View Full Version : Any suggestions for a whiny inside cat?

Aspen and Misty
09-06-2004, 10:42 AM
As some of you know we recently adopted a big fat 3 year old Orange Tabby named Buddy :D For the first year of his life he was aloud outside ANY time he wanted to go. He loved it and was very active. When he moved in with my sister she lived in an apartment and he had to stay inside all the time. He didn't mind and eventually adjusted. Then Buddy moved in with me, my dad and my brother. Buddy got out twice already since he has been here, once through a window that the screen was broke on and we aren't sure how the other time. Now that he has had a taste of freedom he wants it ALL the time. We can't give that to him because we live not even a block away from a busy road. :(

I don't know what to do with him. He is now whinny all day long. It's so sad, but mostly anoying. I love the big guy, but he needs to stop this whinning. I would love to give him what he wants, but it's just not possible.

Is there anyone to stop the whinning? Do you think he would get better or worse if I made a play pen area where he could go outside and play, but couldn't leave that area? Or do you think it would help if I took him outside everyday on a harness and leash? Or do you just think that would make him whinner?


09-06-2004, 11:24 AM
can you take him out on a leash ? take him to a park or something on a leash.. some leashes for cats have a harness that keeps them better.. you can also get a really long one so he has room to roam.. my kitty is an inside kitty, if anything gets on her, even a colar.. she cant walk. she feels something is pushing her down. but i take mybunnies outside, they used to be on leashes till i got a house with a fence..

09-06-2004, 11:43 AM
Poor Buddy. You have to realize that he has gone from one extreme to another. First he was an outside cat, then had to adjust to being an inside cat and then got the taste of freedom again. It has to be hard on him also. I know it is also annoying to you and your family, as I have been through it myself.

There are a few things you can do. If you do not want him out at all, then when he starts his whinning, squirt him with a water bottle and firmly tell him NO. Gradually he will learn.

You can also make a safe cat run for him, which i'm sure he will enjoy, or you can gradually train him on a harness and leash for outings.

Which ever you decide, I wish you the best of luck with the situation.

09-06-2004, 11:44 AM
I bet one of those big playpens would be your best bet since he is not used to a harness and leash... Maybe you can put a little tree in it and a bed and he can still do as he pleases but in his little environment... Good luck...

Buddy, Behave for mommy she's trying

Aspen and Misty
09-06-2004, 11:56 AM
My big guy is harness and leash trained already.

My main worry is this will make him more whinny since he got a taste of outside.

rg_girlca - I do understand, I was just asking for suggestions.


Aspen and Misty
09-06-2004, 12:28 PM
Originally posted by Jods
I bet one of those big playpens would be your best bet since he is not used to a harness and leash... Maybe you can put a little tree in it and a bed and he can still do as he pleases but in his little environment... Good luck...

Buddy, Behave for mommy she's trying

Thax, I hope he listens to you :D He is all stretched out in front of the door just waiting!

I might do that, I need to figure out how to get a roof for this play pen since it's only 36" high.

Ashleycat - I love bunnies, I have 2 of them and both of them LOVE to go outside on there leash!


carla and mike
09-06-2004, 12:34 PM
That's what happened to my BooBoo.He got out once then whined all the time for more.We take him outside for a walk down the driveway and in the yard 10 minutes a day and he seems satisfied.If we don't take him out for a long time..the whining stops.They kind of exept the house again.Just play with him more and he won't think about being outside so much.
Eventually the whining MIGHT stop.LOL
good Luck.:)
My BooBoo is 15 so I can take him out with him not running.
I'd try to keep him in and make him forget about in time but it's up to you.I know it's hard.:(

09-06-2004, 12:40 PM
Boy do I know the whole whiny thing! Pouncer is King of Whine! thigns have gotten better though because we a re now on a "schedule" of when he's allowed supervised outside visits... usually every morning. He'll sit at the door looking expectant to go outside. We open the door and enjoy the great outdoors for a bit and then return to the house. Sometimes he doesn't want to to come in but ost of the time, he's content to come in because he know he'll be able to go outside later.

Since Buddy is already harness trained, you have an indeal opportunity to start a nice scedule... maybe get up early every morning before school ot sit out with him, or take time after school/before homework and do it everyday at the same time. Soon he should adapt to the new scedule and the crying will cease. Since I've been doing that with Pouncer, the crying has greatly reduced.

Aspen and Misty
09-06-2004, 01:49 PM
I had to go out in the backyard and tell my dad the phone was for him so I grabed Buddy, took him outside and just held him in my arms. Now he is quite :eek: he is happily sitting in a window just looking outside. :)

Guess that 1 min walk was good enough for now.

Thank yo ufor the help! I think i will set up a schedule.
