View Full Version : My cats are SO good!

09-08-2004, 12:29 PM
Well I've always known my cats (and foster cats) are very dog savvy since I've raised them with my own dogs and my foster dogs. It just dawned on me though that 6 of the 8 are better with dogs than they are with new cats and new people, hehe. Whenever I bring a new foster cat home, they are quarantined in the bathroom. But my cats usually see me carry in the cat carrier and smell the strange kitty and start hissing and swatting at each other. When a new person comes over to visit, none of the cats will come up to the person with the exception of Lucky and Chance. Those two think everyone is their best friend!

The other night I brought home a shelter dog, Odie, to spend the night so he could get a break from the shelter. As soon as I walked in with him, I was greeted by all 8 cats. Skylar jumped on the couch, got on his back, and hung his head and front paws off the couch trying to touch the new doggie (upsdie down around a brand new dog - that is TRUST!). Chance immediately ran up to him and started headbutting him and poking him with his paws. Lucky was behind him playing with his tail. Missy and Merlin were sitting on the arm of the couch so they could smell his head. Maya, Shiloh, and Magic kept a slightly bigger distance, but still came up to him to sniff. Odie slept in bed with me and I woke up to find several of the cats curled up around us (the cats always sleep with me, but I wasn't sure if they would with Odie in the bed too).

Aren't they great kitties? :D

Note: I am EXTREMELY careful about which dogs I bring into my home. Since my cats are so trusting, I really have to ensure it won't be a dog that will hurt them.

09-08-2004, 12:32 PM
:D That is typical of cats! I find that at moments like that my heart just swells with pride over my goofy gang.

09-08-2004, 12:38 PM
How sweet! My kitties are the same with my two doggies. A couple of them just love to chase after Gretta's little waggly tail!:D

09-08-2004, 12:38 PM
Aw, how sweet! My four would run over each other trying to get under the bed first, to HIDE!:D

09-08-2004, 12:43 PM
How sweet is that?! Mine have only been around dogs when they were little and outside on their own. They only know dogs bark (loudly) and steal their food so doggies don't rank real high on their list!! Most of them don't show fear, it's more like they want to whip the tar out of the dog.:D

09-08-2004, 12:54 PM
My cat met his first dog the other day. It was a female Border Collie named Flicka. He was chasing her around the house, but not in an aggressive way. The dog was so scared of the cat. She was hiding behind my husband's legs in complete fear. Loki was just running after her like: "Cinderella! Cinderella! Wait! I just want to talk! How will I find you?"

We were all getting a major laugh at those two :)

09-08-2004, 12:57 PM
Look at these cute pics! (They're like 10 months old, so that is why Skylar looks so little! :D )

Skylar "nursing" newborn pups:






And a couple of Chance checking up on the pups:




09-08-2004, 02:42 PM
I am so glad to see these picture again! They are the most heartwarming pics you can imagine:)
Your kitties rock!!!!

09-08-2004, 03:13 PM
Awwwwwwwwww!!!! What cuties!!!!

You really do have wonderfully, trusting kitties, Aly! That's so cool...and kind of uncommon. You should be proud of yourself for raising such wonderfully social, happy kitters. :)

09-08-2004, 03:46 PM
Originally posted by Barbara
I am so glad to see these picture again! They are the most heartwarming pics you can imagine:)
Your kitties rock!!!!
I'll second that!!!

It's especially nice to see 'little daddy' Chance!

09-08-2004, 08:29 PM
AWW what good kitties! See thats why Lucky and Chance want to live with me, I have a nice big dog they can beat up hehe. ;) :D

09-08-2004, 08:39 PM
I am in love!!!! The little grey baby... is that a cat or a dog? I've never seen a dog that color. hmmm

All of your babies are absolutely gorgeous!

09-08-2004, 10:05 PM
I have to agree that the kitties here are more accepting of the dogs too! Even the five rascals, and their mama (Gracie & Gabriel) are just fine with the three here. Spencer thinks the kittens belong to him, and that causes some grief for the mama cat, but the babies adore him! Those pictures of Skylar and the pups is priceless! :)

smokey the elder
09-09-2004, 07:37 AM
I just love the cat with the tiny little puppies! The cat probably thinks they are the UGLIEST kittens!:D

09-09-2004, 08:29 AM
They are just wonderful, Aly! You are so lucky!!!! :D

When we had our "visitor" (Golden Retriever pulled from the pound on Saturday) over the weekend, Mimi steered clear, but Butter, being his regular bold self, was very curious. It took one swipe to let that GR boy know who was boss! LOL!!!! :D Although "Bernie" was still very curious about the cats, he learned quickly that he was not to chase the cats!

Love your pictures.


09-09-2004, 08:50 AM
Those Puppies,and that lovely Dog,have a Lot of New Friends,and so soon! Your Cats,are GOOD!