View Full Version : Allergies

Kitty Peon
06-15-2001, 01:25 PM
I need some help. My sister's cat has some kind of allergies that are making his skin very itchy. It is so sad to watch him he looks very forlorn and is scratching all the time, he has even cut himself a few times from the scratching. The vet said that he may be allergic to something (possibly the proteins his food). We now have him on vet prescribed food but it doesn't really seem to be helping. His blood test showed that he is also anemic. Has anyone ever experienced anything similar? Does anyone know of anything to help with his itchiness. Thanks.

4 feline house
06-15-2001, 02:08 PM
This is so obvious surely your vet checked it out, but is it possible he has fleas? One way to tell is to wet a white towel or paper towel, comb your cat, then shake the hairs in the comb over the wet towel. If black spots hit the towel and turn red, he has fleas.

06-15-2001, 05:37 PM
My cat Scooter has this problem too, he has patches of skin that get "scabby", and he will scratch at them until he pulls out most of the fur.
I took him to the vet, and she said that he was alergic to something, maybe his food. He is on Iams now, this seems to be ok.
She also mentioned that stress can make these skin problems flare up more often.

Kitty Peon
06-18-2001, 11:48 AM
Thanks. I am going to get my sister to try the flea test. I'm sure that the vet has checked it out but we like to be sure. Also nsweezie, was your cat ever put on any medication?

It's still not getting any better. I think my sister and her husband are going to switch him back to his old litter.