View Full Version : uuuuuuuugghhhh...help! If you have a younger sister...

09-07-2004, 08:42 PM
okay I know this is a rant and I know that a lot of people here don't like rants but I just need help sometimes because I just don't know what to do. I throw my hands up and sometimes I just want to cry!

I mean, my younger sister is really my younger cousin. and I know that my aunt and unkle love me the same as if I were thier "biological child" but sometimes I feel that thier will never be that special connection you know??? I HATE IT!!!!

Its like I can't go anywhere if my room, dishes , and living room isn't picked up. But my sister hasn't cleaned her room all by herself sense, well she has never cleaned her room all by her self. She is now turning 11 and My parents or I have done the room for her. She'll go in their for 10 min. and then go watch tv. or go over to the neaighbors while we do her room. Then when the room is done she messes the room up like a tornado hit it. I am so seriouse. You basically can't even see the floor. YOu really can't. NO LIE! not even her bead. The even sader thing is that she doesn't even sleep in her room. She sleeps on the couch cause she was never disciplind to. Her room gets to hot, to cold, to dark, to light, to scary, any excuse, shes got it. Now she has this thing where all the lights in the house has to be one. Every one of them. Then she is happy. All of the doors as well. UUUUHG! I have to wake up at 6 in the morning. What am I supposed to do? She screams and cries every night like a 4 year old. Litterally every night.
But then she does all these things that makes her seem like a responsible person like she is top in her grade, never lies, or steals etc. Its just that shes not socially adepted to this world.
I worry for her.
I just get so frustrated for her. I mean I love her to death but sometimes I just wish I could just end it and kill her, Wich I would never cause I could never forgive myself!
I don't know what to do.

09-07-2004, 08:56 PM
wow, hope you feel better, lol. Kill her now thats a bit much. Hopefully she will mature on her own then, if your parents can't see these problems. If not they're going to have fun when she's a teenager!

09-07-2004, 08:57 PM
She is in school right? any strange behaviors would have been reported to her parents and it's up to them to follow up. Many parents don't bother and many schools don't bother to find out if follow up was done. She sounds, by what you have said, that she needs family therapy with her parents and you. and so do you, and so do her parents! That's all I can say! She is acting out the dysfunction that is already there. Ask for family therapy and let us know how that goes. this is pretty serious because it is impacting your life extremely.

09-07-2004, 08:57 PM
i dont have a younger sister but i have a younger bro. he's probably not as annoying cause he's 4 but sometimes i wish i could kill him he's such a suck up. UGH. Sorry i got no advice :p

09-08-2004, 05:13 PM
I got an older bro! he's a REALLY BIG pain!

Maybe you should do what leslie adviced:)

09-08-2004, 08:11 PM
Well I don't have a younger sister but I do have younger brother but he is almost 19 years old now.

She sounds like nothing but a spoiled brat to me!

I hate to say this but she needs chores to do. My four year old picks up her own toys and makes her bed with my help.

She really needs some discipline from your parents.