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View Full Version : Why Cant Some People Just Be Nice???

09-07-2004, 05:25 PM
I just got a call from my Aunt who has been searching for her cat for about a week now. THe beautiful himalayan(sp?) 1 yr old boy got out while their door was open while they were moving(they are taking him with them). When my aunt realized he was missing, she was devastated...she loves him dearly. So she put up posters at the pet and grocery stores as well as on telephone poles and put an ad in the newspaper that said "LOST:1yr old himalayan male cat. grey and white. wearing red collar with name tag "Shady" Please call if found ###-###-####. Well someone called about it and said they had found him. This woman lived only a few minutes away from my aunt. So today, she goes over to get him and the lady asked how much the reward was. My aunt replied "I wasn't offering a reward." Then the lady told her that the cat had gotten out of the house but she would continue helping looking for him and she told my aunt that she was sure that she would have a lot more help searching for him if she offered a reward. I guess not a minute later, my aunt spotted Shady laying on the womans couch and shoved past the woman, took the cat, and shouted some obscenities (sp?). Why are some people like that, can't they just do something good for someone else?????

09-07-2004, 05:34 PM
Rude rude rude! :mad:

I have found and returned many many pets in my day. I have gone way out of my way to get the lost pet to come to me so that I could try to take it back home to its family. I have been late for work because I found a lost pet. It is beyond my comprehnsion that someome would turn a blind eye from a lost pet. Then if they did find a lost pet, how on earth could they save it with greed as their only reason for "helping" Stupid people!

09-07-2004, 06:25 PM
Its sad to say but today people see money in everything. They "go after" people because they know they have money. Take atheletes for a good example.....Kobe Bryant, Charles Barkley, etc. They know these people will "settle" rather than go to court.

Its a good thing your aunt saw Shady and was bold enough to go after him! Good for her! I think I would have taken it one step further and called the police, telling them the lady was holding the cat for ransom! In a sense, that is what she was doing!

Don't fret though, there ARE good people out there......we just hear more about the bad ones.:( :mad:

Glad to hear that Shady is back home though! :D

09-07-2004, 06:27 PM
:mad: :(

I would never hold someone's lost pet for ransom which is what it sounds like that lady was about to do.:mad:

Just seeing a pet back with it's loving family is reward enough for me!

carla and mike
09-07-2004, 06:29 PM
Oh my god.Now I heard everything.Geez.What a greedy evil person.

09-08-2004, 09:04 AM
I would have offered a Reward,myself,if one of The Found Cats,had been given shelter,and kept safe,from the outside world! In Fact,I would have insisted,as My Cats,are woth,more to me, than Money!

09-08-2004, 09:28 AM
It's one thing to accept a reward if someone is offering it but if none is to be offered then don't hold the animal until one is! Sheesh, that's criminal for one and for two its just downright rude. I'm glad Shady got home ok and that your aunt was bold enough just to get her kitty back!

Laura's Babies
09-08-2004, 09:35 AM
That is disgusting... Wonder if this is how that person makes her money? Just thank God your aunt saw the cat there and pushed on in and took her!

09-08-2004, 10:20 AM
People are sickening. :mad: :(

Good for your aunt for going in there and taking back her cat. I'd so glad she's back with her owner now. :)

Felicia's Mom
09-08-2004, 11:28 AM
I'm glad you aunt saw her cat and took it back.

09-08-2004, 03:20 PM
Wow...people are really horrible, sometimes. :(

I'm so glad your aunt saw Shady and got her back.