View Full Version : CUTE pics of Abigail & Rosco

09-07-2004, 08:00 PM
Abigail began her turn around late yesterday evening. It finally just happened and I'm so happy!!! I really wasn't sure she would pull through for awhile. She just decided to start playing last night and it was too cute! It wasn't much but it was a major improvement. She's been playing again this evening.
First lets see silly Rosco. He is such a busy and happy little boy and he certainly keeps us in stitches. He has really added some spunk to the older cats because he torments them if they don't play! He's is very funny!

Here he is watching the banner on the bottom of the TV

He can't figure out where the words are going

He finally rest (briefly!). See whats missing? That dirty scabby thing is off of his nose now.

Brother and sister

Here you can really see the size difference. Remember Rosco only weighs about 2 pounds now.

Here Abigail decides to attack my hand

Here comes the cutest picture! This makes me so happy!! Isn't she cuuuuute???!!!

Now this one is the heartbreaker. She is so tiny and pitiful llooking even though she was playing.

Well that is the newest of the tiny Crew members. Rosco is now climbing the wall chasing the laser light while Abby lays on her daddy's belly napping. I forgot how fun babies are!

09-07-2004, 08:17 PM
OMG .... they are soooooooo precious, Lisa. Awwwwwww, tiny Abigail is so, so, so TINY!!!! :eek: :D Gosh, she reminds me so much of my little fighter, Tabitha! Oh I know you are just in heaven with these two babies! I am so tickled for you all! Keep those pics coming!!!:D

K & L
09-07-2004, 08:20 PM
Oh I'm SO happy to hear she's finally improving. Good job!!! They're both just too cute, but she sure melts your heart.

09-07-2004, 08:34 PM
OMG, they are just too darn adorable. That little Abigail has stolen my heart.

This picture is PRICELESS. I love the way you captured them.

09-07-2004, 08:43 PM
OK, first of all, Rosco, you are sooooo adorable!!! And you're not crazy wondering where those words are going . . . Josie has the same problems here at our house when we watch FoxNews!!! They just disappear!!!


And Rosco, you have such an adorable little pink nose!!!


This picture made me so happy! I just love this face. You're a tough little girl, Abigail!!! You hang in there honey!!!

Lisa: You're doing a great job with the babies! I'm so glad to see that Abigail is starting to come to life. She is definitely a cutie and I'm sure she'll be as rowdy as Rosco before we know it!

09-07-2004, 08:46 PM
Aww, they are so cute and that little Abigail is precious. I'm glad she is starting to perk up.

They look so happy with you guys!

09-07-2004, 09:06 PM
She just steals my heart! That expression when you are tickling her belly.... swoon!

Silly Rosco... those words don't actually "go" anywhere... but I guess now I know why they put them there... not to annoy humans but to entertain kittens!

09-07-2004, 09:27 PM
Yay!!! Those two are so cute! They are both looking much better. Great in fact. I love how Rosco's chasing the news ticker!!! Cuuuuute indeed!! *kissie kissie* little babies!!! :D :D

Don Juan's mom
09-08-2004, 02:16 AM
If Abigail is playing "hand trap," then she must be feeling better! ;)

Thanx for the update.


Killearn Kitties
09-08-2004, 04:56 AM
Adorable! Absolutely beautiful! Cutie Abigail is so tiny. Keep getting stronger, baby, you can do it!!

09-08-2004, 08:48 AM
What a fine Little Cat couch Potato! You should get him,one of those Cat Videos,he would love it!

09-08-2004, 10:55 AM
Originally posted by catmandu
What a fine Little Cat couch Potato! You should get him,one of those Cat Videos,he would love it!

I hadn't thought of that Gary! I might just get him one of those video's! Thanks for the idea.

09-08-2004, 11:31 AM
I just realized I did NOT post! Instead I ran to the phone and called you:D
These are adorable pictures, CCL. Abigail is the sweetest lil thing. Rosco is hysterical chasing the TV banner! I can't wait to get my new babies! Can't wait to meet YOURS either!! I am SOOO glad to hear that little girl is perking up - such a sweetypie!:D

09-08-2004, 12:17 PM
OMG! Cuteness overload. I'm in love with little Rosco - that cute little orangie kitty cat-butt! So cute!

09-08-2004, 03:37 PM
Someone better put this on the calendar. The first time I ever fall in love with another kitty when an orangie is right next to her. ;)

Abigail...if you ever find yourself without a home, please come on by. I know 8 is enough, but you've burrowed into my heart, you being 9 is fine with me. ;) I'm in love!!!


09-08-2004, 03:44 PM
Awww! Too friggin' cute!

09-08-2004, 05:04 PM
They are absolutely adorable!:D