of the problem here. Almost every cat I take in has been one dumped by some deadbeat no-good coward that can't pick up a phone and call shelters until one's found. I have one local feral colony that I'm chipping away at, but even the feral mamas I have here can be touched. Still it's likely they'll be TNR and the kittens will be adopted out. It always seems to happen though when someone finds a cared for colony, there's bound to be dumpings. Ughhh. Hang in there...many a day I've threatened to have myself a 'bridge party'! That's where you take four cinder blocks, tie them to your ankles, and go over the local bridge! Sleep deprivation never helps moods either. ;) Chin up...kitties are waiting for you!

09-08-2004, 11:21 PM
I always thought angels had the hardest jobs... ;)

Its OK to get down on yourself and just want to throw in the towel. You're human and what you're doing is super human!

Take care and go get some love from your kitties. You are their entire world.

09-08-2004, 11:24 PM
Originally posted by K & L
I know to some of you this doesn't sound like a lot of cats, but with all the TNRing we do (and it's been one busy year in the park) it all gets overwhelming. Sorry for the venting, I just am stressed.

Don't mind the venting, I think you are doing a TREMENDOUS job! Words cannot express how awesome I think you and Hubby (and all the rescuers) are for doing what you do!!
I can't imagine. You are truly the kitties angels!

09-09-2004, 02:02 AM

No advice, just a warm wish/hope that you get caught up on your sleep/refill your tank so that the stress doesn't get to you. Holding you and your hubby in my prayers.

{{{another hug, just cause it can't hurt.}}}

09-09-2004, 02:20 AM
You have every right to be frusterated and want to quit. It is hard work for those of us who do rescue to clean up after all of the irresponsible idiots of the world. Its very easy to get burnt out because there is so much work to be done. The best thing I can tell you is to pace yourself and take breaks when you need them. I've had to take fostering breaks and shelter breaks before when I got too emotionally overwhelmed and stressed. Having a bottle baby and getting no sleep really does make everything seem worse too. Please take some time and take care of yourself so that you can continue to help the kitties who need you. You do SO MUCH, you are a true saint.

09-09-2004, 09:00 AM
I know how you feel,as the Animal Welfare People,get a little burned out,too.I was taliking to Helen,about Karinas Kittens,and she saw someone,with a Cat Carrier,coming towards her house! I know,that it never ends,but please dont stop helping the Helpless Ones!

K & L
09-09-2004, 10:25 AM
Thank you all for your responses on my frustration. After some much needed rest last night, I feel a little better mentally today. I got to thinking about all of this and why all of a sudden I’m feeling so overwhelmed. I came to the conclusion the overwhelmed feeling is due to the “dumped pet cats” that I need to find the homes for. I just don’t understand how people can dispose of a pet like it was a used tissue. I can foster kittens and place them with the no-kill shelter once they weigh 2 lbs., I can TNR the 100’s of cats in the park and go feed and water daily, but when it comes to the poor adult tame cats, they have no place to go. This is what is so frustrating to me. How do you not help, but yet you just can’t keep them all. Seems this year this exact situation has been unusually high at the park. I know I can’t save them all, but I find myself constantly trying to figure out ways to fit in just one more. It would also help if I didn’t have a full time “day” job. I could devote more time to finding homes, etc. Just being able to share my feelings with all of you helps. Sometimes just expressing the frustrations can help you see another way of looking at things. Thank you all for listening!!

09-09-2004, 10:38 AM
Lisa, I am not in a position to help you more than with my prayers, but believe me, you have them!!!!!!! Hang in there. What a Savior you are for those lost cats.


09-09-2004, 12:21 PM
You know what it is Lisa? I finally figured it out. It's not the helping of the lost animals, or the stress of trying to trap them, keep them all fed and watered, or the unending worry for their health and safety. It's the simple fact that you have to clean up someones else's mess, so to speak. It's the stupidity of humans that makes this so frustrating. People are mean, cruel, and so darn uncaring when it comes to a one time loved pet. I guess because none of us here can even begin to fathom that type of behavior, it makes it that much harder to understand.
I know I'm angry because I'm in the situation I'm in because my neighbor (who promised she would be back) moved away and left her cat with 5 kittens (I've only ever seen three). She also left another pregnant female behind that I knew nothing about until she showed up with Rosco, Abigail, and another I haven't been able to get yet.
All of these situations are so avoidable with a simple operation!! I love all my ferals and I know they can't help what they are and that's ok with me. A pet, however, that is neglected and left to give birth to gazillion more lost and homeless babies is a whole other story!!!
Now all of us are cleaning up behind the idiots. That is where the anger and frustation comes in. It is especially frustrating when you have to work and still try to find time to do all the things that need to be done to help the kitties. If I could change anything in my life it would be that I could devote more time to this. I hate working but I gotta feed all the left behind babies!
As you have told me several time before....It will pass and I know you will be ok. Just use us as your sounding board and we will help as much as possible. You know we think your GREAT!!!:D :D Prayers on the way that things get easier on you guys and the dumping in the park comes to a halt!

09-09-2004, 12:26 PM

Is there a cat rescue group who will let you post pictures of your adults on their website? Most rescue groups here have a section on their sites for animals not in their group who need homes. They also let people come and sit with them on adoption days. I think it is REALLY helpful and nice of them. They try to help even though they have their hands full themselves. You've probably already checked into it, but just a suggestion.

K & L
09-09-2004, 12:43 PM
Boy did you hit the nail on the head! That IS the frustration. And see, venting here does help!!! I will never stop helping as long as I'm able, but it doesn't mean I won't go through this frustration at times. It's just been non-stop for us since we rescued the first 3 kittens, Smudge, Yogi, and Inky. We'll just all stick together, vent, cry, laugh, and it will all work out!

Originally posted by catcrazylady
You know what it is Lisa? I finally figured it out. It's not the helping of the lost animals, or the stress of trying to trap them, keep them all fed and watered, or the unending worry for their health and safety. It's the simple fact that you have to clean up someones else's mess, so to speak. It's the stupidity of humans that makes this so frustrating. People are mean, cruel, and so darn uncaring when it comes to a one time loved pet. I guess because none of us here can even begin to fathom that type of behavior, it makes it that much harder to understand.
I know I'm angry because I'm in the situation I'm in because my neighbor (who promised she would be back) moved away and left her cat with 5 kittens (I've only ever seen three). She also left another pregnant female behind that I knew nothing about until she showed up with Rosco, Abigail, and another I haven't been able to get yet.
All of these situations are so avoidable with a simple operation!! I love all my ferals and I know they can't help what they are and that's ok with me. A pet, however, that is neglected and left to give birth to gazillion more lost and homeless babies is a whole other story!!!
Now all of us are cleaning up behind the idiots. That is where the anger and frustation comes in. It is especially frustrating when you have to work and still try to find time to do all the things that need to be done to help the kitties. If I could change anything in my life it would be that I could devote more time to this. I hate working but I gotta feed all the left behind babies!
As you have told me several time before....It will pass and I know you will be ok. Just use us as your sounding board and we will help as much as possible. You know we think your GREAT!!!:D :D Prayers on the way that things get easier on you guys and the dumping in the park comes to a halt! :) :)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-09-2004, 01:34 PM
Originally posted by K & L
Boy did you hit the nail on the head! That IS the frustration. And see, venting here does help!!! I will never stop helping as long as I'm able, but it doesn't mean I won't go through this frustration at times. It's just been non-stop for us since we rescued the first 3 kittens, Smudge, Yogi, and Inky. We'll just all stick together, vent, cry, laugh, and it will all work out!
:) :)

I'm glad you've got some rest and are feeling better. I, too, can offer nothing more than {{{hugs}}} and good thoughts and prayers. I know it's hard and I wish I could help more, but you and all the other rescuers/foster moms know that you do an invaluable service not only to the kitties, but to the community as a whole. Just imagine what your community would be like if no one cared and all the un-neutered cats were allowed to run free.

I know it's easy for me to say because I'm not in your situation, but take some time for yourself, rest up and tomorrow will be a better day. :)

09-09-2004, 01:46 PM
Is there a local newspaper or radio or TV station in need of a heartwarming story? Maybe it could help. Maybe a scout group or other group looking for a way to be helpful and could help hold a fundraiser or carwash or some event to help raise awareness and pay for the surgeries?

K & L
09-09-2004, 03:09 PM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom
I'm glad you've got some rest and are feeling better. I, too, can offer nothing more than {{{hugs}}} and good thoughts and prayers. I know it's hard and I wish I could help more, but you and all the other rescuers/foster moms know that you do an invaluable service not only to the kitties, but to the community as a whole. Just imagine what your community would be like if no one cared and all the un-neutered cats were allowed to run free.

I know it's easy for me to say because I'm not in your situation, but take some time for yourself, rest up and tomorrow will be a better day. :)

Thanks Debbie! Just being here and listening is all I need from anyone!:) All your thoughts, hugs, etc. make my day!

K & L
09-09-2004, 03:12 PM
Originally posted by catland
Is there a local newspaper or radio or TV station in need of a heartwarming story? Maybe it could help. Maybe a scout group or other group looking for a way to be helpful and could help hold a fundraiser or carwash or some event to help raise awareness and pay for the surgeries?

It's really not the money issue here, it's the abandoned pet cats that make it all so frustrating, and finding them a GOOD home. My husband & I never expect anything money wise from anyone, we just want people to take their own responsibilities.

Good ideas though if we ever reach the point of not being able to do this because of finances. Thanks

09-09-2004, 03:16 PM
Originally posted by K & L
It's really not the money issue here, it's the abandoned pet cats that make it all so frustrating, and finding them a GOOD home. My husband & I never expect anything money wise from anyone, we just want people to take their own responsibilities.

Good ideas though if we ever reach the point of not being able to do this because of finances. Thanks

Sure wish I could say the same! :rolleyes: Oh well, now with my soon-to-be website, maybe things will get better!;)

K & L
09-09-2004, 03:22 PM
Originally posted by kimlovescats
Sure wish I could say the same! :rolleyes: Oh well, now with my soon-to-be website, maybe things will get better!;)

:D Well it's not like we're rolling in dough ourselves:D , but my venting on this thread was more about the frustrations of dumped cats, and not the costs!:) Catsnclay donates cat food to us on a regular basis and this really helps! As a rescuer yourself, you know there are times when everything just builds up and you feel like you're about to lose it. That's what happened to me last night when I got the phone call. I just needed a lot of shoulders to cry on!:D

09-09-2004, 09:08 PM
This no-kill shelter that takes the kittens from you, why won't they take adults? As some sort of resort, you could post adults on Pet Finder (I believe that's how Cora found her new home) and there are many other websites to post adults on- it's pretty much endless- Jan sent me a bunch that I sent to Sara for Peach and Cora and both were adopted. People are touched by sad stories. And, as someone mentioned earlier, local rescue groups have websites and you could post there too. You must be in contact with them, right? Chin up, there is a light at the end and yet it will be never ending! the trick is creating a circle of those who do foster, those who do adoption, those who feed, those who donate money and transport for appts. etc...Once all that is in place, it's emotionally easier to deal with the idiots that dump, because they will dump whereever there's a colony being fed.

K & L
09-10-2004, 08:58 AM
Originally posted by leslie
This no-kill shelter that takes the kittens from you, why won't they take adults?

They do, but right now they're at their capacity and are not taking anymore adult cats in at this time. Everyone whether it be an organization or one person, has their limits. And kittens go much easier and faster than the adults. Yes, I do have other resources but people and places can only do so much. The park we TNR out of is nothing but a dumping ground for people. It's non-stop and it's frustrating and very aggravating. Believe me, we've hit about every resource we have on a continuous basis.