View Full Version : My First Adoption Event

09-05-2004, 05:30 PM
Was a hit! BOTH girls found wondeful homes! Ella was adopted first (whole I left for lunch of course) and followed quickly by Hanna. then the person who adopted Ella returned to adopt Hanna too... but she was too late. I thought she was going to cry. :( Then later someone else called Petco to inquire about both girls! I like to think it was all because of my wonderful fostering! :D ;) No I didn't cry! In fact I nearly hugged the couple that adopted Hanna - she is going to have such a wonderful home. The wonderful Miss Jen took pictures of the girls (some with me - no laughing folks!) She will post them sometime soon.

So then they decided I was going to bring home two other kittens, a tabby and a blackie. Then the blackie went and got adopted too! :D So a few hours later, someone brought in a kitten they found in a drain pipe, and were going to return and get his siblings out of the drain pipe. They are approximately 5 weeks old. Feral and VERY scared. The idea is that since my home is... ummm.... busy with teenagers, that my home would be the best thing for them. So that they get used to people and a lot of people. They will be taken straight to the vets and I should get them sometimes Tuesday. I hope I can name them too... but since they will be seeing the vet, they'll need names before they come to me.

09-05-2004, 05:52 PM
Congratulations - what a wonderful experience for you!! Can't wait to see the pictures.

Laura's Babies
09-05-2004, 05:55 PM
So, you have had a busy and productive week end! That is great that you had two adopted and how many people wanted them! WOW!! If they all had that many wanting them, there would be so few homeless left!

And on to naming the two new ones...any ideas yet?

09-05-2004, 05:59 PM
Yes, I am very excited that both girls were adopted. It was a banner adoption day.

Names, hmm.... the little boy that they brought in was very vocal, so I was thinking along the lines of Elton John since he had such a big voice! :D

09-05-2004, 06:15 PM
Congrats Kim!!!:D I'm so glad that both kittens were adopted so quickly. Good luck with your new fosters.:)

09-05-2004, 07:23 PM
Go HERE ( to see the photos

09-05-2004, 10:06 PM
WOW!!! that went GREAT! It sounds like you had people ready to fight over the girls! I'm so glad you feel good about the adoptions. It ahs to be easier since you met the people and felt good about where they babies were going.

Good Job!!:D :D :D

09-05-2004, 11:13 PM
That is wonderful news all the way around. I loved seeing the pictures of them with you.

Best of luck with your new fosters. I hope they get an excellent report at the vet.

09-06-2004, 10:40 AM

Your first time fostering and then to have the two adopted out on their first try. Absolutely awesome.
Must make you sad and yet proud at the same time.

Good job.:)