View Full Version : My poor father-in law!

09-06-2004, 01:57 PM
Apparently on Saturday my FIL was playing with his cat, Hershey. She was a adopted at our local Humane Society where she came from a bad house. She had been living with my in laws for close to 5 years now (??). Nick was playing a little rough with her and she apparently had enough. She bit him :eek: :eek: They didn't do anything about it until Sunday......his tempature reached 104 and he became very ill. They went to the ER and they pumped him full of antibiotics. He now has to stay there for a few days so they can watch him :( :eek: (he is 70 and has other medical problems that they are watching)

Tim & I went over to releive the dog and see Hershey late Sunday afternoon (my in-laws were still in the ER) Poor Hershey...for the first time in her life she let me pet her! I think she realized what she had done and was sorry for it.

Maybe this will "teach" Nick to quit teasing the kitty. When my Willie (RB) was alive, he would come over and tease the hell out of him, he is lucky that Willie never bit him!! Judy (his wife) was mad at him too!!

Lesson here: If you get bit by the cat, don't wait for it to puff up and you get deathly ill!!!!! :eek:

09-06-2004, 02:01 PM
I am so sorry for your father-in-law. Catcrazylady had the same problem when Magoo bit her- it can be really dangerous. There are so many men who just think teasing a cat is fun- until they get bitten.

09-06-2004, 04:07 PM
With all due respect, I do hope your father-in-law has learned a very valuable and painful lesson!

A cat bite is the second worse bite to a human's bite. Along with CrazyCatLady, I was also bit by a stray pregnant cat. Your FIL's mistake was waiting till it got real bad. I only waited 24 hours. I was very lucky.

Word of wisdom, ALWAYS watch a cat's body language. If the ears go back and there's growling or play biting, stop immediately. Otherwise it could turn out worse.

Hope your FIL has a speedy recovery.

09-06-2004, 04:26 PM
I am sorry to hear about the incident. Poor Hershey really shouldn't be blamed. Once I was bitten by a cat when I was a kid. My friends teased and teased the poor cat until she couldn't take it anymore - she ran out of the room, and since I was sitting on the floor playing a board game and she saw me and took her fear of kids out on my hip! :eek:UCH. Luckily my mom and their mom realized cat bites were serious and took me immediately to the hospital where I got a slew of shots and I lived with a very sore hip! They took the incident out on the cat instead of where the trouble really was: the kids teasing her.

09-06-2004, 04:50 PM
Poor Daddy-In-Law! Naw-tee Hershey! But you were just giving a playful nip, right? :-/ Prayers to your FIL!

09-06-2004, 06:23 PM
I understand...Vivi was sick and disoriented a few years ago, and we got up about 5 am to try to tend to her, and tried to get her to play with a string, just to see how disoriented she really was, and she went to bite it and bit through my husband's finger all the way to the bone.

He didn't think anything of it, and the next day, we had gone out of town to an amateur radio show, and he developed swelling in his hand and a high fever and became really dizzy. We managed to get him back into town to see his doctor that day and he was put on mega antibiotics, and had to go into the doctor every day to get an antibiotic shot. The doctor told him he was very close to losing his hand. Cat bites are extremely dangerous because of some sort of bacteria in their mouths.

Luckilly, hubby and Vivi survived, and we've had no more bite incidents since them.

I hope your father-in-law does well. Even cats who are having fun playing sometimes can bite too hard. Prayers to both him and the kitty!

Laura's Babies
09-06-2004, 06:51 PM
I too, got bit just last July and the VET told my daughter to tell me to go to the doctor RIGHT AWAY! he told her every time he gets bitten or scratched, he goes immediately. They are VERY dangerous!

Why do people pick on a animal umtil it bites? Why pick on them period! You hear remarks like "Dumb cat bite me!" "Stupid Animal got me!"...... STUPID humans won't leave them alone... It was my fault I got bit and I did not blame that cat at all! New Mama, just dropped off at the shelter and I had handled her and her kittens to much getting them set up in a cage.. MY fault, not the cats!

09-06-2004, 08:37 PM
I do hope and pray that your FIL gets well soon.

But I do have to say that I hope he will think twice about teasing
Hershey again.

09-07-2004, 06:19 PM
We went and saw him in the hospital yesterday....we all had a good laugh :rolleyes:

He is being released today if his blood pressure is still stable. I saw the puncture wound...it looks like he was attacked by a vampire! :eek: Two big teeth marks at the top and one down about 3 1/2 inches....apparently she had her mouth wide open and got him good! :p Needless to say I don't think he will be messing with Hershey too soon.

He became well known at the hospital........other nurses, doctors and aides were stopping by just to see his huge arm and the "vampire" bites. :rolleyes: :D :D