View Full Version : Dog sets world record at opening car window!

09-08-2004, 06:40 PM

(Click on link to see slideshow)

Dog Sets Record Rolling Down Car Window
A Canadian canine turns a near tragedy into a world record.

Dog Rolls Down Car Window

Striker, a 10-year-old border collie from Quebec City, set a new Guinness world record for rolling down a car window.

Striker managed to lower the window in 11 seconds. That's two seconds faster than the previous record, which he also set.

The dog originally learned the trick in order to save his own skin.

He rolled down his car window when his owner accidentally locked him in a hot car along with his keys.

09-09-2004, 08:06 AM
Thats crazy!!!

My Sierra learned how to put the window UP....
(She was standing on the arm rest and I didn't have the power window's locked):o
She was not hurt, and I learned a lesson!!!:D

09-09-2004, 12:49 PM
smart border collie! :D lol