View Full Version : MANY MANY Prayers Needed For This Poor Tyke :-(

09-05-2004, 10:52 PM
After a busy day (as usual) I got home to a message from my friend and neighbor Barbara. Her sister works the next city over at Stop & Shop and while Eve was at work today, she saw employees chasing something all over the store. She thought at first a bird got in, and then saw it was a kitten of about 3 months old. She gave the employees a piece of her mind when they said they were trying "to get IT out of the store". There's a highly traveled road basically a highway there not far from the place. Eve managed to get the garbage encrusted little guy in a box and as usual I ended up with him. Good thing though. Leslie came down, and was helping me look for other kittens behind the store, though we found none. I checked the kitten out, and he's very malnourished, filthy with garbage all over his fur, and SEVERELY anemic! :eek: :eek: It gets better. While Leslie was still here, we tried to get some baby food into him with an oral syringe, and while opening his mouth I saw a weird thing. Turns out he had a huge glob of who knows what lodged underneath his tongue! It took a bit of work to get it out, and then uncurl his tongue which was headed down his throat. Poor little thing is so weak. Apparently he got into the store yesterday, and has been being chased all over by the idiots who work there. :( Luckily he wasn't chased out to certain death. I'm so afraid he won't even make it till Tues. Gave him some sub-Q fluids, and a heating pad, and have to hope he'll recover. The anemia is waht's going to kill him I'm afraid. I think even the fleas have left his weak little body. :(


On Leslie's lap getting warmth and loving


The mystery gunk from under his tongue! Bigger than a half dollar coin! :confused: :eek: :confused:


Poor infant kitty...say lots of prayers please.

09-05-2004, 11:02 PM
Oh my, that poor little guy. He looks so pitiful. I wonder what that stuff under his tongue is? How bizarre.

I'm so glad you have him in your wonderful care Jan. Prayers on the way.

09-05-2004, 11:04 PM
OMG Jan, that poor, poor precious kitty.

Big time prayers for this poor soul that he makes it til Tuesday and gets the help he needs.

Hang in there sweetheart, you are in the best hands any cat could be in.

Whatever was under his tongue Jan, looks totally disgusting.
Do you think that was stopping him from being able to eat.

Oh my heart is aching for this poor guy.

I know you will try everything you can Jan for him and bless you and Leslie for helping him.

09-05-2004, 11:05 PM
Oh, wow...oh my goodness. Heartfelt prayers for the little guy. Hang in there! I'm so glad he came to you cause I know you'll do everything possible.

09-05-2004, 11:05 PM
OMG! That poor poor precious baby. What in the world do you think that was under his tongue? Was it sticky and that was why he couldn't move it around, you think? I have never heard of such a thing. It sounds like he would have suffocated on his own tongue if you hadn't found that.
He is so cute and he looks so pathetic. You know you have lots of prayers coming from us. God works miracles through PT all the time and I sure hope this will be the next one. What a horrible thing that baby has been through.

I'm so glad your friend called you from the store. Those IDIOTS would have surely sent this little one to his death. I have no more to say about those people because I wouldn't be allowed to post it!:mad: :mad: :mad:

Jan and Leslie, I don't know what to say to you other than THANK YOU and GOD BLESS YOU both for being so caring. This little one will know peace and love thanks to you two. You removed the pain from his mouth and offered him food, warmth, and most importantly kindness.

I'm praying that this precious one has many more days of love coming to him.
Please keep us posted.

K & L
09-05-2004, 11:07 PM
OMG! Thank goodness you rescued him. Please keep us updated on this poor guy.

09-06-2004, 01:31 AM
I do hope he makes it through the night. Jan gave him a heating pad, he was not normal body temp for sure but not cold either.
Initially, when she picked him up at Eve's house, he was given pet tinic. That was later found all over the bottom of the carrier... (not swallowing). So when we pulled him out later to force feed and just try to evaluate the problem, of course the first thing is to open his mouth. That black crud looked like it was stuck on the roof of his mouth and I thought it was a tumor or absess and reached right in to touch it- it was gooey so i searched for tweezers (what I was trained to use in CPR) while jan yelled for qtips. qtips worked for the most part, then the tweezers got out the rest of the gunk. Luckily, it was all under his tongue. When he swallows, he swallows hard, like a dehydrated kitten would. He fell asleep in my lap wrapped in that towel twice. first time waiting for jan to get the fluids warm, second time, waiting to get the heating pad on and just right. He was simply exhasted and I hated to move him! ps pics taken on toilet! most comfortable seat in bathroom!

09-06-2004, 01:41 AM
Oh no, poor little guy :(

...and what CCL said!

09-06-2004, 05:32 AM
Well the little tyke made it through the night (the good news) the bad news is vets aren't open today, it's a holiday. Looking at how incredibly anemic he is, I would say a blood transfusion's needed. Poor little guy. :( CCL...no idea what that gunk under his tongue was. Looked to be part dried leaf, and some other gooey matter. Whatever it was it stunk, and I'm so glad we spotted it! At first I thought he had a cleft palate and it was debris wedged into the opening into the nasal cavity, but once it was out it became apparent it was stuck under his tongue. :( Off to offer him more vitamins chocked full of iron, and liver etc. from the vets. And more food. ;)

Laura's Babies
09-06-2004, 07:05 AM
POOR LITTLE GUY! I am speechless! THANK you and Leslie for helping this poor starved baby, NOW he has a chance in this world and no matter how long you have him, he will have love and care like he has not experienced before. Thank God there are people like there are here on PT! You are just the greatest bunch of people in the world!!

Good luck little kitty, you have the prayers of PT behind you and a lot of people who care about your prescious life. Get strong, get well and let us watch you grow into the beautiful baby we know you are!

QSL, is he able to eat better with that gunk removed out of his mouth?

09-06-2004, 09:01 AM
Is there an emergency vet service available?

Poor little kitty.

09-06-2004, 09:06 AM
With a lot of encouragement the baby ate quite well for me. Almost half a jar of baby food mixed with KMR powder, and vitamins with iron etc. I cleaned the excess off his face and discovered he has a small hole under his chin! :eek: :( No idea if it was perforated from inside or outside, but I'm going to be starting him up on antibiotics after he recovers from eating breakfast. He is still seething with fleas so I put several drops of Advantage on him to kill those nasty evil creatures. :( He's snuggled up on his heating pad now, and I'll let him rest for a few hours and then give him more Sub-Q fluids and antibiotics and another meal. Poor little garbage covered baby boy. It's tragic seeing him. :(

09-06-2004, 09:09 AM
Jan & Leslie - as always I am in awe of all that the two of you do. Thank you SO much for caring for this poor little baby...no matter what happens - this baby is now being loved and cared for. Don't you wish you could have them talk to you? If they could, I bet you would hear the sweetest words of love and gratitude.

09-06-2004, 09:11 AM
Oh Jan my heart is breaking for this little guy. I'm so happy to know he made it through the night and is eating but I'm so sorry that he has had to know so many horrible things in his young life.
I know he's going to make it Jan, I just know it!! He is going to live and be loved for the rest of his life. God Bless the little fellow and we are still praying hard for his full recovery.

Thank you so much for keeping us posted. I worried about the little guy all night.

09-06-2004, 09:16 AM
I too was worried I'd find the worst this morning. I was up way before the alarm went off, and had to check on him. Poor little thing is so weak it's a wonder he did make it through the night. Keep those PT prayers coming..they seem to work wonders! ;) ;) ;) Now I have to worry about that hole in his chin. :( Burst abcess? Or internal punture from the crud under his tongue? :confused:

09-06-2004, 09:41 AM
Poor little fella! OMG! He's such a handsome guy (I'm seeing past the pitiful state he's in now) Keep doing what you're doing! He sounds like a fighter & my prayers are coming to him at lightning speed to help this tough guy!

09-06-2004, 10:26 AM
This just made me heartsick! Thank God you have him now and can give him the nourishment and care he needs.

Please keep us posted on his condition. Let's just hope he is a fighter and survivor. Sounds as though he is if he has made it this far.

People are such idiots!

Prayers are being said for you little one.

carla and mike
09-06-2004, 10:53 AM
Oh poor cat.I'll bet he's been thru so much.
I hope he lives to see the better side of life.
If you need me to help,let me know.

09-06-2004, 11:13 AM
Geesh, You can really see how anemic he is in the picture where you can see his nose pad, and paw pads. As white looking as the lil' guy's gums. Off to give him another nutrient packed snacky! And some antibiotics. No kisses yet...too stinky and dirty still. I'll give him 'air kisses'!:D

09-06-2004, 11:27 AM
Come on little one, you made it through the first night and are starting to get such wonderful, loving care.
I hope and pray that you make it through another night. One day at a time sweetheart.

Oh Jan I am in tears just reading what this poor little guy is going through. I pray that the hole in his chin isn't anything too serious.

Oh Sweetie, please, you have to make it. You so deserve to know that there are loving, caring people out there for you.

Air kisses and hugs to you sweets.

Hang in there Jan and bless you and Leslie for helping this poor soul.

How old do you figure he is?

09-06-2004, 11:35 AM
Yikes, poor kitty! Gee whiz, does not every establishemnt in town have your number if a stray kitten shows up? Grrrrrrr - what awful people those store employees were! Prayers on their way still.

09-06-2004, 11:46 AM
Lorraine, He's about three months old by my guess. He's very thin and bony so he could be a wee bit older, but not much. Poor little guy was purring his little heart out when I was in there a minute ago! :) I think he's got a good head start now. I'll give him more fluids later...everything we gave him last night was sucked right into his depleted system. He hasn't peed or anything yet, and I'm hoping he isn't blocked up with leaves and garbage. He's resting comfortably, and loves his heating pad.:) Karen...don't you think the manager of the Stop & Shop would have a few brain cells? Poor little kitten was there for 24 hours anyway scared to death. I suspect he somehow got into the building via the garbage dumpster that's attached to the building, but there's enough openings for a kitten to find its way in. I'm not holding out much hope that his mom & littermates are alive. I'm working on finding a feeder local to the store, that can go daily and establish a routine so if there's more they can be trapped. It's not close enough to me to be able to take time to get there every day. Prayers are working so far...keep them coming! ;) :) ;)

09-06-2004, 11:51 AM
Oh Jan, purring his little head off. Gosh here come the tears again.
Bless his little heart.

I am praying for this little guy like i've never prayed before.

He just has to make it, he just has to.

09-06-2004, 04:17 PM
My stomach is just upside down with worry for the poor baby after reading that story. BLESS YOU and everyone else involved for helping him. He's in the best place he can possibly be right now. I can't even thank you enough for all that you do. My prayers are with you and the sweet kitty boy :(

09-06-2004, 04:29 PM
What a sweet little boy. Sending prayers for a speedy recovery.

Now this stuff that was in his mouth - looks like the innards of a hard-shelled clam??


09-06-2004, 04:36 PM
Prayers for the poor kitty... :( Get well soon, little one!

09-06-2004, 04:40 PM
I hope so much the wonderful power of PT works yet another miracle, kitty you are in good hands, and now we just have to wait and hope that you make it sweet darling.

Positive vibes being sent your way precious furbaby, and hugs to you QSA for taking such good care of him.:)

09-06-2004, 05:01 PM
Originally posted by Grace
What a sweet little boy. Sending prayers for a speedy recovery.

Now this stuff that was in his mouth - looks like the innards of a hard-shelled clam??


Grace, It looked to be part leaves, and who knows what to gooey part was. It smelled revolting I know that much. Fermenting garbage smell. UGHHHH!

09-06-2004, 06:08 PM
Poor kitty. I'm so glad that this kitty is in your hands now. Prayers and positive thoughts are being sent your way. Please hang in there kitty. Keep us updated when you can.

09-06-2004, 06:25 PM
we went around and under all the dumpsters. and around and through the marsh behind the mini-mall. (in search of siblings, mom, clues as to how he got there etc). The best bet is that he crawled through the one dumpster that Stop And Shop (major grocery store chain out here) uses to dump their bad food. And I mean BAD! We saw bad meat and spilling over onto the ground, bad veggies etc, this stuff is sent through a shoot right from the store into the dumpster and a kitten could easily, on a quiet night find himself walking through the shoot and land himself smack inside the huge supermarket with no way out! That dumpster was packed full of stinky meats and god knows how many litters of kittens have been hauled away still inside... ugh.
So what was likely impacted under his tongue was a collection of leaves, sticks, and infection. I would like to know what that whitey colored thingy is! I am sure jan has tossed it by now but looks like meat gristle.
so to all you cat lovers out there, when you do your grocery shopping at night, take a swing through the back, see if there are cats in need of real food to prevent them from going into trash compactors! Put down anything you can to stave off their death another day... (waaaaaa!) I feel really bad about the destiny of his family...

09-06-2004, 07:10 PM
Leslie, I hope you read the uppy-date post. He was there for several days! it's totally possible he got there in an engine compartment, but he was certainly close to death by starvation. And it gets worse as soon as things start looking on the up & up for the little boy. :( I'm not sure if it's nerve damage, or muscle. :( :confused:

09-06-2004, 07:28 PM
for those of you following this thread, jan has started new thread call Uppy-datey on anemic baby. go there for info. not looking the best tonight but not all is lost!

09-07-2004, 09:29 AM
Many Prayers,are coming,for this Baby,from the Found Cat Hotel!

09-08-2004, 03:33 PM
Oh my gosh...Like Aly, my stomach is in knots after reading this. Poor, poor itty bitty. :( It breaks my heart that he was out there alone. :( :( :(

Thank God you found him. Thank God!!