View Full Version : Chico

09-07-2004, 01:19 PM
First off, let me explain what happened this morning. Chico woke me up at about midnight scratching at his food bowl, so I gave him a little bit of food (which he scarfed down), and took him out to potty which he did. This morning he wouldn't touch any food, I figured maybe it was because he ate so late last night. Well he was in the living room whining and by the time I got there he had pooped on the floor, and along with his poop were worms!!! This was his first accident in the house by the way. So I took him to the vet, we got his first shots and he gave him that yellow liquid for worms (what is that called by the way). When we got home from the vet, about ten minutes later, Chico puked the yellow stuff up. I called the vet and he said when he calms down give him the other half of the dose that he gave me to take home. Well after i got off the phone with the vet, chico took a nap and ate FINALLY and went pee. Now he is getting ready to take another nap. My question is should I make him take the other half of the dose now or should I wait because he just ate and it might be too much for him right now?

09-07-2004, 01:22 PM
Poor Chico, i would call the vet and ask them , sorry i cant help you , just hope Chico gets better, Was he on heart worm and still got worms?? Or he wasnt on the meds?

09-07-2004, 01:23 PM
I would wait, but I think you should ask your vet to be safe!

I hope Chico feels better soon!

09-07-2004, 06:14 PM
Well. I waited. He finally ate and I took him out. I didn't want to give him the other dose right after he ate because I was afraid it might be too much for him. So he took a nap and when he woke up I gave it to him. That was like an hour ago and no puking!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!:p :) ;) :D :p :) :D