View Full Version : kitty using carpet for litter box

09-09-2000, 08:22 PM
My kitty has been using the carpet instead of the litter box even if the litter is clean. Any advice ?

09-09-2000, 08:46 PM
Is this for pooping or peeing? If peeing, then is your kitty maybe ill? I've heard of cats peeing outside of their litter box when they have FUS, to let their owners know something is not right with their urinary tracts. Or have you had any big changes in this kitty's life lately? Cats have been known to change their bathroom habits for big upsets in their lives. Have you changed their brand of cat litter? Some don't like it when their brand of litter is changed. Some things to think about...

09-09-2000, 08:49 PM
http://poop-pee.homepage.com/ http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/9352/catlinkspage.html#Litterbox