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09-08-2004, 06:35 PM

One lucky feline

Thursday, September 2, 2004
By KELLY ADAMS, Columbian staff writer

As soon as Jim Dickerson of Vancouver stepped out of his vehicle at Portland's Washington Park on Tuesday, a deafening yowl pierced the air.

His first thought: "Oh my God, I ran over a cat."

Dickerson and his friend, Bryan Connolly, realized the high-pitched meows were coming from the engine compartment.

Dickerson popped the hood to find Moby, his long-haired white Angora-mix cat, wrapped around the car's battery, his claws digging in for dear life.

"He looked like a fried egg," Connolly said.

Dickerson was terrified.

"Oh my God, it's my cat," he shouted.

Connolly managed to pry Moby off the battery. The animal's normally pristine white fur was smeared with black dust and engine oil.

"His little heart was pounding," Connolly said.

Moby was panting and his jaw was hanging open.

"He was gasping for air," Dickerson said. "I think he was in shock."

Dickerson switched on the car's air conditioner and sent Connolly for water.

They squirted water into Moby's mouth and wet down his fur.

"I didn't know if he was going to die," he said. "It was like a Fellini movie."

By the time they arrived home, Moby was breathing normally. After a catnap and some food, he appeared to be his old self. The feline's coat is back to its former luster, the white fur gleaming and smooth.

Dickerson said his recent move from Gold Beach, Ore., left him without the money to take Moby to a veterinarian.

Finding his beloved pet riding in the car was a particular surprise because Moby is a strictly indoor animal.

Dickerson said he thinks Moby was sitting in the windowsill of one of the bedrooms when he jumped or fell through the screen.

He thinks Moby then crawled up into the car's engine for a warm place to hide.

Moby's survival is even more amazing because Dickerson took the scenic route to Portland from his home in the east Vancouver Fircrest neighborhood.

The trip included a slow drive around Jantzen Beach.

Dickerson estimated they drove for at least an hour before stopping at the park.

Dickerson said the noise of the engine, combined with the music from the car's radio and their conversation, drowned out Moby's cries for help.

"He's a miracle cat," Dickerson said. "He was unscathed but dirty."

Maybe not completely. When Connolly attempted to carry Moby outside for a photo next to the car, the feline started to flail violently and almost wriggled out of Connolly's grip. Moby calmed considerably when he was returned to the safe confines of his new home.

"I think he's going to need some counseling," Connolly joked.

(Not to mention the owner could benefit from a touch of counseling)

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

09-08-2004, 06:51 PM
OMG! Lucky kitty, but the owner seems to be an idiot! Regardless how the cat seemed to LOOK and ACT fine, I'd still find the money to take him to the vets. Wonder if the owner got any money for the article, and if he did, did he spend any of it on the cat's care?

09-09-2004, 09:12 AM
That is indeed a Lucky Cat,and The Found Cats,are so ahppy,that he now has his Furr Ever Home,Back!

Laura's Babies
09-09-2004, 11:05 AM
That is my BIGGEST fear, that one of mine would accidently get out...Giz did ONE time when she pounced at the screen after a bug , knocking it out but luckly for her and me, it scared her SO bad that she immediately ran to the front door and cried to get back inside. (I Do NOT open that window anymore!)

The poor baby in this story must have been horrified!