View Full Version : annual booster??

09-08-2004, 03:45 AM
Tikeya is due for an annual booster shot and psyical exam. I phoned to ask what an annual booster was and the person who answered didnt know :rolleyes:.. i asked how much it would be in total, she replies saying "it will be 75$ or more for just the booster".. 75$ for a shot that I have no idea what it is for?? Screw that!!!!!

Maybe one of you could help me???
What is an annuall booster shot???


09-08-2004, 05:04 AM
My vet charges $36. for a wellness exam. The shots costs distemper/parvo $18, kennel cough $15, and rabies $23. Where I live they only get rabies every three years, the rest are yearly. These prices for shots are from last fall as my dogs go in the fall.

09-08-2004, 08:49 AM
I dont have a clue, but I dont vax my dogs at all(exept for parvo when puppys) as far as I know a booster contains a LOT of different vaccs, but I dont remember what they all were...

09-08-2004, 08:58 AM
Originally posted by cali
I dont have a clue, but I dont vax my dogs at all(exept for parvo when puppys) as far as I know a booster contains a LOT of different vaccs, but I dont remember what they all were...

whoa,,,,,, sorry,, but that isnt too smart........ sorry,,, but it isnt!!!

09-08-2004, 09:02 AM
hey if you like to vax feel free, but that is your choice. but we are one of those anti-vax people. and my dogs have never gotten sick because of it, they have gotten sick from getting vaxed however.

09-08-2004, 09:15 AM
Originally posted by cali
hey if you like to vax feel free, but that is your choice. but we are one of those anti-vax people. and my dogs have never gotten sick because of it, they have gotten sick from getting vaxed however.

eeek,, touchy subject,,, like politics and religon,,,

I am sorry your babies got ill with thier Vax..... and yes,,, we are all entitled to our opinions,,, I just happen to be sitting on the other side of the fence.... wouldnt go without!!

09-08-2004, 11:56 AM
Usually the annual shots are rabies, distemper, parvo, and whatever else is a problem in your area (our pups get leptospirosis in our area)

Shelteez and Binka_Nugget told me before about how your dog doesn't need annual shots - only every 3 years.

here's the thread (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=47555)

09-08-2004, 12:08 PM
You have a few options, you can go to a feed store and obtain the vacs and do it yourself (except for rabies) I did this before and its no biggie.

You can find out when your local feed store will have a vacs clinic and you will pay about half.

09-08-2004, 12:09 PM
If your dogs don't have records of annual shots, including rabies, there are some places you can't take them. Groomers for one and some dog parks, mine included. This is for others' protection as well as your dogs'.

You can get some vaccinations from Drs. Foster & Smith.


09-08-2004, 12:10 PM
yup, ours dogs get a parvo shot as pups, and after that no more at all, even after Happys vaccines were counteracted, several years later we did her titre tests and her antibody levels were exellent. we had to have her vaccins counteracted in the first place because they made her very very sick. her Rabies Vaccine pretty much ruined her life, we are still working on getting her over the effects from that thing.(dont ask long story, and I am getting tired of explaining what happend with that so to make a long story short, she went from a happy, friendly, bouncy,well socalized puppy, and after her rabies shot, in just enugh time for it to kick in, she was all of a sudden terrified of everyone and everything, this soon turned into aggression, and well it has taken a LOT of work to fix the problem, which is still not fully fixed) by the way this type of reaction to the rabies vax has apparently happend to other dogs as well as I found out from someone else lol. that is why we turned away from vaccines, we dont want to needlessly risk this happening again. also the RAW diet acts in the same way as the vaccines, by building up immunity, by being exposed to the problem, exept that it is a natural way. :p

09-08-2004, 12:40 PM
Different vets have different policies/views on vaccines/boosters. Sooo since the receptionist didn't even know what is included then personally, lol, I wouldn't go there, I'd find a vet who informs his staff of what the client is getting and knows their stuff. Keep in mind, that's just my view on it. :D :D

At the clinic I worked for, our yearly exam came with the exam(total exam), fecal check (if wanted by client), heartworm check (every 2 years if on prevention and if client wants), the vaccine booster that had distemper, parvovirus, hepatitis, leptospirosis (if wanted by client except for certain breeds) and parainfluenza. (also called the DHLPP) and if needed the rabies (1yr if first shot and 3 yr if on time). Our head vet trains everyone to be able to answer clients questions if asked and I really liked that, sometimes the client talks more to us than the dr. :)

09-08-2004, 01:26 PM
mine have gotten their shots every year. so yeah i called the vet and made an appointment for friday to get the shot done and get her microchipped and a psyical.

09-08-2004, 01:34 PM
Cool deal! :D I really want to get mine chipped, did they say what they charge for that? I'm curious. :)

09-08-2004, 01:41 PM
dappledoxie, it really depends on the vet. The prices vary, but I would say around $40 is normal for microchipping. My vet charges $38. :D

As far as annual boosters, those are most likely the combo DHLPP vaccine (Distemper, lepto, parvo...). My vet charges $26 for the exam and $16 per shot (DHLPP, RV) and $13 for Bordt. Priya is actually going in today for her RV (Rabies) and Bordt.

I do know that places like PetCo often have low cost shot clinics, which are another option if you're trying to save a few bucks:) Check with your PetCo for a calendar of dates for their shot clinics.

09-08-2004, 01:55 PM
Yeah, that's the range I was thinking, I need to ask my vet, the clinic I worked at I think it was like 45.00.